Gate of God

Chapter 289: First place

Chapter 289: First place

Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

"That’s impossible! If the fourth recording tablet was destroyed, Fang Zhengzhi’s name would disappear along with it!" One of the officials refuted what the competitors were thinking.

"Then what’s going on? Where is the fourth recording tablet?"

"Could it be that Fang Zhengzhi removed the entire stone?!" One of the talents voiced his guess.

"Impossible! The recording tablet is stuck 10m into the ground. Even a Rewind State cultivator would not be able to remove the tablet.

"Does he have some treasure?"

"I don’t think someone like him would have any treasure?"

"No matter how he did it... we can’t just sit here and wait right?"

"Yes, as long as we find Fang Zhengzhi, everything will be solved!"

"We must stop him!"

"He’s already at the third recording tablet. If we chase him, we may not be able to catch up to him. He may even take home the championship."

"We can go the opposite way and intercept him!"

"Yes, we will just run one more round!"

All of the other competitors quickly formulated a plan. Then, they leapt on their stallions and ran towards the first recording tablet.

Xiang Tianying and Tang Zhongming’s expressions darkened.

One more round?

Did they have the time to do that?

"Fang Zhengzhi!" Xiang Tianying clenched his fist. He was furious but helpless. If he waited here, his chances of winning were virtually none.

If he chased, he still stood a chance.

Stopping was a death sentence!

"Charge!" Xiang Tianying and Tang Zhongming hollered almost simultaneously. Their battle stallions shot out like arrows from a bow.

"That fella hid everything from me when he saw me. He didn’t even leave a note! How evil!" Ping Yang pouted and tightened her grip on the reins. The Snow Jade shot forward.


Fang Zhengzhi knew that the result would cause an uproar. When he had seen Xiang Tianying and Tang Zhongming, he knew exactly what would happen.

Dig up the tablet?

He had thought of it but it was impossible.

The Heart Protection Mirror had limited space. Furthermore, in order to put it inside, he needed to hold it in his hand.

Could he hold the recording tablet in his hand?

Clearly not.

He decided to employ an easier and more efficient method.

The roads in this hunting grounds were quite complicated. There were multiple paths within it.

As the royal hunting grounds, this place was not usually open to the public. It was only opened during events like this one.

In order for the competitors to recognize the path, there were aids and stones placed to point in the correct directions. This was to prevent the competitors from taking the wrong path.

However, this played right into Fang Zhengzhi’s hands.


After he scouted the territory around the fourth recording stone, he made a tiny adjustment at one of the junctions.

In order to prevent an accident, he walked on the path he wanted the others to take, patiently waiting for the other competitors to come.

Then, he saw Xiang Tianying and Tang Zhongming.

Xiang Tianying and Tang Zhongming were not locals and did not know these grounds well. Seeing the directional stone and Fang Zhengzhi on the path was enough for them to fall into the trap.

They ran around Fang Zhengzhi and shot away.

Ping Yang, the Ninth Prince, as well as the other competitors all saw Xiang Tianying and Tang Zhongming take that path. Consumed by their desperation for a good ranking, they would not suspect the small adjustment Fang Zhengzhi made.

Fang Zhengzhi also greeted Ping Yang to distract her from checking out the surroundings.

As such...

Everything fell into place naturally.

Ping Yang and the Ninth Prince would lead everyone down the wrong way. Seeing Fang Zhengzhi come from the opposite direction would cause enough of a distraction. No one would suspect the small change he made at the fork.

When everyone took the wrong path...

No one would think that the wrong path was wrong.

Fang Zhengzhi was quite proud of what he did. Firstly, he did not destroy the recording tablet. Destroying it would have caused many problems for him.

Secondly, he had not shifted the recording tablet. As such, he was not actually breaking any of the rules.

Thirdly, when everyone reached the finish line, he would have reached the third recording tablet. By that time, no one would chase him from the direction of the fourth recording tablet.

Who would realize the error of their ways?

With things all falling into place, what is preventing him from getting the first place?

Fang Zhengzhi was in no rush. He knew that he still had to solve one more thing. Only by doing that would the first place be his.

He continued to admire the lush greenery around him as he urged his horse along the path. He enjoyed the sounds of nature around him. Every so often, he would grill a rabbit.

After inscribing his name on the second recording tablet, he did not continue walking further. He made a fire by the side and began grilling a rabbit...


At the finishing line, all of the spectators saw Fang Zhengzhi’s name light up on the second tablet. All of them felt uneasy.

"He had crossed the second recording tablet?"

"He will win as long as he records his name on the first tablet!"

"He cannot pass the first tablet!"

Ever since the start of the competition...

No one would have guessed this result.

Fang Zhengzhi was riding an inferior Mud Striped Horse. His competitors were all riding superior stallions.

In the end...

Fang Zhengzhi was about to accomplish the impossible.

This man with an inferior Mud Striped Horse had inscribed his name on three of the four tablets. He was on par with everyone else.

More importantly, he had the initiative.

What if he decided to hide?

What if he took a detour?

All of the spectators were anxious to find out what happened. They hoped that the others would not fan out to find Fang Zhengzhi and fall into his trap.

If Fang Zhengzhi snuck past them, everything would be for naught.

"As long as they guard the first recording tablet, Fang Zhengzhi cannot finish the race either!"

"Exactly, stall Fang Zhengzhi and everything can still progress."

"But... who would sacrifice themselves to stall Fang Zhengzhi?"

All of the officials looked at each other anxiously.

Wen Dabao was the only one who was excited. He managed to find three joss sticks.

He lit them up at the front of the tablet. He prayed constantly, "Fang Zhengzhi, you must win. If you win, you will be my brother, you will be my brother, you will be my brother..."


Fang Zhengzhi let the Mud Striped Horse roam by the side and graze on grass. He lay by the side of the road grilling a Green Furred Rabbit.

He could imagine the crowd waiting to ambush him around the first recording tablet.

It wouldn’t matter if he went there earlier or later.

However, if he went on an empty stomach, it would be disadvantageous towards him. By eating, he would have an advantage over his starving opponents.

Fang Zhengzhi knew this, so he patiently grilled his Green Furred Rabbit.

Then, a red figure appeared in front of him.

"Fang Zhengzhi, you’re grilling a rabbit here?!" Ping Yang had thought that Fang Zhengzhi would have taken a detour or rushed towards the first recording tablet.

However, she never expected that Fang Zhengzhi would stop in the middle of the competition to grill a rabbit.

Is he not afraid of others spotting him?

"You have an opinion?" Fang Zhengzhi continued grilling the rabbit.

"Of course." Ping Yang pouted.

"Then do you want to have some?"


"What about the Ninth Prince?" Fang Zhengzhi ignored Ping Yang as he changed his posture.

"Official Fang, thank you for the offer. I’ll... have some as well." The Ninth Prince’s voice rang out from afar.

"How did you know that Ninth Brother was here?" Ping Yang was curious. Fang Zhengzhi did not even look in that direction.

"I guessed." Fang Zhengzhi replied casually. Then, he retrieved a small box filled with spices to flavor the rabbit.

Before long, the aroma filled the air.

The Ninth Prince arrived beside Fang Zhengzhi. He was slightly stunned. He had no idea what Fang Zhengzhi had inside that box.

"Ninth Brother, you’re in luck. This fella can’t do anything right, but the meat he grills is delicious." Ping Yang salivated when she thought about the meat she was about to eat.

"It smells great." The Ninth Prince commended.


Time flew.

Fang Zhengzhi, the Ninth Prince and Ping Yang did not bring up the issue about the competition.

After Fang Zhengzhi finished grilling the meat, he chewed on a blade of grass as he looked into the sky.

"Fang Zhegzhi, aren’t you going to the first recording tablet?" Ping Yang asked suspiciously.

"What good would that do?"

"Nothing. They had already decided to ambush you there. Once you are there, they will capture you and restart the race from the first recording tablet."


"So why aren’t you surprised that I am here?"

"Why should I be surprised? You’re Ping Yang."

"Oh please!" Ping Yang’s mouth twitched as she vented her frustrations. Then, she glanced at the Ninth Prince, "So how did you guess that he would be here?"

"Because he promised to wait for them at the second recording tablet." Fang Zhengzhi waved her off as he changed his position once again.

"Humph!" Ping Yang snorted. Even though she didn’t want to admit it, it seemed that Fang Zhengzhi knew everything.

The breeze blew gently and the sun crept to its peak. The ground began to heat up.

Fang Zhengzhi decided that it was about time.

He suspected that all of the other competitors would be hungry and dehydrated after a whole morning without food or water.

"Let’s go." Fang Zhengzhi swept the dust off his clothes and smiled.

"Where to?" Ping Yang stared at Fang Zhengzhi.

"To the finish line, don’t you want to take first place?" Fang Zhengzhi replied.

"Finish line, that..."

"You want to ask if the fourth recording tablet is on me?" Fang Zhengzhi waved Ping Yang off when he saw her expression.

"Yes, hand over the fourth recording tablet and I can spare your life!" Ping Yang glared at Fang Zhengzhi.

However, her clear eyes, tiny lips and immature face failed to make any impact.

Instead, she looked rather adorable.

"Hahaha... I think you will not be convinced unless you search me. You can do so now." Fang Zhengzhi spread his arms.

"Shameless!" Ping Yang’s face flushed.

The Ninth Prince did not speak when he saw this. He knew that there was no point in rushing Fang Zhengzhi.

"You really want to know?" Fang Zhengzhi looked at Ping Yang.

"Of course, I want to come in first!" Ping Yang replied haughtily.

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