Getting a Technology System in Modern Day

Chapter 710 The Fifth Imperial Council Meeting I

Chapter 710  The Fifth Imperial Council Meeting I

As the days passed, the day of the Imperial Council meeting finally arrived.

Inside the VR Imperial Palace’s grand Emperor’s Council Chamber.

One by one, the heads and vice heads of imperial agencies began to appear. Within just five minutes, all of the required officials were present—more than half an hour before the meeting’s official start time. Since the first council meeting, seating had always operated on a first-come, first-served basis, and this tradition was well-respected.

With everyone arriving so early, the room was filled with quiet conversations and activity. The officials used the extra time to prepare, run final checks on their materials, and engage in light discussions with those seated nearby. It was a calm before the storm of important decisions and discussions, as they waited for the meeting to formally begin.

There was no chaos or disruption as the attendees conversed calmly with one another, fully aware of the need to uphold the dignity of the council chamber. Their measured tones were not just out of respect for the setting, but also because the meeting was being broadcast live across the entire empire. Viewers had the ability to tune in and focus on any part of the conversation simply by highlighting specific sections of the stream.

The Proximian heads of agencies blended in seamlessly with their human counterparts. The only exception was the giants, whose sheer size naturally made them stand out. However, even they didn’t appear out of place. This was far from their first council meeting, and they had become well-versed in the formalities and expectations of the process. Despite their imposing presence, they carried themselves with the same decorum as the rest of the assembly, waiting for the meeting to officially commence.

As the final minute ticked down, the emperor made his entrance into the chamber, commanding immediate attention. This time, however, he wasn’t alone—his younger brother accompanied him, a sight that took both the officials present and the empire’s live audience by surprise. Whispers of curiosity rippled through the crowd, but the surprise was short-lived.

Within seconds, every imperial official in the chamber rose from their seats in unison, showing their respect for the emperor. The atmosphere shifted to one of solemnity and reverence as they welcomed him into the chamber, ready for the meeting to begin.

Be seated,” Aron commanded as he settled into his throne. The council chamber, designed like a grand clamshell amphitheater, placed the emperor and his key ministers on a raised platform, flanked by the AI leaders who served alongside them. Today, however, there was a notable addition. To Aron’s left, the crown prince, Henry, sat in a specially crafted chair—a design that mirrored Aron’s throne but in a smaller, more modest form. It was still larger than every other seat in the room, symbolizing his unique position within the council.

Although Henry held no actual governing power yet, his place in the hierarchy was unmistakable. The chair represented not only his role as crown prince but also the weight of responsibility that would fall upon him if anything happened to render the emperor unable to rule.

Gaia, as usual, took charge of initiating the meeting. {Ladies and gentlemen of the Imperial Council, thank you for your attendance today. Since all of you are here for at least the second time, I won’t waste time reiterating the rules. Anyone attending without knowing them would indicate a lack of due diligence in their role, and such negligence will be addressed accordingly.}

Her voice was calm yet authoritative as she continued, {Today’s session has only one item on the agenda: progress reports from each of your agencies’ ongoing projects, if any. However, I fully expect this to be a lengthy meeting. Nearly everyone in this room has been tasked with a project aimed at strengthening the foundation of the empire. We are not here to judge, but to assist. Share the challenges you are facing, and rest assured, those challenges will be resolved.}

Gaia’s gaze panned across the room, her professional demeanor matched by the inhumanly perfect smile on her elfin face. {As always, once your progress reports have been entered into the Akashic Record, you will receive individualized feedback based on your specific circumstances. Even if everything seems to be progressing smoothly, there is always room for improvement.}

She paused, and with a respectful bow—small but significant—she concluded, {With that said, please welcome His Imperial Majesty.} Unlike her kneeling at the first meeting, Gaia had adapted to Aron’s preference for minimal formality during these moments, respecting his request. She then opened the floor for Aron’s opening address, signaling the true beginning of the council’s session.

Aron stood from his seat, and as he did, the desk before him transformed into a podium adorned with the imperial seal, symbolizing his authority. He cleared his throat, not out of necessity, but as a gesture of tradition, and then began to address the council.

“Ministers, councilors, and imperial citizens, good morning, afternoon, and evening. Today marks almost six years since the foundation of the Terran Empire. At our very first council meeting, I said, After every trial comes an opportunity, as a wise man once said in the past, and that is on display before us already. And better things are on the horizon, as well. The last three years have embodied that sentiment in ways beyond expectation.

We began by addressing the most pressing concern—eliminating health problems—and swiftly moved to ensure that the basic human needs of our citizens were met. From food to shelter, from education to reducing crimes, we have made leaps that few could have imagined when this journey began.

We cannot express enough how fulfilled We are to see that the vision We laid out for this empire has been realized even faster than projected. This rapid progress has allowed our citizens to live their lives without the burdens that once weighed on them. A life of ease and opportunity is no longer a dream but a reality, and for that, We stand before you with immense gratitude and pride in all that has been accomplished.”

Aron paused briefly, allowing the significance of those words to sink in before continuing his address.

nt of happiness should not become a place of rest. There remains an unresolved matter—one that has been with us from the beginning and, in many ways, served as the catalyst for the war that led to the foundation of this empire. It is a question mark that still looms large over us, and until it is answered, we cannot truly say we have entered an era of peace and prosperity.

Though we are gathered here today to hear progress reports from all agencies, the majority of our focus must center on the progress we’ve made in addressing this matter. Our citizens look to us for reassurance, for calm, and as a reminder of the promise We made to them—that we would be ready for the arrival of the visitors within a five-year period.

With that, We conclude this address and yield the floor to the agenda of this imperial council.” S~aʀᴄh the website on Ggl to access chapters of nvels early and in the highest quality.

With those final words, Aron turned and made his way back to his throne as the podium seamlessly returned to its original form, once again a simple table.

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