From Thug to Idol: Transmigrating to a Survival Show

Chapter 839: Icing On Top

Chapter 839: Icing On Top

Dan’s heart raced as he watched Mr. Kim eyeing June like he was the most delicious piece of steak.

It seemed like his pill had finally sunk into June’s system. The cup of alcohol he gave him a while ago also contained a tranquilizing drug, so there was no way that June could make sense of his surroundings now.

June sat quietly, his eyes half-lidded and his head lolling slightly as if he was barely conscious.

Everything was going according to plan.

Mr. Kim leaned back in his seat, his lips curling into a satisfied smile. “Thank you,” he said, his voice low and gravelly. “Bring me the contract by morning.”

Dan nodded, his expression calm and professional, but inside, he was already celebrating.

“Of course, Mr. Kim,” he replied smoothly. “I’ll take care of everything.”

He turned to June, putting on a mask of concern.

He even sat beside him and placed his hand on his shoulder. “I just have to call someone,” he said, his voice laced with false kindness.

“I’ll be back soon to take you home, alright?”

June blinked his eyes open, but he couldn’t do it for too long.

With that, he just nodded in agreement, causing Dan to smirk.

Dan stepped out of the room, and his expression quickly shifted to that of triumph.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, dialing Lei.

Lei had been the one to suggest this little arrangement in the first place, so Dan was eager to report his success.

As the phone rang, Dan felt a sudden wave of dizziness wash over him. He frowned, trying to shake off the sensation.

“Dang,” he muttered. “Their soju is strong.”

“Or am I getting old?” he chuckled. “My alcohol tolerance is not as it used to be.”

“Dan,” Lei said, snapping Dan back to reality.

“Sir Lei,” Dan said, keeping his voice steady despite the growing dizziness.

“You called early,” Lei said.

Dan smirked, leaning against the wall. “Well, of course. I told you that June would come and join me right away.”

Lei chuckled. “Seems like he’s really more innocent than I thought.”

“Well, how did it go?”

Dan smirked as he looked at his surroundings.

“The deal is as good as done.”

Lei couldn’t keep the smile away from his face.

“Good,” he said. “You already have the contract. Have him sign it by tomorrow. Make sure to bring June back, too, and twist the truth. Make it seem like he wanted it.”

“That way, he wouldn’t be able to do anything.”

“Of course,” Dan smiled. “That’s my expertise.” Saʀᴄh th NƟ website on Ggl to access chapters of nvels early and in the highest quality.

“Well, I need to go the restroom now. I drank a little bit too much, and my bladder can’t handle it.”

Lei chuckled in amusement.

“I’ll entrust it to you. See you in the morning.”

With that, Dan ended the call with a wide smile on his face. He stopped leaning against the

wall and was about to go to the restroom when he stumbled on his feet.

Fortunately (not really), he was able to catch himself before he fell, even laughing in amusement.

“Looks like I really had a lot to drink tonight.”


Back in the room, June continued remaining still.

It wasn’t the first time he had encountered something like this, so he’d learned to recognize the signs. Feigning innocence was easy enough-it was a role he’d played before, after all.

Now, all the other parts of his plan needed to work together for it to be successful.

The men in the room with him began to murmur among themselves.

Their hushed voices were filled with crude remarks about June’s appearance.

One of them leaned closer to Mr. Kim, a nasty grin on his face. “You’ve hit the jackpot tonight, Mr. Kim,” he said with a chuckle. “That one’s a real beauty.”

Mr. Kim’s eyes never left June. “Is he well-behaved?” he asked, his voice low and steady.

One of the other men nodded eagerly. “Yes, Dan gave him something to keep him calm. He won’t cause any trouble.”

Just then, Mr. Kim’s phone rang, cutting through the conversation.

His phone was on the couch, just right between him and June, so the latter could see it from

his view.

June, his eyes still half-closed, glanced at the phone subtly.

‘Honey,’ it read.

The irony of it all almost made him smile. Almost.

He watched as Mr. Kim dismissed the call without a second thought, turning his attention

back to the other creepy old men.

That’s when June felt it—a light touch on his hand.

He held in the urge to barf as Mr. Kim started playing with his hands.

June didn’t move, but he opened his eyes just a fraction, only enough to see Hyuck looking at him.

Their eyes met briefly, and June gave a barely noticeable nod. Hyuck understood immediately.

With utmost care, Hyuck took a step forward, pretending to stumble. He let out a small yelp of surprise as the drink in his hand splashed onto Mr. Kim, soaking the front of his expensive


“Ah, sorry!” Hyuck stammered, bowing his head in a show of embarrassment. “I didn’t mean to-“

Mr. Kim waved him off, his annoyance barely contained.

“What are you doing?” one of the men exclaimed. “Do you know how much that costs? It

costs you more than your life!”

“Yeah, watch where you’re going, you clumsy imbecile,” another chimed.

Mr. Kim stood and took some napkins, wiping away his pants.

“It’s alright,” he said. “These are going to come off later anyway,” he even joked, causing the

room to burst into laughter.

June’s face twisted into disgust, and it was a blessing that Mr. Kim’s attention was on his

colleagues and not him.

“Let me help you clean it up, sir.”

“Me, too!”

“Yes, we can’t afford to ruin the expensive fabric.”

June wanted to shake his head, feeling a bit of pity for the group of men. But then again, they

chose this kind of life, and June also knew they weren’t good people in the slightest.

As the group of men kissed up to Mr. Kim, June saw something from his peripheral vision.

It was Mr. Kim’s phone, and it was ringing once more-his wife.

June subtly looked around, confirming that no one was looking at him.

This was the icing on top.

Then, June pressed the ‘answer’ button.

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