From Thug to Idol: Transmigrating to a Survival Show

Chapter 753 The End Of Time

Chapter 753  The End Of Time

June woke up to the sound of beeping machines. He opened his eyes and saw familiar surroundings. He also saw that he was connected to a heart monitor and an IV, making him frown. There was a person beside him, one who he instantly recognized as Casper. With the sound of rustling clothes, Casper woke up, quickly assuming a fighting stance. June would have laughed if this had been any other situation. However, he couldn’t even bring himself to smile. “I’m not dead,” June said, making Casper snap back to reality. He quickly sat on the bed next to June. “You’re not,” Casper affirmed. “Are you okay?” June weakly nodded. “And Grandma?” he asked. The question threw Casper off, so June instantly caught that something was wrong. “Casper,” June said in a serious tone. “Where’s Grandma?” Casper pursed his lips before directing his gaze to the lap. June’s jaw clenched as his patience ran thin. “Answer me,” he urged. With that, Casper let out a deep breath and looked into June’s eyes. Then, he shook his head, making June feel like his entire world just crumbled. Casper didn’t even have to do anything for him to understand. June stood from his bed, removing the cardiac monitor’s probes and his IV, making some of the blood spill onto his clothes. “Wait, June. You need that! Don’t do this,” Casper said, trying to stop him. However, June could hear nothing but the sound of his own heart beating. Then, he stormed out of the room with Casper hot on his tracks. “June, wait, please. You’re still not better,” he urged. But once again, June ignored him. As he went out of the door, he was met with his members, who all had tired and swollen eyes. They stood as soon as they saw June, and with the looks on their faces, June felt like his suspicions had all been confirmed. “No,” he whispered before breaking into a sprint. His members were shocked to the core, unable to move. “June, wait!” Casper exclaimed, continuing to run after him. With that, the members snapped out of their dazes and also followed after June. However, June kept running. He didn’t even know where he was running to. However, deep inside his heart, he knew that he was running to his grandma. Then, as he got to the end of the hall, he saw a familiar figure, much smaller than how he had last seen him. Minjun, appearing like a vulnerable little child, turned his head toward June. Then, as he got to the end of the hall, he saw a familiar figure, much smaller than how he had last seen him. Minjun, appearing like a vulnerable little child, turned his head toward June. “Big bro,” he called out in such a sad voice that June could hear his heart breaking into two. June wanted to comfort him…to hold him, but he stayed rooted in his spot as he read the letters above the room he was in front of. PURGATORY With that, June shook his head, feeling in denial. “No,” he muttered. Just then, Dr. Oh came out of the room with a weary expression, making June turn to him with hope. Maybe. Just maybe. He was mistaken.

“I’m sorry,” Dr. Oh said in an equally broken voice. He had also thought of Grandma as someone precious, so he truly felt sad for June and Minjun. “I couldn’t save her.” “No,” June denied in a loud voice, shocking all of them. With that, he marched toward the room, only to be met with a small figure covered in white cloth. At that moment, there was still no tears in his eyes. However, as he went to the figure and slowly removed the white cloth, the tears freely flowed. He felt Dr. Oh’s presence behind him, with his hand on top of his shoulder.

“June, let’s go,” he said, also on the verge of tears. June couldn’t find it in himself to move. He continued looking at the old woman on the table, once so full of life. “It’s unfair,” he muttered, tears still streaming down his cheeks. He had lost everyone. His mom, his dad, and now his grandma. Why was the world so fucking unfair? As the world carried on with its usual routine. Inside the quiet room, everything came to a standstill. The hum of the clock on the wall was the only sound, each tick a cruel reminder that time, for everyone else, was still moving. But for her, time had stopped. The old woman, who had once been his pillar, now lay motionless. His heart felt like it was being torn from his chest. The memories flooded back. He saw her in the kitchen, cooking meals that always tasted of home. He remembered her stories, the way her eyes would light up with each detail. He recalled the nights she stayed up just to watch him on the television and brag to her friends afterward. “July 1st would be a nice day to die.” “I’ll destroy my friends in Mahjong once I get better.” “Make sure to come back, okay?” Even her words rang inside his mind, reminding him that only one of those things had been fulfilled—the one thing he dreaded the most. Then, before June knew it, Dr. Oh had covered his grandma once again. Dr. Oh held onto June’s hand and led him out of the room, where he was met with his members, who were also crying after seeing their strongest member in such a vulnerable state. June stood there, feeling numb, when he felt Minjun go up to him for a hug. “June,” Minjun sobbed, his body shaking from the sadness. June pursed his lips as the tears continued to flow. Then, everything snapped back to reality. His grandma was gone now.

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With that, he returned Minjun’s hug, empathizing with the little kid who had even more memories with Grandma—the one who was hurting the most. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry,” June continuously muttered. Those were the only words he could bring himself to say. “I’m sorry.” Dr. Oh looked up at the ceiling to stop himself from crying. Meanwhile, the members of EVE turned to each other for support as they also felt the loss of a great loved one. At that moment, only silent sobs were heard in the hallway. As the hours passed and dawn painted the sky in hues of pink and gold, June whispered his final goodbyes. “Goodbye, Grandma.”

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