Gravity Mage with Level-Up System

Chapter 377 Part 1: A Special Mission

Taboo Hall,

Mike Curtis has reached a deal with the bloodline hall acquaintance. In return, he will get a blood sample of the shadow-type monster. The deal is good. But it’s not easy to lure Vincent Carey from his hideout.

He held up his chin in contemplation. Then he sat back in his seat and began to ponder. He needs to come up with a plan quickly. His acquaintance has briefed him about the situation.

They want to get the ancient blood from Vincent Carey’s hand. How easy is it going to be? Shaking his head, he pushed down his thoughts. His task is to make him come out. When it comes to that ancient blood.

The bloodline hall will take care of it. Normally, Tabor Hall won’t meddle in the affairs of other Halls. In particular, they won’t interact with the Sub-Taboo Hall.

There is not much difference between Taboo magic and Sub-taboo magic. The degree of destruction caused by Taboo magic is greater than Sub-Taboo magic.

Then suddenly a good idea strikes his mind. Currently, Vincent Carey won’t voluntarily go out. Because his current priority is going to be ancient blood.

One more crucial factor is the person behind Vincent Carey.

“Gilbert Reese,” Curtis said to himself.

That person is one of the aces of Sub-Taboo Hall. He doesn’t want to offend him. So Curtis decides to do it in a legal way. He wants the mission hall to assign a special mission to Vincent Carey.

The Mission Hall has various types of tasks. Special missions were given to certain wizards where their magic power comes handy.

Mike Curtis then began to access the mission hall information from his student account. Shortly after, he started to go through the special mission list.

[1. Mission: Annual Exploration. Location: Dark Mist Forest.]

[2. Mission: Investigate the collapsed mine. Location: Dragon City border.]

When he glances at the 2nd mission. The location immediately caught his eye.

“Ha…Ha…Ha…,” He burst into joyful laughter.

He was anxious to find a suitable mission. But now there is a special mission close to the City border. What could be a more good chance than this?

Now that the task is there. He needs to make the team behind the special mission accept his request.

Which leaves him no choice other than to contact his teacher.

From MC’s perspective:

The following day,

I woke up early. After completing my morning routine. I sat cross-legged for meditation. I started to run the gravity ark mental method. Right after, the grey color energies were absorbed into my body.

Seeing that I guided the energy according to the mental method. After circulation, the purified gravity energy settles down in the mana core. Seeing that, I repeated the process.

Time passed in a blink of an eye,

After three hours, I opened my eyes. I feel nothing different from the usual meditation. Then I decided to check the status panel.

“System, show me the status panel,” I said to the system.

[Ding! The Host’s command is recognized.]

[Ding! Level-Up System, 1.1 is ready.]

[Status Panel]

[Host’s Name – Vincent Carey]

[Magic Power– Gravity]

[Mage Level – Level 4 Limiter]

[Mental Method- Gravity Ark (Running)]

>>Grade- Earth

>> Running Mode – Automatic

>> Rate of absorption – 82%

[Gravity Core status- lvl.4 (4%) (Progressing)]

>> Sacred Core – Gravity core

[Mana Power – 700]

>> Mana Capacity – 700

[Talent – Top Bottom (Upgradeable)]

[Colour – Pale Orange]

[Strength –305]

[Speed – 307]

[Stamina – 309]

[Vitality – 310]

[Intelligence – lvl.4 (4)]

[Soul Power – lvl.4(7)]

[Mental Power – lvl.4 (5)]

[Constitution – lvl.4 (5)]

>> Sacred Gravity Physique (lvl.3 (4%))

>> #######(1%)

[Spell Models – 6]

>> 1. Gravity Field (lvl.4)

>>2. Gravity Push (lvl.4)

>>3. Gravity Pull (lvl.4)

>>4. Gravity Blast (lvl.4)

>>5. Repulsive Force (lvl.4)

>>6. Zero Gravity (lvl.4)

[Spell Slots Available – 6]

[Title: Lord of the Gregor Manson.]

[Storage space items: Magic cloak, The Gregor Manson, Magic artifact, herbs, potions, and spell books…etc..,]

A wide status panel appeared in front of my eyes. Seeing that I immediately began to go through the details. After a few minutes, my eyes flickered with a slight glint.

The progress remains the same. Unless there is a change in talent, the progress won’t be affected.

Then I noticed the unclear words remained the same. There is no progression at all. Maybe it’s because of the lack of ancient blood power.

After sighing inwardly, I got up from the ground. Senior Gilbert wants me to stay inside the dorm for a couple of days.

But I find it difficult to do it. Then I went to take a long bath.

Several minutes later,

I changed to casual clothes and decided to continue my daily learning.


Before I could access the wizard books. I received a sudden notification. Seeing that I opened the message to read it.

But shortly after my expression changes drastically. “I was assigned to do a special mission,” I muttered to myself.

The message comes from the Mission Hall. They asked me to do a special mission all of a sudden. And the time limit is three days.

The special mission about investigating the collapsed mine. And I must submit the report after three days.

I frowned. Because I rarely do missions. And this one is not an ordinary mission. I can’t refuse the mission.

“Tricky,” I mumbled under my breath.

Now everyone is waiting for my arrival. I can’t casually go outside. And there are also Senior Gilbert’s words.

What to do now? I raised my eyebrows in confusion. The mission timing is impossible to be just a coincidence.

Someone must have recommended my name for this special mission.

I immediately try to contact Senior Gilbert. But unfortunately, he is not picking up his call. It can’t go on like this.

Because the special mission starts today. Then I contacted Carolina Slate.

“Vincent, what’s up?” Carolina asked straight away.

Looking at her holographic image, I told her about the special mission.

“Special Mission? When did this happen?” Carolina asked back in surprise.

“Just now. I got a message from the mission hall,” I replied. A wry smile appeared on my face.

Looks like she is also stunned as me. I think it’s impossible to avoid this mission.

Carolina remains silent for a moment. She couldn’t come up with a suitable excuse to avoid the special mission.

Once assigned, you have to do the mission without fail.

“Vincent, I think it’s a trap,” She said after some contemplation.

“What will happen if I don’t go for the mission?” I asked.

Carolina said, “If you reject the task, then it will get you a negative mark. In the future, you won’t be given any preference while selecting the missions.”

My face turned ugly. Both remained silent for a moment. I can tell that Senior Sister didn’t have many solutions. Then my eyes flickered with a firm glint.

“Senior Sister, I made up my mind to go there,” I said. I believe whoever is behind the scenes won’t be cruel enough to send a level-6 wizard after me.

If it’s a level-5 wizard, then I can easily handle them.

Carolina on one hand tries to contact other seniors to get some help while speaking to Vincent.

“Vincent, it’s clearly a trap. I’ll ask Senior Mark Talley for help,” Carolina uttered in a hurried tone.

“Mark Talley?” I uttered. Then the image of a gloomy person comes to mind. Senior Mark Talley is a quiet person. It’s better not to drag the entire Sub-Taboo Hall with me.

“Sister, don’t ask for help. It’s just a mission. I’ll be safe. And I have a lot of life-saving items with me,” After saying that I ended the call.

Then I began to get ready. After wearing formal clothes and a mage robe on top of the coat. I checked myself in the mirror.

The change in physique brought me a refined look. After checking myself, I left the room and walk toward the exit.

I don’t know who will die from my hands today. For some time, I felt somewhat suffocated. Try to pretend like someone else it’s a hard thing to do.

And these people thought this was my natural character and starts to bully me. This sudden mission was also no less than bullying.

I want to see who is after me. Also, I have this vague feeling in my heart that bloodline hall is behind this mission.

After walking out of the dorm building, I immediately rushed to the transport facility. Right after, I see some people disappearing from a distance.

Seeing that my eyes flickered with cod glint. No doubt these people must be eyeliners placed by different Wizard Halls.

After arriving at the facility, I booked the flying aircraft instead of the monster one. After completing the registration, I boarded the aircraft for travel.

This all happened within a few minutes.

The aircraft was driven by the pilot. I told him about the destination. Right after, the aircraft takes off. I see something through the window.

A lot of people appeared before the registration office. Seeing that murderous intent inside my heart began to increase. I guess this will be the case for low-level wizards.

If you are level-6 and above, people will think twice before offending you.

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