Gravity Mage with Level-Up System

Chapter 268 Danny Quinn’s Refusal

Little Star Gate High School,

The new viewing block,

Chairman Benjamin was petrified. He couldn’t believe his own eyes. “Victoria lost,” He uttered in disbelief. He sees Victoria’s fainted body without any movements. It took him a couple of seconds to digest the result.

Then he saw a calm and casual look of Vincent Carey. Like this duel hasn’t made any difference to him. Just like the previous ones, he ended the duel in one move.

The atmosphere inside the room has been pin-dropped since.


Suddenly a quick gasp can be seen among the staff.

Class Teacher Eric smiled wryly. Everything happened beyond his belief. Who is Vincent Carey? He is just fresher. But he defeated his senior student just like that. He can only think that kid is too perverted.

Even Victoria planted in his hands. Then what is the true extent of his strength? His heart set off storms. Subconsciously he gulped his saliva in fear.

At the same, a troubling emotion flashed in Chester Nixon’s eyes. As the headmaster of the school, he has failed to recognise the true strength of the elite student.

He suddenly felt ashamed. His magic is especially useful when it comes to this type of topic. But strangely though he wasn’t able to get good enough results when he applied his magic on Vincent Carey.

Is this because of sub-taboo magic? A doubt rose in his heart. He had never used his magic on Sub-taboo wizards before. So he was quite clueless when it came to Vincent Carey.

Then he convinced himself that sub-taboo magic is not something easy for him to inspect. But still, the duel yielded unexpected results.

Unexpectedly his gaze fell on the top wizards in the participants’ area. He doesn’t know? What will happen next? Those two fellows are not ordinary wizards.

Looking at the hungry reporters. He doesn’t know what is going on inside the Chairman’s mind. So far their magic power was not known by the public.

This time it will be easier for them to get exposed.

Chester’s expression didn’t go unnoticed under the Chairman’s eyes. He asked, “What are you thinking about?”

Benjamin assumed that Chester might be thinking about Victoria’s defeat. Just before he could add he heard another question.

“Chairman, what about those two?”

“Are you okay with their magic being exposed? ”

Benjamin sighed inwardly. He replied, “I already got their consent. On top of that, they are going to graduate after the competition anyway. So they didn’t mind it.”

Chester Nixon’s eyes lit up, “So that’s how it is?”

Outside the school,

In front of the big screen, people made a joyful celebration. Everyone is chanting Vincent’s name. Amongst the loud celebration, one person acted strangely. He is none other than a dark league member.

His mind went blank after the result. “How could this be possible?” Is there any intelligence failure? The target seemed to be stronger than he had expected.

Then removing these thoughts, he decided to complete the task asap. Whatever happens today. No one can stop him from killing Vincent Carey. A cold front flashes in his eyes.


The Duel is not only being watched by the local people of the red city. But other nearby cities also. Especially the top 10 wizards who are bigwigs. Their duel has opened everyone’s mind.

But after watching the defeat of Victoria Shields. The news quickly begins to circulate online.

Somewhere far away from here.

John Meyers accessed his communication watch. But right after that, the screen was filled with notifications. Seeing that he twitched, he forgot to look at these messages.

Suddenly, he saw Vincent’s name among one of them. Seeing that he quickly opened it to read it.

But after reading it he subconsciously released his mana breath. “Again?” He gritted his teeth in anger.

“These pests were making trouble everywhere,” he grumbled. He recalled the last confrontation where he caught the level-4 wizard of the dark league member.

Fortunately, he had apprehended the criminal. So what about this time? Did they send any higher rank wizards again? Could it be a level-5 wizard?

This terrifying possibility shocked his heart to the core. Fortunately, he knows that Vincent is safe inside the school. The dark league members won’t be stupid enough to barge into the arena.

Otherwise, their organization will face worldwide sanctions then. After calming down his heart, he quickly made his next plan. He made up his mind to reach the school before the end of the competition.

Then he quickly replied to Vincent Carey.

[John: I’m on the way to your school campus. Just wait for me inside the school and most importantly don’t take a step outside.]

[John: I’ll arrange someone to safeguard your family.] .

After sending the text message he immediately left his building.

(From MC’s perspective)

The duel stage,

Victoria was taken to the clinic for treatment. Then I walked back to my seat. This time I felt the burning gazes of the people were extremely high.

Suddenly, I noticed the expression of two people. Danny Quinn’s expression was rather serious. Like he is going to face a great enemy.

Same with Brent Dale. But Brent Dale expressed his emotion through his eyes while keeping his face stone cold.

Seeing those myriads of expressions, I chuckled.

After sitting back in my seat, I waited for the next announcement

5 minutes later, the next announcement came.

[Next Duel: Danny Quinn vs Brent Dale.]


After hearing the announcement the crowd revealed a thunderous response in support. All of them were shouting the contenders’ names.

Finally, many of their wishes came true. It’s going to be a duel between these two. Which is supposed to be the main highlight of the day.

But the appearance of a sudden dark horse disrupted their plan.

“Hmmm,” I furrowed my eyes in surprise.

“What is he doing?” I frowned.

I see Danny Quinn standing in the same position. He didn’t even take a step forward. Is this a retreat? A sudden thought rose in my heart.

What a guy! Does he not want to fight against Brent Dale? I couldn’t understand any reason behind his behavior.

“I accept defeat,” Danny Quinn.

But it fell like thunder in everyone’s ears.


“This guy doesn’t want to fight?”

“What is happening with the top 10 wizards?”

“Everyone is acting a bit strangely.”

People start to make complaints.

Who knows? How many of them are waiting for this duel? But Danny Quinn has accepted the defeat all of a sudden.

Which caused strong dissatisfaction among people.

[Danny Quin accepts the defeat. Then Brent Dale made it to the final stages of the competition.]

[Next duel: Vincent Carey vs Danny Quinn]

[Winner of the duel will proceed to the final stage.]

When the simultaneous announcement was made the crowd let out a roaring cheer.

Twist and turns but finally, there is something to watch.

[Considering Vincent Carey’s recovery. The next duel will start in one hour.]

At the same time, hearing the announcement. I sighed in relief. I need some mental preparation to tackle Danny Quinn. Then removing the thoughts, I closed my eyes to pretend.

People might be thinking I’m recovering my energy. But no way would I give any more advantage to others.

At the same time, Brent Dale sneered inwardly,” I hope this guy can clear out this kid in time.”

He had huge expectations for Danny Quinn. But strangely instead of fighting. Both of them smiled at each other.

He knows Danny Quinn is not like others. Danny knew his strength. It is just a waste of time to compete. Their sudden reaction attracted many people’s attention.

Danny Quinn admitted defeat. Without minding everyone’s gaze. He began to wait for the next duel. Then he closed his eyes like Vincent Carey avoiding the limelight.

The media reporters immediately took pictures of them. Both of them are getting ready for the peak duel. Fortunately, Vincent didn’t back down like a coward and he decided to face the challenge.

Brent Dale’s lips curved into a gentle arc. Always an aloof and arrogant person like him became interested in this duel. He wants to see the outcome of their duel.

On top of it, he decided to observe Vincent this time.

Inside the viewing block,

“What’s wrong with kids these days?” Chairman Benjamin asked with a haggard expression on his face.

He was displeased by Danny Quinn’s attitude. Ignoring everyone, the Chairman decided to calm down his mood.

At this time, Chester Nexon opened his mouth to say, “Danny Quinn’s strategy might be right. He wants to win the competition. Not the duels.

Chairman Benjamin didn’t refute his words but sighed inwardly. ” Is this an excuse?” He said in his heart. He already made up his mind to face some financial loss.

On top of it, the media will tarnish their school image. He thought the top 3 wizards would save the school’s face. But shockingly one of them lost and the other one refused to participate in the duel.

Leaving only one behind, Brent Dale.

Class teacher Eric Wallace broke out in cold sweat. He didn’t expect things to turn out like this. Danny Quinn’s words also shocked him. As a teacher, he is quite ashamed.

But to not attract the Chairman’s attention. He stood quietly.

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