From Thug to Idol: Transmigrating to a Survival Show

Chapter 750 Savior Complex

Chapter 750  Savior Complex

The members of EVE were sprawled comfortably across the plush couches in their shared living room when the shocking news broke out. They all turned silent when a sharp tone and a bold ‘BREAKING NEWS’ banner flashed across the screen. They focused their attention on the screen as the anchor, a woman with a composed yet urgent demeanor, appeared. “We interrupt the usual program to bring you an urgent update,” she started off. “Isn’t that the hospital?” Jay asked, breaking the silence. June’s frown deepened as he recognized the familiar background. Indeed, it was none other than the hospital that Dr. Oh owned, sprawled across the television in all of it’s transparent glory. “We have just received reports of a gunman on the loose at Seoul Hospital.”

“Shit,” Akira couldn’t help but curse. “It’s really in the hospital near here.” Some of the boys glanced at June, knowing that he was a frequent visitor of the hospital. “The individual is believed to be a psychiatric patient and is currently armed and dangerous.” Some clips from outside of the hospital were shown, appearing blurry to the naked eye. The camera could only capture their silhouettes through the transparent windows of the first floor. However, even then, it was obvious that there was chaos going on inside.

“Seoul Hospital has now issued a code black, and patients are being transferred out of the hospital for their safety. However, not everyone can be escorted out due to fear of being gunned down.”

“The gunman is reportedly in the indoor garden where patients and some of their families were gathered. One person has been wounded, while others are hiding.” “The hospital staff and the police are on the scene, paying attention to handling the situation, but the gunman appears to be extremely agitated and unpredictable.”

“It’s only the start of July, yet it has already come to this,” Jenny muttered. “I sure hope that none of them are harmed.” The members of EVE exchanged worried glances, their previous laughter now replaced with tense silence. Then, the scene cut to a shaky live feed from a bystander’s phone. “On the screen is footage from one of the people inside. Despite violations against various media policies, it has not been taken down for surveillance of the situation going on inside. The police are also monitoring the footage.” June’s frown deepened as the footage shown was chaotic, capturing screams, muffled cries, and a frantic crowd trying to find safety. The image then panned to show an old woman being held at gunpoint, her skinny face pale with fear. “Oh my gosh,” Jisung whispered as the familiar woman was shown on the screen. June felt like his heart had stopped beating as Grandma appeared, looking more fearful and anxious than ever. The members all turned to June, concern evident in their gazes. “June,” Jay said, reaching out to him.

However, June couldn’t see or hear anything else. All he could focus on was the woman on the screen. However, before he could continue dwelling on the fact that his grandma was currently being held hostage, the shaky camera shifted up, showing the dreaded gunman that everyone was talking about. At that moment, a gasp escaped from everybody’s lips, and they stared at the screen with eyes filled with disbelief. “Is that—” Casper wasn’t even able to finish his statement since he felt lightheaded. Meanwhile, June shook his head before facing the ceiling. “Chul,” he muttered. A bitter smile appeared on his lips as he internalized the situation. Just then, the texts he received from Laohu flashed in his mind…

…and at that moment, he knew. This was not a mere coincidence. It was, most definitely, planned. Then, the scene cut back to the news anchor, now appearing more worried than before. “Just in,” she said in a frantic voice. “The gunman is now holding an innocent old woman hostage. The scene inside is now more chaotic than ever, and the police are trying to negotiate with the gunman for him to release the civilian.” “Please stay tuned to the updates.” With that, the screen turned black before going back to the station’s usual commercials. “Go to the news channel, quick!” Jay urged. Akira, forgetting about his current favorite drama, did as Jay had told him so. However, at that moment, June stood abruptly, the intensity in his eyes cutting through the room’s tension like a knife. The other members looked up at him, confused.

“June? Where are you going?” Jaeyong asked, concern heard in his voice. June didn’t respond immediately. He grabbed the van’s keys from the table and darted toward the door with determined strides.

“June, wait! You can’t just—” Jay started, but June cut him off. S~aʀᴄh the N0ᴠFre.nt website on Ggl to access chapters of nvels early and in the highest quality.

“I have to go,” June said, his voice resolute. “I can’t just sit here and do nothing.”

The room erupted in protests, but June’s mind was made up.

“Let me come with you,” Jay said, but June didn’t bother waiting for him. He didn’t want to place any of them at harm, so he used his speed to lose Jay and his members. “June!” he heard from afar, but he didn’t turn around. Instead, he quickly went inside the van and started the engine. He could see the boys going after him, trying to stop him, but he didn’t pay them any attention. With that, he sped through the streets, his heart pounding in his chest. The city blurred past him as he pushed the car to its limits, memories of his past life flashing through his mind. The chaotic fights, nights of strategizing, and finding ways to survive…

Those instincts kicked in, pushing aside any hesitation.

As he neared the hospital, the flashing lights of police cars and ambulances came into view.

The area was cordoned off, and officers were trying to keep the growing crowd at bay. “No one may come in! I repeat, no one may come inside,” the officer screamed through his megaphone. “Please, my son is inside,” a woman pleaded, but the police officers didn’t want to take their chances. “Rest assured, we will try our best to handle the situation,” the officer responded. June parked a few blocks away and approached the scene on foot, his mind focused on one thing and one thing only. Saving those people.

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