Gravity Mage with Level-Up System

Chapter 105 Special Relics?

(From MC Perspective)

Little Star Gate High School,

Lunch break,

Well,I do think fatty Lucas concerns were legitimate. But for me at the end of the day, it all comes to the bottom line.

If Liam crossed my bottomline, then I can only think of a way to kill him.

There are two more years in my high school life. I don’t want to endure Liam’s calculation against me for that long.

So I feel it’s better to remove him than endure his calculations.

Lucas Brad didn’t talk about it anymore. All he wants Vincent’s assurance,now that he had his worries are all gone away.

Seeing that fatty is alright, I said,”Let’s go and have our lunch now. But tomorrow onwards we will have our lunch at the Special Canteen, not here.”

“Alright!” Lucas said.

Time Progresses,

We had our lunch,then instead of going to class right away. We spent some time outside before getting into the class.

Fortunately, .𝘯𝘵

None of the students caused any hindrance. We went back to our seats and waited for afternoon class to begin.

Even Liam seems to have forgotten about it. But I can feel the animosity of Chrissy Heart from a distance.

Shaking my head I turned my attention towards the outside.

Soon, the runic teacher came and began to conduct the class.

Time went on,

Later, at the end of the class.

Lucas & I, Both of us walked out the school & separated from there.

I am happy that not much drama happened on the first day of class.

Soon, I’ll adapt to the new environment very quickly. Next I’m gonna ask my father about heaven & earth relics.

Now that the class stuff is over, it’s time to raise my talent.

After walking for 15 minutes, I reached my home.

I believe mum has a night shift so she might not be here.

“Creak” the door opens.

Stepping inside, as usual I find my father sitting on the sofa.

“Dad, I have something to ask you. So, I’ll go & get freshened first.” I ran upstairs after saying that.

Brad Carey who is watching some news on holographic projection gets surprised.

“Why is he so excited?” He grunted.

He feels something good has happened to his son.

The other hand….

After going back to my room, the first thing I decided to do was take a bath.

A few minutes later,

I walked out of the bathroom, I changed my clothes a bit casual.

I was getting ready to walk downstairs. I feel I have forgotten something.

“Strange,” I muttered.

Next Second, Image of Captain Tyler flashes in mind.

“This…” I have a hunch that things are not simple.

But I’m helpless in this regard. It’s been two days since I started my work there.

So it’s impossible to ask about salary also. The only person I know is under treatment there.

I twitched, I’m gonna miss such a nice environment.

Shaking my head, I put behind those thoughts back off of my mind and walked downstairs.

Seeing me coming, Father turned off holographic projection.

He straightened his back and turned towards me. After coming down,I walked to the sofa and sat opposite him.

“My son, You seem so happy. What happened? Is there any good news?” Brad Carey said.

I’m surprised he saw right through me. I chuckled, and replied,”You are right, Dad. I’m now transferred to Class A1.”

Brad Carey stunned and next he second he laughed out loud in excitement, “Ha…ha…ha…, Good.Good. Here on, your growth will increase steadily.”

In a few seconds, he calmed down his excitement and asked back,”How does it happen?” Brad is surprised by this new development.

After Vincent’s awakening, he heard about the non- availability of a vacancy in Class A1. He was disappointed at that time. But now everything has changed.

I reveal a small smile by hearing his words, obviously I’m not going to tell him the truth about two giant factions interfering in this matter.

“Well, School Management had a meeting earlier & somehow the plight of my situation came to their conversation. In the end, the Chairman decided to transfer me to Class A1 rightfully.” I said.

My words brought some realisation to the father. But he finds it pure coincidence & nothing more.

Brad Carey said,”Good, Good, Luck is on your side in the end.” He didn’t find anything wrong in his son’s statement.

Next Second, Brad Carey comes back to the main topic.

He asked, “So, what do you want to ask me?” After saying that he looked into his eyes.

He thinks his son might want to buy some treasure. But he didn’t ask if he would like to hear from his son’s mouth.

My expression turned serious when my father asked me. I answered in reply,”I want to hear about heaven & earth relics. Especially those relics, which can Improve talent.”

I told straightforwardly, instead of bearing around bush. I want to narrow down the path to find the relics.

“Talent?” Brad Carey taken back a little. He looked at his son with a strange gaze.

Improving talent is impossible.

There are Relics that can improve Wizard’s physique & his magic. Those are called miracle relics or special relics. It’s usually associated with magic, not talent.

Looking at his son he said,”Where do you hear relics can improve talent? Such a thing does not exist.” Brad said with disappointment.

“Oh” I said.

Brad Carey himself does not come across even special relics in his life that can improve his healing affinity.

But he heard some hearsay information that such relics do exist. Yet those were already in the hands of big forces.

Couple of seconds went by, Brad Carey maintained silence.

Seeing my father’s expression,I have a hunch in my heart that such relics were not easy to find. I know dad said it is impossible to increase talent using relics. But if the system says it’s true then such relics do exist in our world.

Looks like I need to find out on my own then. Shaking my head, I changed the subject.

“Dad,can you tell me what’s the issue? I just want to widen my horizons about relics.” I said.

Dad might have misunderstood that I wanted him to buy relics for me.

Brad Carey retracted his thoughts and sighs.

Looking at his son he answered, “Usually relics used by wizards in time of breakthrough. To improve their chances of success. For example, brewing potions, pills and magic fruits. But those relics can be bought with money. Such relics were available to the public.”

Then he added,”And there are rare relics which can improve Wizard’s magic power called Special relics. For example improving one’s own magic affinity.ex,Fire wizards use fire crystal gem to increase their fire affinity”

“Such relics were usually the hands of forces. It’s not available to the public.”

A disappointed rose in my heart after hearing his words.

At Least getting special relics is also useful to me which is different from normal stuff. I bet Meteor rock & Essos crystal that I had used before comes under special relics.

Now, I understand how precious my level up system is?

Talking about forces, I do believe that Yellow River Academy has some in their hands. It’s giant among the forces so it’s normal to have such a special in their stocks.

But I’m not ready to waste two years in vain.

I commented, “Dad, is there any way to come across special relics and treasures?”

Brad Carey looked at his son in solemn gaze. He can see that his son really wants to have such treasures.

“Why do you want a special treasure? Are you not satisfied with your strength?” Brad Carey raised back to back questions to his son.

I twitched, I cried in my heart that I’m not satisfied with the normal relics.

And again, I came up with a lie & said, “Apart from my mainstream magic. I’m also thinking about mastering other subjects. So, I thought about doing research about relics. It seems fit to me.”

Brad Carey’s dimmed eye lit up with light again from his son’s answer. He actually worried that his son might ask something impossible from him.

“No wonder. You talked about relics all of sudden.” Brad Carey said with a smile.

He turned back to his usual self.

Then Brad Carey added, “Right, If you really want to see special relics. There are ways, first, special items were sold via auction houses. So there is pretty good chance for you to come across them.”

“Second, You can find them on your own. There are wizards who specifically look for such treasures. You can join their team and look for relics. But premise is you need to have at least Level 3 Wizard Power.”

“Third, it’s easy for you. You can directly ask Mr. John Meyers for special relics. He is a level-5 Wizard.”

After saying that Brad looked at his son for some response. He told others that he can’t think of anything.

Father’s words brought some hope to me. It’s impossible to join a treasure hunting team. But I can certainly look out for auction houses.

But I don’t know how expensive it will be? when it was sold via auction.

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