Gravity Mage with Level-Up System

Chapter 351 Part One: Magic Forest

From MC’s perspective:

After looking into the attributes, I closed the status panel and got up from the ground. Then after getting ready, I walked out of the room.

Then leaving the dorm building, I came across a bunch of known faces. The same bloodline wizards who had blocked my path the other day.

My eyes flickered with a cold glint. It’s been only a day since the announcement. But these guys have already started to stare at me. Ignoring them, I headed toward the Academy building.

Meanwhile, the five bloodline wizards were none other than but lackeys of Clifton Cox. After that breaking news, he sent his men to monitor Vincent’s movement.

Right now, seeing the disappearing back of Vincent. One of the bloodline wizards asked, “Hey, do you guys think he has noticed us?”

“Nah, he doesn’t seem to recognize us,” the 2nd person replied.

“Harumph, what arrogance. Our bloodline wizards are famous in the entire academy.”

“This guy is deliberately putting on the air,” Another bloodline wizard said with a snort.

The group talked among themselves. Right after they decided to follow Vincent.

Meanwhile, I walked into the Academy hall. The next moment, I feel many peeing gazes on me. The gasses are filled with hatred and envy.

Seeing that, I paused my movement for a moment. I turned my head left and right to look around. Wizards are standing here and there, chatting with their friends. But after noticing my presence, they stopped talking.

This sudden spotlight makes me a little uncomfortable. Then I started walking toward the magic booth. Right after leaving, people’s discussion became even louder.

The magic phone booth will take me directly to the Special Class. After stepping inside, I selected the destination.


The next moment, the booth starts to vibrate. Then it began to move toward the destination.

A few seconds later,

The booth came to halt. Seeing that, I stepped outside after opening the door. The scene before me caught my attention immediately.

I see special class students have already started to come in. I thought I’m the one who came here without having breakfast. But it looks like the people are more eager than me. b𝚍ov𝚕.𝚝

Then I took a step forward and headed directly towards the massive gate.

When I got closer my appearance immediately drew the attention of others. As usual, the wizards changed their topic of discussion after seeing me.

Without showing many expressions on my face, I stood patiently. After a few minutes, a beautiful silhouette appeared. Seeing her the wizards exclaimed in surprise again.

Hearing the commotion, I opened my eyes. When I glanced around, I spotted Laura White in the middle of the group.

Seeing her this time, I felt she has improved again. “Level-4,” I muttered to myself. But I have a vague feeling that she is inching faster toward level-5.

Then I took back my gaze and returned to my usual standing position.

Meanwhile, Lara White also spotted Vincent standing in front. A bright smile appeared on her face. Now the whole academy and the wizard halls were looking forward to two things.

The first one is a special class’ 3rd trial. And the 2nd one is Vincent’s duel against the bloodline wizard Clifton Cox.

But seeing the calm demeanor of Vincent. She is surprised once again. “Let’s see whether he is genuinely calm or putting up an act,” She said in her heart.

Then she found a spot to stand. One by one the remaining wizards start to come in. This time 20 or so Inner House Wizards are eligible to participate.

No outer house wizards could be seen this time.

10 minutes later,

Wizard Lion appeared before everyone. Right after his appearance, the atmosphere quieted down all of a sudden. His eyes immediately scanned 20 or so inner house wizards present here.

After a few seconds, he retracted his gaze and spoke.

“Alright, I believe the content of the 3rd trial was already sent to you. Anyway, I will tell you once again.”

“The 3d trial is going to take place in the magic forest of our academy shortly. Your job is to collect listed resources as much as possible before the end of the trail.”

“The final results were calculated based on how many resources you have collected in the end.”

Wizard Lion explained in one full breath. The third trial is not so hard compared to the previous two trials which tested the wizard’s combat capability.

But this time the trail is different. Wizards need to have basic knowledge about plants and other magic herbs before collecting the resources.

Otherwise, it is impossible to locate the resource area inside the magic forest. Also, the difficult environment inside the magic forest makes it hard to look for resources.

Various thoughts appear in Lion’s mind before it disappears.

Then he looked at the students before him. Lion knows it is the right time to enter the magic forest.

“Alright, let’s enter the facility. I’ll transport you guys to the magic forest,” Mentor Lion instructed.

Hearing that everyone nodded their head.

Meanwhile, a hint of expectation rose in my heart. Then we quickly followed him behind to enter this magnificent infrastructure.

Last time, we entered the facility to use a simulation. This time it is going to be the transportation.

Right after everyone gathered inside one particular room. In the middle of the room, there is a circular platform. Looking at the several concentric designs on the platform.

I guess this spot might be used for teleportation.

“Alright everyone, stand in line according to your rank. The list will be sent to you right after you step inside the forest, “Mentor Lion said.

Hearing that everyone looked toward Lara. Seeing that, I wasn’t surprised. I know last time Lara performed well.

In front of everyone’s gazes, Lara stepped forward. Then I walked forward to stand behind her. Then one by one people stood as per the ranks.

After a few minutes, Lion didn’t say much. He directly activated the teleportation. When the concentric lines lit up with blue light.

“You can go now,” Lion said.

Right after, Lara stepped in and disappeared from the spot.

Seeing that I too stepped forward.


I disappeared from the spot and appeared inside the magic forest. The next second, I felt a wave of cold energy assaulting me from all sides.

When I raised my head to look at the surroundings. The scene in front of me amazed me. Dark clouds covered the entire sky. Hereby hindering the daylight and it cast shadows over the forest.

This atmosphere also gives me a gloomy vibe. For a moment, I didn’t move from the spot. Because I noticed one more thing on my wrist.

It’s a blue tattoo. Seeing that a look of understanding dawned upon me. It must be related to teleportation. Maybe after the trial, I will be directly teleported back to the room.

Then my gaze fell on the communication watch. Before coming here, Mentor said that there will be some list. I quickly accessed my communication watch.

Seeing that it is completely working fine. A hint of relief flashes in my eyes. The communication was not cut off completely. Which means we can be teleported back whenever there is danger.

Then I saw the list. When I opened it to read it. Many names of magical herbs came into view.

[1. Dark water lily]

[2. Withered wood branch]

[3. Black dotted Vine plants]

[4. White lotus]

[5. 4 leaf clover]

When I started to read the name. A look of disbelief appeared on my face. Because I recognized a few plants easily. Some of them grew up in harsh environments and it is not easy to find them.

The White lotus in particular. The name White Lotus sounds harmless. But it grows inside a poisonous swamp. It will not be an easy task to get that plant.

Why do I feel this trial is not a cakewalk? Especially for me. Then I began to go through the entire list. After a few minutes, my eyes gleamed with a twinkle.

There are a total of 30 different types of plants on the list. I’m able to recognize most of them. Thanks to my reading of basic wizard books yesterday. Now I’m able to recognize the plants.

Otherwise, it would have been difficult to find them. Then after gaining some clarity, I decided to investigate my surroundings. Who knows there might be magic plants growing here.

Meanwhile, other Inner House wizards appeared in different parts of the magic forest.

Some even found the magic plants quickly. While others began to investigate the surroundings.

Lara White appeared close to the resource area. She is fortunate enough to take some lead in this Trial.

At the same time, the Wizard Lion is watching everyone’s movements. Inside the monitor room, he quickly recognized Lara White’s luck.

The teleportation was random. And she appeared close to the resource area. Lion thought this would give a good lead. He doesn’t know whether Vincent would be able to collect the resources in time.

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