Gravity Mage with Level-Up System

Chapter 241 Part Two: The Year-End Competition

(From MC’s perspective)

Little Star Gate High School,

The duel between the speed wizard and the earth golem wizard drew everyone’s attention. But unfortunately, the duel is not going to yield any surprising result.

When I saw that earth golem wizard continues to use his transformation, I revealed a bitter smile on my face.

My previous assumption came true, the speed wizard is spot on. He intends to make the earth golem wizard consume more mana.

The speed wizard continued to attack the earth golem wizard. Surprisingly, he didn’t pull out any magical artifact to attack.

Time passed,

The duel came to an end after one hour. The earth golem wizard conceded defeat as he ran out of mana. As a result, the speed wizard was declared a winner.

The crowd broke out in cheer when the result was announced. But for many, this duel wasn’t that great. Especially, when your prediction came true at the end of the duel.

Not only me, but many wizards have also predicted the same result. I turned towards my classmates, I saw some of them shake their heads in disappointment.

Then I saw the reaction of the wizard students from the D rank division. Looking at their calm faces, I guess they weren’t surprised by the result.

I realised the other rank division also has a combat class like us. So it is normal for them to know about each other’s combat strength.

Then dispelling the thoughts, I looked at the holographic screen to see who is going to come next.

To be honest, the combat strength of wizard students from other divisions was pretty average. Even the hunters from the guild can perform better than these guys.

I feel going to the wilderness for training should be made mandatory for everyone. Otherwise, the wizard students will fail to gain that much combat awareness.

After a few seconds, the next match-up was displayed on the holographic screen. The duel was again between D-rank division wizards. I wasn’t surprised by that because their participants are high in numbers compared to us.

This time two female wizards entered the stage. Looking at their information, I raised my eyebrows in surprise. Because both were auxiliary wizards. They are non-combatant types. So I’m surprised by their participation.

Not only me but a few of us were also surprised. Then I saw the D-rank wizards gossiping among themselves. Seeing that, a cold glint flashed in my eyes.

Looks like both of them have a history and they want to solve it through this competition. Realizing that, I had black lines on my forehead. Today’s event is streaming live online.

But some people don’t mind that. Shaking my head, I continued watching the duel. As expected, both are auxiliary wizards and now they have their magic artifacts in their hands.

“It’s going to be boring,” I grumbled. I saw many of my classmates already closed their eyes. None of them was interested in watching this duel.

Seeing that, I realised that the event will continue for a few days. If not for today’s opening ceremony, many of us wouldn’t have come. I guess from tomorrow onwards, the number of spectators will be reduced.

It will most likely increase after class A2’s match-up, my eyes gleamed with twinkle when I connected all the dots.

Finally, the duel came to an end half an hour later.

After the duel between the two auxiliary wizards, the next match-up continued. The following duel was held between the D-rank division wizards.

Time passed in a blink of an eye,

The first day of the event came to an end when the clock hit 4 pm. All of the duels have happened between the D-rank wizard students. Because of that, only a few of them are left in the D rank division.

Most likely, tomorrow is going to be the day for C rank division students when the duel of the D rank division is over.

While walking out, I saw fatty and others waiting for me outside of the star battle platform building.

Upon seeing me, fatty Lucas came to me and said, “Brother Vincent, today’s fixture was a mess. I had expected a duel between elite wizards.”

Hearing that, I sneered inwardly, “Stupid.”

Why would anyone do something like that? The best is always saved for the last. Shaking my head, I replied to fatty, “Do you want the event to end in one day?”

A look of realization dawned upon fatty after hearing my words. Then he shut his mouth and didn’t ask me any questions. Five of us walked towards the exit slowly.

I saw the disappearing back of the top-ranked wizards. I guess they will not come tomorrow. A quick glint flashed in my eyes. Instead of coming here, should I rest at home?

A thought rose in my heart, but the next second I dispelled it. Because I almost forgot about the existence of those two unique wizards. If everything goes well, then their duel will be held tomorrow.

I slowly began to connect the dots. The combat prowess of the unique wizards is most likely similar to the wizard students from the D rank division.

So if I don’t come tomorrow, I will miss their duel. Then I let out a deep sigh after making up my mind. It doesn’t hurt to come here again tomorrow.

Then I told fatty about my decision. Hearing that he promised to accompany me. Not only us, but Chrissy heart, Bruce hill and Mark spears also agreed to come here tomorrow.

Hearing that, I didn’t decline them. Then after walking out of the school, we parted ways. I went home directly.

20 minutes later,

I walked into my house. Surprisingly, three of my family members were watching today’s duel.

Upon seeing me, dad paused the duel before turning towards me.

“The students from the D rank division are weak,” he said in a solemn tone.

Mother also nodded upon hearing that.

I wasn’t surprised by the comment because my family knew about the class division of the school.

I saw Brian’s reaction, he didn’t say anything.


“Dad, the real duel will be held at last. The other divisions have participated to make up the numbers,” I said with a small cough.

Father Brad and Mother Lila looked at each other.

Mother Lila asked, “Son, are you going to participate in the competition?”

Hearing that, my heart skipped a beat. Looking at their faces, I saw how calm they were. Seeing that, I raised my eyebrows in confusion.

Then I noticed something, Brian’s gaze was fixed on the projection screen. Seeing that, I followed his gaze. Then I saw the video was paused. But it was paused right at the view of the participant area.

Seeing that, I understood completely. I sat with my classmates. It can be seen on the screen. It will be a waste of time to hide anymore.

Then looking at my parents, I replied, “Yes, I registered my name at the last moment. I want to gain some experience.”

Hearing that both nodded their head in understanding. They thought their son would participate next year. But it was also good to gain some forehand experience.

Mother Lila Carey was impressed by her young son’s mentality.

On the other hand, Brian woke up from his stupor. “If he participates, then it will all become clear. Whether my assumption is real or not,” Brian thought to himself.

Brian made up his mind to skip his classes during his brother’s duel. He wants to see his younger brother’s power.

Then Father Brad Carey commented, “Don’t worry, you will gain a good place next year.”

“Your dad is right. Don’t be too hard on yourself,” Mother Lila added further. .

I revealed a wry smile in my heart. If my family sees my true combat power, they will be scared sh!t.

After talking to them for a few more minutes, I walked up to my room.


After shutting the door, I went to take a long bath. Then I changed into comfortable clothes a few minutes later.

Then laying on the bed, I began to surf the net. I want to see the news of today’s event. I don’t know how the media people have covered our school’s event.

After searching our school’s name, I immediately saw many articles pop up one by one. Seeing that, I saw a bright smile on my face.

All the local broadcasting companies covered the news. Even I saw reporting of the event on some national news. The reach is much better than I thought.

After witnessing such a boring duel earlier, my expectations plummeted. But right now after seeing such a good response, hope was rekindled in my heart.

Maybe the duel between D-rank wizards seemed boring to us. But for regular humans, it is different. Even a small amount of mana can kill regular humans.

So after seeing the duel between the speed wizards and earth golem wizard. It was normal for regular humans to get awed. No wonder, the first day of the year-end competition has managed to get much traction.

This also made me look forward to the day of my duel.

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