Gravity Mage with Level-Up System

Chapter 340 Clifton Cox

From MC’s perspective:


I walked past a group of bloodline wizards and heard a crackling sound from behind. Ignoring their behavior, I walked towards the Sub-Taboo Hall.

Meanwhile, the bloodline wizards’ hearts were boiling with anger, and one of them was getting out of control.

Others quickly reminded him of the rules and said, “Don’t do anything stupid. If you attack him now, our hall will suffer consequences. Any negative news is not good for our hall.”

Seeing Vincent disappear, the group left quickly.

Sub-Taboo Hall:

After completing the verification, I walked into the room and couldn’t help but think about the behavior of the bloodline wizards.

After the elemental Hall wizards, the bloodline wizards tested my limits, and I wondered who would come next. I sat on the sofa and texted Sister Carolina.

A few minutes later, Carolina Slate entered the hall. Seeing Vincent’s gloomy expression, she stopped and asked, “What happened?” I told her what happened in the Special Class, and she was surprised to learn that many seed wizards had quit.

She was also shocked to learn about the third trial happening in the magic forest, as it was dangerous even for core house wizards.

She asked, “So do you want to know about the magic forest?” I nodded, and she explained, “The magic forest is an old resource point for our academy. Except for resource-related tasks, no one is allowed to trespass.”

I asked what was so dangerous about the magic forest, and Carolina replied, “There are some strange monsters living in the magic forest, and some areas are very toxic.” She suggested checking the information in the library.

“Sigh,” I let out a small sigh and then changed the topic. “Sister, I met a group of people from the bloodline hall,” I said.

Carolina’s expression changed quickly. “Did they do anything to you?” she asked with concern.

“No, no,” I reassured her. “But I know about their reputation for being outrageous and uncontrollable.”

“Yes, that’s true,” Carolina nodded. “Just like the elemental hall, the bloodline hall wants you to make a move so they can attack you with a legitimate reason.”

“But don’t worry,” she continued. “The senior members of our Sub-Taboo Hall have a lot of power, and the bloodline wizards wouldn’t dare openly bully you, or they’ll face retaliation.”

I felt relieved by Carolina’s words and was even more eager to meet the senior members of our hall. “The atmosphere inside the Sub-Taboo Hall is good,” I said.

Maybe it’s because there are fewer wizards in our hall compared to others, so there’s a strong sense of unity and belonging.

After a few more minutes of conversation with Carolina, I said goodbye and went to the library.

Meanwhile, the group of lackeys returned to the bloodline hall. The meeting space of the bloodline hall is quite large. There are many outer house wizards are chatting among their friends.

When the group entered the hall. They immediately walked past the outer house wizards and walked into another spacious room. Where the inner house bloodline wizards were sitting and talking.

No outer house wizards can enter the area of the inner house unless they are allowed. The group immediately found their head among the various people.

Their appearance immediately attracted the attention of their leader. Clifton Cox, the Level-4 Bloodline Wizard. He has the blood of an ancient golden lizard running through his body.

His bloodline power influences his entire appearance. He has long golden hair and eyes. He appears to be 6ft tall in height. He has a well built body and chiseled chin.

He wore a typical academy red mage robe on top of his shirt. But strangely he is not the center of attraction. He is one among many bloodline wizards in the inner house who got the ancient bloodline in their body.

When the group appeared in front of him. Clifton observed their reactions. Seeing that none of them were looking good. He immediately inquired about the details.

The group of wizards immediately spoke about their small confrontation with Vincent Carey. After a few minutes, Clifton signaled them to leave.

But the gloomy look on his face didn’t disappear. He just wanted to test Vincent’s character.

Now he knows that the other party is not a cowardly cat. He made up his mind to come up with a new plan.

He is also aware of the elemental hall’s actions. He wants to tarnish the face of Sub-Taboo Hall before those elemental guys.

Thinking about the reward for his work. A hint of longing appeared in his eyes. Someone offered him a bloodline optimization potion. Which is crucial for his level-5 breakthrough.

So there is no way he would back away from this chance.

Time passed in a blink of an eye,

After gathering enough information from the library, I left the library and walked back to my room.

The following day,

I started my daily routine after getting freshened up. The upcoming two days will give me enough time to raise my attributes further.

Which will give me enough strength to deal with whatever monsters hiding in the magic forest.

I sat cross-legged on the mat and started to practice the meditation method.

Time passed in a blink of an eye,

I opened my eyes three hours later.

Feeling the stream of energy coursing through my body. I knew my attributes have gone one step further. The next moment, a satisfied expression appeared on my face.

Then I decided to check my status. “System, show me the status panel,” I said to the system.

[Ding! The Host’s command is recognized.]

[Ding! Level-Up System, 1.1 is ready.]

[Status Panel]

[Host’s Name – Vincent Carey]

[Magic Power– Gravity]

[Mage Level – Level 3 Limiter]

[Mental Method- Gravity Ark (Running)]

>>Grade- Earth

>> Running Mode – Automatic

>> Rate of absorption – 82%

[Gravity Core status- lvl.3(8%)(Progressing)]

>> Sacred Core – Gravity core

[Mana Power – 700]

>> Mana Capacity – 700

[Talent – Top Bottom (Upgradeable)]

[Colour – Pale Orange]

[Strength – 263]

[Speed – 265]

[Stamina – 263]

[Vitality – 265]

[Intelligence – lvl.3(38)]

[Soul Power – lvl.3(37)]

[Mental Power – lvl.3(37)]

[Constitution – lvl.3(37)]

>> Sacred Gravity Physique (lvl.2(8%))

[Spell Models – 6]

>> 1. Gravity Field (lvl.3)

>>2. Gravity Push (lvl.3)

>>3. Gravity Pull (lvl.3)

>>4. Gravity Blast (lvl.3)

>>5. Repulsive Force (lvl.3)

>>6. Zero Gravity (lvl.3)

[Spell Slots Available – 3]

[Title: Lord of the Gregor Mansion.]

[Storage space items: Magic cloak, The Gregor Mansion, Magic artifact, herbs, potions, and spell books…etc.., ]

A wide status panel appeared in front of me, and I couldn’t help but smile at the sight of the increase in my attribute points. I don’t know why, but the steady growth gives me a sense of relief.

Most wizards rely on magical treasures and potions for their growth, but for me, the Gravity Ark Mental Method is enough. After closing the panel, I decided to go to the treasure hall to buy some life-saving items.

The experience of getting hit by a magic crow is still fresh in my mind, so I don’t want to face a similar surprise attack again.

A few minutes later, I left the room and walked toward the dining hall. On the way, I met Senior Carolina and we both walked toward the dining hall together.

When we entered the hall, I felt the malicious gaze on me again. I turned my head and saw a wizard with golden hair. I mumbled under my breath, “Bloodline wizard.”

“System, show me the target’s status panel,” I said to the system.

[Ding! The Host’s command is recognized.]

[Ding! Level-Up System, 1.1 is ready.]

[Status Panel]

[Target’s Name – Clifton Cox]

[Magic Power– Golden Lizard (Bloodline Power)]

[Mage Level – Level 4 Limiter]

[Mental Method- Bloodline Inheritance]

[Core- Bloodline Core]

[Mana Power – 700]

[Talent – Top Bottom] .

[Colour – Pale Orange]

[Strength – 353]

[Speed – 355]

[Stamina – 352]

[Vitality – 354]

[Intelligence – lvl.4(32)]

[Soul Power – lvl.4(31)]

[Mental Power – lvl.4(33)]

[Constitution – lvl.4(34)]

Spells: 1. Golden Claw, 2. Explosive Punch 3. Tail attack. 4. Venomous Saliva.

My eyes quickly scanned the details and I discovered that the person was a level-4 bloodline wizard. A look of caution appeared on my face.

I wondered if this had something to do with yesterday’s events. Ignoring the hostile gaze, I walked with Senior Carolina toward the counter.

Meanwhile, Clifton Cox sneered inwardly. He expected Vincent to look away, but instead, Vincent met his gaze head-on. Clifton felt uncomfortable for a moment but quickly regained his composure.

He had already come up with a plan. He couldn’t make a direct move against Vincent at the moment, but he knew a way to fight Vincent without breaking any rules.

“Posting an official challenge would do the trick,” he thought, his eyes glinting with a cold light. Before taking any action, he decided to consult with the senior members.

Meanwhile, Carolina had already noticed the presence of the bloodline wizards, but she didn’t want any commotion to occur right now, so she remained silent.

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