Gravity Mage with Level-Up System

Chapter 206 Part 1: Liam’s Revenge Against Lucas Brad

Little Star Gate High School – Red City,

Common cafeteria/canteen,

Fatty Lucas ate his food quietly. But then he noticed three people approaching him. He raised his brows as three of them appeared to be familiar.

Lucas’ movements came to a halt as they got closer to him. “What exactly are they doing here?” He thought to himself. For a brief moment, Lucas was perplexed.

Mark Spear, Chrissy Heart, and Bruce Hill These three usually eat lunch at our school’s Class A1 cafeteria. They are don’t eat at the common cafeteria.

Fatty Lucas quickly realized that they were there to meet him. Then he eats the last piece of food on his plate. He rose from his seat and walked toward the counter after finishing his meal.

But he began to be concerned. He walked through the crowd to put the plate for dish washer. But he couldn’t help but notice the trio on his way. He believes Liam directed them to do something.

Perhaps Liam is taking advantage of Brother Vincent’s absence. He cursed at Liam, “Shameless ” He began to use his brain to come up with a solution.

Lucas has no idea what they’re up to. He can’t fight them if three of them are here for vengeance. “What should I do?” He muttered.

He then attempted to leave the area. But before he could do so, he was interrupted by a voice from behind. Hearing that, he came to a halt in his movements.

“Lucas, we’ve come to talk about something,” Chrissy Heart said as she noticed Lucas trying to flee.

Lucas was taken aback. This is completely unexpected for him. He’s not sure whether to believe it or not. But look at the other wizard students who are having lunch here.

He believes that these three will not cause a commotion here. So he decided to listen to them first. Four of them walked out of the cafeteria after nodding their heads.

They found some open spaces to talk.

Lucas scanned his surroundings to see if Liam was nearby. It’s still difficult for him to believe they came here without Liam.

Looking at his tense face, on the other hand. Chrissy Heart sighed quietly to herself. This is unavoidable. Lucas’ suspicion is understandable to her.


“After witnessing Vincent’s strength, we decided to clear the misunderstanding between us,” she said with a small cough.

Lucas raised his brows, unable to believe the poisonous woman was acting so modestly in front of him. Which is uncharacteristic of her. “This is real,” he said quietly to himself. He wishes he could pinch himself.

“We attempted to contact Vincent the last time. However, he left school early “She elaborated.

Bruce Hill and Mark Spear both agreed on this point.

For a brief moment, the atmosphere was deafeningly quiet.

Lucas took a few moments to process the information. He took note of three of their expressions. They appeared sincere; there was no deception in their expression. This surprised him greatly.

However, another question has arisen in his mind. Is Liam aware of this? Or Liam decided to put an end to their feud. When this thought entered his mind, it felt too good to be true.

“And how about Liam Baker?” He inquired.

Chrissy Heart had anticipated this question. She is aware that Liam’s recent behavior has made them suspicious.

She gave Bruce Hill and Mark Spear a sidelong glance before turning to face Lucas. She is unsure whether Lucas believes her words. But only if they clear their misunderstanding now.

Then it will be too late to change your mind.

“Liam is unaware of our thoughts. And he’s been acting on his own lately. So, before another conflict erupts, we decided to make our feelings known to you “She stated.

Lucas remained silent and patiently listened. But when he learned that they had come here without Liam’s permission, a glint flashed into his eyes.

Then his glum expression gave way to a bright smile. Brother Vincent’s beating, he felt, had finally caused them to turn over a new leaf.

“This is good news,” he said.

However, just as they were discussing, another voice abruptly interrupted their conversation.

Everyone was taken aback when they heard that. Because four of them recognized the voice.

Lucas became aware of something and immediately followed the voice to its source.

Lucas gnashed his teeth and said, “Liam.”

But the next thing he knew, he was staring at three of them. He had a fiery stare for Chrissy Heart in particular.

Chrissy Heart was taken aback; she had not anticipated Liam’s arrival at this time. She responded right away, “No, we never expected him to follow us back. But it’s clear that we have nothing to do with Liam and his actions.”

Chrissy Heart spoke quickly. She noticed Liam is not alone. He is approaching them with Easton Brown. When she sees these two, she has a strong negative reaction.

Bruce Hill and Mark Spear are both perplexed. They had not anticipated his arrival. Three of them assumed Liam would spend his time in the A1 cafeteria. That’s why they took advantage of the opportunity to meet Liam.

But now that he was here, Bruce and Mark were both aware. Lucas Brad has something to do with it.

“The situation is bad,” Mark said.

“What’s next, Chrissy?” Bruce inquired.

They were both struck by Easton Brown’s expression. Something seemed to irritate him.

Chrissy Heart, on the other hand, is at a loss for words. “Just wait and see what he does,” she replied.

Lucas Brad cast a glance around before focusing on Liam and Easton Brown. He now believes what Chrissy Heart says. Chrissy Heart’s hands were trembling because he could see them.

This nervousness and surprise are real.

When they were perplexed, Liam and Easton Brown approached them.

Liam’s eyes widened with a cold glint as he noticed Chrissy Heart, Bruce, and Mark.

He looked at Chrissy and asked sternly, “You haven’t responded to my question. What are you doing here?”

Easton Brown was watching Lucas Brad at the time. He despises himself for coming to this point. Unfortunately, he is unable to deny Liam Baker’s instructions.

“We are here to inquire about Vincent’s whereabouts,” Chrissy Heart said, trying to calm her racing heart. She quickly told a big lie.

Liam creased his brows. Because Chrissy’s tense expression was making him doubtful. Then he quickly remembered why he had come here.

He returned these thoughts to his mind after recalling them and said, “Okay, everyone, get behind me. We need to talk to our good friend about something.”

He smiled brightly at Lucas after saying that.

Chrissy Heart and others immediately walked away from Lucas Brad. Three of them were left alone. After some distance, Bruce couldn’t help but wonder, “Is there anything we can do to stop the fight?”

In fear, Bruce gulped his saliva. There is no need to speculate. Three of them are aware of what is about to occur.

“Do you guys have Vincent’s contact number?” Chrissy Heart thought quickly.

In denial, Bruce Hill and Mark Spear shook their heads. Chrissy Heart became silent when she saw this. She then came up with a quick solution. She made the decision to inform their teacher, Eric Wallace.

Lucas Brad, on the other hand, begins to be concerned.

“Cough” and “Cough”

Before turning to walk away, he coughed twice.

“Wait,” Easton Brown said solemnly. He will carry out his responsibilities.

Lucas Brad clenched his teeth and came to a halt. He chose to listen to him first.

“What do you want?” Lucas asked, looking at Easton’s ruthless face.

Easton Brown raised his fist to punch him in the face instead of responding.

Lucas was unable to block the punch due to the speed of the movement.

The punch then lands on Lucas’ face, causing him to stagger backward.

Everyone was taken aback by Easton’s sudden action.

Lucas struggled to keep his balance before collapsing. He noticed Easton didn’t use his magic while he was controlling himself. Instead, he relied on his own strength.

Even so, getting punched in the face made his head spin.

At the same time, a minor commotion breaks out unexpectedly.

This unexpected confrontation drew the attention of others. Everyone was surprised to see someone fighting on the school grounds.

When everyone saw the badge, however, the entire cafeteria fell silent. What are elite class wizard students doing here?

Everyone is thinking the same thing.

Liam Baker, on the other hand, noticed Easton Brown didn’t use his magic against Lucas.

“He still has some reservations,” he said dissatisfiedly to himself.

“Easton cast your magic spell,” Liam said sternly to Easton.

Liam was also aware of the commotion and crowding around them. But he didn’t seem to mind. He is convinced that management will not take harsh action against the Elite Class wizard.

Otherwise, the ex-headmaster would not have forgiven Vincent Carey so easily. On top of that, this is a conflict between students in the same class. As a result, other members of the class will refrain from interfering in their case.

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