God of Money

Chapter 115 - <China>

Chapter 115: <China>

Red Angel’s leader Ban Jihwan.

Ban Jihwan first met Woosung last year on November 9th at the Fire Fighters’ event. Woosung attended the ceremony created to thank firefighters and made a big donation. There, he told Ban Jihwan of his plan for a team named Red Angel. Woosung offered a generous salary as the job involved the dangers of saving lives during natural disasters.

The average salary of a firefighter was about 3,000 dollars for 280 hours of work per month. Woosung offered the base salary of 7,000 dollars per month plus 10,000 dollars extra for any direct involvement in the disaster relief effort.

For every life saved, he would pay 1,000 dollars.

This was a very attractive offer. Ban Jihwan accepted the job immediately.

“Stop fooling around and do the CPR right now!”

Ban Jihwan resuscitated a woman and moved onto the next victim as he ordered his members. The interpreter followed him around and explained to the locals what was happening and what needed to be done.

“There is a little girl trapped here!”

Someone yelled desperately. Ban Jihwan ran to the site posthaste and noted that the area was not safe with an unsupported concrete wall nearby.

Ban Jihwan shouted, “Everyone back away from the wall.”

Ban Jihwan moved carefully. He believed one could never be too cautious in situations like this. He checked the area thoroughly while he yelled words of reassurance at the girl in Chinese.

“I will save you very soon.”

Ban Jihwan finally got to the girl and extended his hand towards her. When she grabbed him, he pulled her out.

Meanwhile, everything was being recorded by news reporters.

Chinese government not only ruled the land but also controlled the internet. Facebook and Twitter were not allowed in China. Only the Chinese SNS Weibo was available.

On Weibo, news outlets reported the Yushu city situation everywhere.

Media sources uploaded real-time photos continuously. Most of the said photos included men in red fire suits saving lives. They were running into burning buildings and other dangerous sites to help the victims of the earthquake.

“Who are these men? They got to the disaster location before Chinese firefighters.”

“Aren’t they the Chinese disaster relief agents?”

“I think I recognize them. They’re the Special Fire Man.”

“I am a firefighter and I have never heard of Special Fire Man.”

“That’s why they are special.”

“The important thing now is these men in red suits are saving hundreds of lives.”

A small news report came up online.

“KND forms a disaster relief team.”

In the news article were photos of the dangerous situation in Yushu City. However, the comments and the news article disappeared at an unprecedented speed. It was due to the efforts of the Chinese Government to censor the entire affair.


Woosung was reading this article with a proud smile when he exclaimed.


The article disappeared on Weibo. Woosung turned on the TV and watched the news. The live footage was showing a surprising new headline.

“Chinese special firefighters on site to save lives.”

“So far, 1000 fatalities confirmed.”

“Thanks to the government’s quick action, many lives saved already.”

KND or Red Angel weren’t mentioned at all. The report made it seem like the Chinese government was the hero. Mahwacin, who was nearby as he watched the report with Woosung, explained.

“Don’t think too much about it. This is how things work in China. If you want to do business here, then accept it.”

It sounded like a mild threat.


However, there was nothing he could do about it. After a few minutes of silence, Mahwacin stood up and announced.

“They are here.”

Liu He and other government officials walked into the room.

The future leader of China was Xi Jinping.

However, the actual brain behind him was Liu He.

He was one of the people Woosung wanted to meet. Woosung bowed deeply and introduced himself.

“I am Kang Woosung.”

Liu He smiled with a pleased look. “Nice to meet you. I am Liu He. I heard you have provided a lot of help for the Yushu city.”

“I just wish I could have done more. I wish I could have told you the exact time of the earthquake as well. I apologize.”

“Haha, predicting it alone was amazing.”

“I am so honored you came here in person.”

Woosung said respectfully. Liu He studied Woosung as he replied. “We are appreciative of all your help.”

Many foreign businesses were dying to get into the Chinese market. Woosung was one of them, but the difference was Liu He would remember him now because of what occurred today.

“I heard you used big data analysis to predict the earthquake.”

“It’s not always this accurate. I was very lucky this time.”

Liu He narrowed his eyes and asked, “Luckā€¦Do you think you will continue to be lucky?”

“Most likely.”

“Then it’s not luck, it’s your skill.”

“At this point, it doesn’t matter. What counts is saving as many lives as possible.”

“Then I assume you don’t care who saves these lives, or who people think saved lives?”

Liu He looked at Woosung intently. It was a test.

Woosung didn’t hesitate for a second. He answered quickly, “Of course. Who cares as long as lives are saved!”

Liu He laughed loudly. “Hahaha, for such a young person, you are very understanding. I am envious of Korea for having someone great like you.”

Woosung replied.

“Big data’s uses are limitless. This is only one of the many things it can do.”

“What else did you learn from it?”

Many people had asked Woosung this same question countless times before. He was starting to get tired of it.

“Sir, I am a businessman.”

Liu He frowned but remained silent.

Woosung continued quickly, “But for the brain behind the future general secretary, I am willing to provide you with some information.”

Woosung said boldly. He just made a strong claim that Xi Jinping would become the general secretary of China. It would happen in 2 years.

Liu He stared at Woosung for a second, then asked, “And is that also from the data analysis?”

Woosung tapped his head and answered, “Based on MY analysis of the data.”

Liu He now seemed interested. “Continue.” He nodded for Woosung to go on.

“China will grow at least 10% every year. It will become the second biggest country after America.”

Liu He smiled proudly, but as Woosung continued, he became rigid.

“But the pollution will become a serious problem soon with the new factories. Your crops will grow dangerously unhealthy.” When Liu He tried to argue, Woosung continued quickly. “But with Xi Jinping, I have no doubt China will swiftly recover. That is why I prepared this gift for you.”

The room became tense. Woosung asked.

“If you don’t like my gift, you can return it right now. I can pull back my team immediately.”

As no one spoke, the only sound in the room now was the sound from the news, which continuously reported of the heroes in red suit saving Chinese lives.

“The total fatality so far has been confirmed to be 2,300. This is one of the worst disasters in recent Chinese history.”

“Thanks to our government, people are being saved quickly.”

“Already, hundreds of victims have been saved by these angels in red.”

“They are the true heroes of our country.”


After Woosung left, Liu He asked, “Can we trust him?”

“Based on my research, he is clean. I think you can trust his words.”

“He wants our help to get into our market.”


“And he formed a disaster relief team for this earthquake just to get his business into the Chinese market.”

It was hard to believe. It was also shocking to hear Woosung claiming Xi Jinping’s future with such certainty. It was a likely situation based on how things went so far, but it’s far from being a certainty.

“He offered to quadruple his gift if I introduce him to you, Liu He.”

“He is a businessman, so clearly he is very wealthy.”

“And he is also very intelligent. Why don’t we go with it? We can give him what we can and use him. We need more money if we want to win against Hu Jintao.”


They needed money.

“Tell him we’ll do it.”

Mahwacin bowed.

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