From Thug to Idol: Transmigrating to a Survival Show

Chapter 860: Too Many Guessing Games

Chapter 860: Too Many Guessing Games

“Huh,” June muttered.

He already knew that people in showbiz showed very little of themselves, with some being pretentious. However, Joonie was great at keeping it even without the cameras.

If June didn’t know any better, then he would believe that Joonie was just looking out for him.

June shrugged and was about to leave. He felt a little bit competitive, but he didn’t think too much about it.

However, before he could truly leave, he heard someone in the living room of the small house.

Usually, he would just leave, but he heard familiar names being said.

He frowned and peeked from behind the wall, only to see Ara and Mei in front of one of the talent managers.

“What did I tell you about food intake?” the manager asked.

Ara pursed her lips. “We barely ate breakfast,” she said. “Plus, we’re on the show. Isn’t it normal that we eat?” Saʀch* Th NvlFir(.)nt website on Ggl to access chapters of nvels early and in the highest quality.

The talent manager shook her head. Meanwhile, June frowned as he tried to gauge the topic of their conversation.

“You’re talking back?” the manager asked.

Ara was about to say something more. Mei held onto her shoulder.

“We eat a normal amount, ma’am,” Mei said.

“A normal amount?” she exclaimed. “Did you see your plate? You mounted your food on that plate like a starved mammoth.”

“As idols, you need to manage yourself. Do you know what people want in this industry?” she asked.

The manager didn’t give Mei and Ara the time to respond before she spoke once again.

“They want perfection. A single pimple. An arm hair. A fat roll. Nobody wants to see those on idols. If you want to become more popular, you need to manage yourself better.”

Mei and Ara looked down at the ground.

Meanwhile, June’s frown deepened.

He wasn’t a stranger to the extreme diets that idols were placed on. He also acknowledged that the diet culture was harsher for women.

June was lucky to have a fast metabolism, plus dancing for half a day for nearly all seven days of the week also helped him keep his physique.

He knew how important one’s looks were in the idol industry, but this was unreasonable. The girls looked perfectly fine!

At the end of the day, there were also humans, and June wished that the industry focused more on someone’s talent rather than their looks.

“You need to be at a certain weight to be considered desirable,” the talent manager continued.

That was the time when June decided to interrupt.

He dropped his phone to the ground, creating a noise.

Their conversation halted, and the three of them turned to the source of the noise.

Their eyes widened in surprise, with the talent manager being the most shocked.

However, she recovered quickly, smiling at June like she wasn’t saying vile things to Mei and Ara.

“Oh, June,” she exclaimed. “What are you doing here?”

June pursed his lips to keep his emotions neutral. “I just washed my hands.”

“Oh,” the manager muttered. “Well, how long have you been there?”

“I just got here,” June bluffed. “My phone fell, and I saw that you guys were here.”

“I see!” she exclaimed, feeling relieved. “I was just telling these girls some tips on how to manage themselves better.”

“However, we’re done now,” she added, going next to Mei and Ara to pat their shoulders.

“Go on, girls,” she smiled. “I bet the shoot is going to resume soon.”

Mei and Ara nodded, still appearing a little bit down.

With that, they walked out of the house, leaving June with the manager. He looked at her and tilted his head to the side, causing Wendy’s eyebrows to raise in inquiry.

“Do you need anything else?” she asked.

June put on a fake smile before shaking his head.

“I just want to ask-what’s your name?” he asked.

The manager’s eyes widened, and her cheeks reddened.

She cleared her throat before responding.

“You can call me Wendy,” she smiled.

“Wendy,” June muttered. “I see.”

Wendy was waiting for him to ask another question, but with that, June left her all alone, making her confused.

“What was that?” she asked with red cheeks.

As June made his way back to the garden, he noted the woman’s name, placing her on the list of people to look out for in the company.

As he arrived, it seemed like the crew had finished putting the tables away, as the chairs were once again arranged in a line.

“There he is,” Akira exclaimed, pointing at June.

“What took you so long?” Jaeyong asked. “Did you do surgical scrubbing?”

June shrugged and sat next to Jisung. “I just had to look into something.”

They shook their heads in amusement. “I swear-June’s always looking into something.”

“Are we all settled now?” Ramil PD asked after a while.

“Yes!” the group of artists collectively exclaimed.

Ramil PD smiled in satisfaction.

“Well, did you guys enjoy the food?”

“It was the best!” Akira exclaimed, giving the crew a thumbs up.

Ramil PD chuckled. “I’m glad that you guys liked it.”

“June seemed to like it the most. He even climbed a tree to eat,” he chimed.

June scratched the back of his head while the others teased him. He glanced at Joonie and saw an amused smile playing on his lips. It looked so genuine that he felt some unease.

He was an actor before, so it would be understandable for him to be great at this. However, it seemed like he was a far better actor than June had realized.

Probably even better than Lin Zhi.

“The day doesn’t end here,” Ramil PD continued. “The day is still young, so we still have

some fun games to show!”

The artists turned to each other in curiosity, wondering what kind of game they were going to


Ramil PD had a very famous roster of games-ones that were simple but always seemed to do

the trick.

“We’re done with ‘Guess the Artist,’ now we’re onto another guessing game,” he smiled.

“Now, it’s time for you to show just how good you are with music.”

“We are playing-Guess the Song!”

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