Gravity Mage with Level-Up System

Chapter 136 Leon Willy Begins Experiment!

Low Poverty Zone-BellBrook City,

A day ago,

Under the basement of an abandoned building,

Mucus Wizard Leon Willy is currently occupied with his new experiment. He wants to further increase the power of his mucus magic. His mucus magic is already poisonous enough to pose a threat to level-5 wizards. Now he is researching ways to develop it further.

“Harumph, They are still hoping for some sort of miracle. But sadly, no one can save him from my mucus magic. ” Leon Willy muttered while looking at the scroll in front of him.

His men reported Captain Tyler’s current condition. After reading the intel recorded in the scroll, Leon Willy confirmed there was no possibility for anyone to save Tyler’s life.

A slight glint flashes in his eyes, and Leon Willy is absolutely aware of the effectiveness of his poison. But compared to other victims, Tyler is still clinging to his life. “He is a tough basta*d!” Leon Willy cursed in his heart.

He recalls that Tyler is a Power Wizard. So his body is abnormally strong. Because of it, the effectiveness of his mucus poison is greatly reduced.

This result is unacceptable to him. So in his new experiment, Leon Willy decided to focus more on physique wizards.

After smoking the scroll into ashes, He said to himself, “Soon, my mucus magic will cause severe damage to level-5 wizards. And those physique wizards are also no exception to it.”

After saying that, he entered a nearby room. This is the experiment room. In the middle of the room, two corpses were placed on the bed. These corpses belong to level-5 wizards. Leon walked closer to the first bed.

“Fortunately, I got these test pieces from smugglers. Despite the fact that the deal completely depleted my savings. But it’s all for my experiments, so it’s worth it. In the future, I may need to burn more money for experiments,”while observing the corpse, Leon thought to himself.

Leon Willy received these two male corpses of level-5 wizards through smuggling a few days ago. This time his experiment involves level-5 existences.

This matter is of utmost importance to him.

He lied about his intentions to his organization. He told Killian Hoffer, another pillar of the poison dagger, that he was going to create a new branch in Bellbrook City.

But in reality, he is using this as a cover to do his experiment in the dark. Leon Willy is aware that there is another level-4 existence in Poison Dagger called Xavier Harper.

Unlike with Killian, Leon had only a few interactions with Xavier Harper. As a result, he only told Killian about his plans. He didn’t even put Xavier in his eyes at all.

On top of that, his strength is no less than these two. If he uses his mucus magic, Leon is confident he can kill both of them.

Because of his own presence there is no rebel voice inside the poison dagger. So Loen bravely decided to immerse in a new experiment.

After taking a glance at the corpse, Leon uses his scalpel to check the skin condition of the corpse.

Mostly, traffickers were making money by robbing these wizard corpses from graveyards. Except for magic researchers and evil wizards, no one is interested in the wizard corpses.

So in the black market, there is a huge demand for magic corpses. Right now, Leon Willy has already decided on his first step in the experiment. To increase the effectiveness of mucus magic, mutation is required.

Mutation looks easy in theory. But in reality, he needs countless hands-on experience. After checking that skin quality is fine, Leon laughs creepily, “He..he… he… these corpses were at least second rate quality.”

When a wizard corpse is used for experimental purposes right after his death, it is rated as first-rate quality. In the second quality, the corpse is only a few months old. And in the third quality, the corpse is at least one year old.

So Leon Willy was absolutely delighted. He can do multiple experiments on the same corpse. If it were other lower qualities, the corpse wouldn’t withstand the terrible experiment of his.

Talking about mutation, Leon recalls that this is going to be the second mutation in his mucus magic. He succeeded in his first mutation. Now, he had already collected some samples for his second mutation.

After placing the scalpel on the table, Leon takes out three sample bottles from his storage bracelet.

These three sample bottles have different coloured liquids stored in them. The first sample bottle contains black liquid, the second contains grey Ash liquid, and the third contains thick blood coloured liquid.

A quick glint flashes in his eyes as he looks at the bottles.

By looking at the three different sample bottles on his table. Leon ponders, These liquids may look quite harmless, but they are actually the vicious poison of mutated monsters.

At that time, to collect these samples, he went to the most dangerous part of the wilderness. He made numerous traps. Only after defeating those mutated monsters was he able to collect some Poison from them.

There are numerous terrain and sea monsters with poisonous characteristics that can be found. However, only a few of them were mutated as a result of genetic or bloodline variation.

Not all mutant monsters turn out to be powerful. There are also some monsters with damaged mutations, which cause threats to their lifespan. π—Όπ˜ƒπ—Ή.𝗼𝐫𝗴

As a result, Leon Willy carefully selected monsters with powerful mutations.

Since Leon has taken a path of mutation for experimentation, he relied on the mutated monster’s poison for his research first. Right now, he decided to check the effectiveness of this poison on the corpse.

Before doing that, he needs to activate the magic rune drawn on the ground. These runes will prevent poison from spreading outside of the runic circle.

The two corpses on the bed also come inside of the runic circle. After making sure everything was fine, he activated the rune by chanting some spells.

The rune pentagrams begin to light up. Seeing that, Leon Willy removes the cork from the first bottle. The next moment, a pungent smell attacked his nostrils.

Leon Willy is completely unfazed by this. He is someone who is used to living in this situation. Then he saw the black liquid in the bottle, which slowly started to boil.

If he delays any longer, soon the black liquid will turn into poison vapour. So Leon carefully pours the black liquid on the corpse’s body.


When the black liquid comes into contact with the abdomen skin, The skin area immediately begins to heat up. Leon Willy carefully observes the reaction. He didn’t pour the entire black liquid on its body, just one drop.

Leon Willy’s pupil constricts by witnessing the scene. “It reminds me of the previous duel with that monster.” Leon grunted.

That day, after selecting those monsters, He spent most of the time setting up a trap. If not for such drastic measures, it wouldn’t have been impossible to defeat those monsters.

The only disadvantage Leon has going for him is his weak body. He thought his mucus magic went further due to the first successful mutation. But it came at the cost of his physique.

In his current condition, it’s impossible to face vicious monsters head on. So right now, seeing the effectiveness of the poison, his expression becomes solemn.

In this second experiment, he needs to avoid damaging his physique further. If his body suffers any more damage, he should just forget about his future promotion.

There is a possibility for him to stay at a level-4 base forever. While he was thinking about it, the poison liquid corroded the skin and infiltrated the inner organs of the corpse.

By noticing these scenes, he dispelled other thoughts in his mind. “Sigh, it took only five minutes for this poison to infiltrate the organs.” Leon Willy muttered to himself.

He ponders if this poison is inflicted on the injured part of its enemy. Then it will take less than five minutes to infiltrate the organs. Next, he thought about something.

He takes out grade-4 healing potions from the storage bracelet. The Grade-4 healing potions were very expensive on the market. But he is ready to waste these resources on his experiments.

After removing the cork, he poured the entire liquid on the infected part. The green-colored healing liquid collides with poison. Bubbles and foam begin to form from the confrontation.

If it were a living body, it’s easy to grasp something. But now with a corpse, Leon can only watch the reaction between two types of liquid.

Time went on,

2 minutes later,

The entire healing liquid disappears, leaving behind unaffected poisoned organs. “This poison is really strong.” Leon said in his heart. At that time, he wanted to try it on a level-5 Wizard.

But it’s impossible to find such wizards in this city. Thinking about level-5 wizards, images of police headquarters flash before my eyes. Everyone knew there was a level-5 wizard in police headquarters.

But Leon Willy doesn’t know how many of them are actually in that building. If it were one existence, he was ready to have a confrontation with that person.

Because Leon Willy knows his mucus magic might pose some threat to average level-5 wizards, So he is not afraid of them. A thought rose in his heart. If it is possible, he needs to try these poison bottles on them in future.

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