Gravity Mage with Level-Up System

Chapter 72 Part 2: Planning?

(From MC Perspective)

Ms. Adrianna Rivers expression turned solemn by hearing Vincent’s words. “If not for the trouble of Class A1, then what could be?” For a moment she raised the question in her heart.

Then he gestures to Vincent to continue, She wants to know what these two talented Mage of her class upto?

“Ahem, Class Teacher. I want this Monster Hunting Trip to happen in reality. Unlike Class A1, both of us didn’t have the opportunity to go for an excursion, despite having good talent.” I said with disappointment.

Fatty Lucas was stunned by his words. He hadn’t expected Vincent to express like this. But still he likes it, both of them no less than Class A1 Mages. He can even challenge some of the bottom rank mages for a duel and win against them.

Ms. Adrianna Rivers listened solemnly to his words. She couldn’t help but feel pity for these two. Despite having a talent for magic, the school management didn’t provide them with the necessary resources.

Her mood was a little bit low for a moment, Then she looked at Vincent and replied, “I know both of you have valid complaints against the School Management. I’m just a normal staff member, I can’t help you with this.”

After saying that she thought about one thing and added further, “On this matter, only the Head Master can help you. It’s not difficult to add two more seats in Class A1. There is no written rule whatsoever, which implies only 30 Mages can study in each class.”

“Yet, that’s why I’m surprised. You two guys have good talent. And your Magic Power also special ones. One is sub taboo and the other one is a physique variant. There is no reason for the Headmaster to deny your resources.” She said with a somewhat confusion and uttered, “It’s pity.”

At this time, Don’t know? What happened to Lucas but he interrupted the conversation by saying, “Class Teacher, Why don’t you talk to the HeadMaster on behalf of us?” .𝚌o𝚖

“This!” I hadn’t expected fatty to talk like this. Hmmm, deep down it shows he too wants to study in Class A1. But his joyful personality hides all of his concern.

Ms. Rivers is stunned by Lucas’s sudden interruption. But after listening to his question, she felt a little ashamed. As a Mage and Teacher she should have sought justice for these two. But she is powerless in this school. She joined this Magic school only for resources.

Apart from that when it comes to real issues, She has no power to speak. Take it preferential policy for example, this school policy specially made for Class A1 Mages exclusively.

She has been trying for years to introduce Monster Hunting Trip for other A Rank Class also. After a long time, finally they saw some hope.

By looking at Lucas Brad’s expectant eyes, she shook her head and said, “Do you think no one raised these questions to the Headmaster? When it comes to the two of you studying in Class A1, it doesn’t make sense to anyone. The Head Master replied, It’s just a temporary transfer. Soon both of you will study in Class A1. But who knows when? ”

“Interesting?” I muttered, the HeadMaster gave me the same answer, when I met him on the first day of Class. Whether this is a preplanned one or a real situation. The same questions were lingering in my mind still now.

But what should be noted that there is no strict rule regarding Class Strength. If there is more number of middle grade talented students, they can be added to Class A1. But this Headmaster is really stubborn.

The more I hear about him, my impression of him worsens even further. By looking at Ms. Rivers’ words and expression, even though she didn’t explicitly say. I can clearly see, she too didn’t have any good impression about the HeadMaster Collins. What a guy?

Then suddenly my mind came back to the current discussion. “Coughed”

I coughed and said, “Class Teacher, More than Studying in Class A1. Right now, Monster Hunting Trip is important to us. Otherwise we will lag behind other students.”

Ms. Rivers realizes the topic is turning out to be very serious. To lighten up the mood, she chuckled and replied, “Don’t worry, Even in the worst case situation. I believe The Headmaster will add both of your names in the next batch of the students. Until then, don’t lose hope. Practise diligently.”

Then she added further, “And coming back to the Monster Hunting Trip, I will try my best to convince the school management. I had already talked to a few of my colleagues. We will discuss this together with the Headmaster about this.”

Hearing that both of our eyes lit up with surprise. Even Fatty Lucas got excited and commented, “If all of us stand together. Then I don’t think they will refuse us for the trip.”

“Ha…Ha..Ha…” Ms. Rivers laughed hearing Fatty’s words. Lucas Brad is uttering like the issue is settled just like that.

She is not even sure herself about it. Even if all of them stand together and demand a Monster Hunting Trip, the management can easily turn a blind eye to this. But they are betting on one important point on their side to convince them.

Hmmm, This is a really good move done by her. If they ask individually the Head Master won’t listen to their concern seriously. If they stand together and ask for justice, even the higher level management has to weigh in some points.

Suddenly Fatty Lucas replied, “Class Teacher, Vincent has some ideas about the Monster Hunting Trip.”

Ms. Rivers squinted her eyes and looked at Vincent Carey for answer. “You came here to tell me about your ideas.” She thought these two came to talk about their concerns. But right now she is really surprised. What idea could they have possibly thought of?

Even if they rack up their brain multiple times to come up with a current plan, they have little hope of success. But upon seeing Vincent’s serious expression, she wants to know about his idea. Anyway, It didn’t matter to her to waste a couple of minutes.

By looking at Vincent, she asked, ” Vincent, What idea do you have?”

I looked at Fatty Lucas for a moment and then turned towards Ms. Rivers. I replied, ” I plan to ask an Elder from Yellow River Academy for support. And Lucas will also ask for support from the Marianne Food Chain.”

Lucas was dumbstruck, “Why haven’t I thought about this?” He said to himself. What Vincent expressed right now is very feasible. If the two forces exert pressure on school, then the school management won’t have any other choice except to listen to them. Realizing this simple plan, Lucas grinned and once again he raised thumbs up for such a fabulous idea.

“Yellow River Academy?”

“Marianne Food Chain?”

Ms. Rivers muttered to herself. She looks at both of them with wide eyes. She knows these two were giant factions. But both of them were rookies who just got awakened recently. How could they possibly have connected with them?

Yet again from Vincent’s words. She realised that he had some connection with the Elder. So she asked, “You talked about some Elder? Will they help? ”

Then her expression turned solemn, “If both of your Factions really interfered in this matter, Not only Monster Hunting Trip, both of you guys can easily get into Class A1.” These two factions were giants with their help they can easily solve all of their trouble.

She is embarrassed, after hearing Vincent’s plan her plan seems to be a failure. She now hopes Vincent will convince his faction to interfere. Even if one of the factions decided to interfere, then it would be game changing.

Lucas Brad also turned his attention towards Vincent to listen.

I can’t tell her about the special class recruitment. I nodded and replied, “The Elder is a representative from Yellow River Academy, he will definitely help. He visited me to sign a contract with them. Before going back he gave me his contact information for any help. So I decided to ask him.”

For the first time in recent times, Ms. Rivers’ expression turned bright. To give one’s contact information to other it’s not a simple matter. Especially when it’s done by a Mage. Judging from the Yellow River Academy’s reputation, she thinks the Elder must be a high level Mage.

Finally she saw some hope, “Vincent, Then you must contact him. His help is not only going to change both of your status, it will also help others indirectly.” Ms. Rivers said with a smile.

Before I could say something, Lucas commented, “Class Teacher, I will also ask help from Marianne Food Chain”

Ms. Rivers chuckled and replied, “Okay, Marianne Food Chain is also Giant. I’m also looking forward to their help”

Lucas smiled gleefully hearing that, I shook my head by looking at his expression.

“Don’t worry, Ms. Rivers. I will definitely convince the Elder.” After saying that both of us left her cabin.

When two of them left the cabin, Ms. Rivers’ heart eased a little bit. She really wants to see the expression of the School Management. When both of the giants ask for clarification.

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