From Thug to Idol: Transmigrating to a Survival Show

Chapter 638 Just A Pretty Face

June was lost in his thoughts, the echoes of Mei Ling’s song lingering in his mind. He wondered what his sister was truly doing in a show like this when she had no talent as an idol.

However, he snapped out of his reverie when he heard a faint hum beside him.

He glanced at his master, Lee Sik, and saw him watching the performance intently.

The other judges seemed to also be engrossed in Mei Ling’s performance.

“Every moment we shared,

Every laugh, every tear,

Feels like it was just yesterday,

But now you’re so far away.”

June glanced behind him and also found the other trainees watching intently. He thought they were going to be repulsed by her performance, but it seemed like they were strangely intrigued.

June frowned and fully focused on her performance.

Then, that was when it hit him.

This girl—she was singing with raw, unfiltered emotions.

Sure, she lacked the technical skill, but goodness, she was singing like she had been through eight divorces.

Well, they did live a pretty rough life, and it somehow projected into the way she sang.

“I’ll cherish every memory,

Hold them close to me,

For though you’re gone, you’re still here,

In every heartbeat, in every tear.”

It was almost heartbreaking.

June wondered if she was singing the song because she somewhat remembered him. For a moment, she looked at her profile once again, going through her answers.

Favorite color: Pink

Favorite hobby: Reading Alternative Universes and Manhwas

June shook his head in amusement. Yup, she was still pretty much the same.

However, what made him frown was the next question.

Something you’ve always wanted: A sibling. It’s hard being an only child.

June frowned in confusion.

An only child? Since when was she an only child? Read Web Novels Online Free – NovelFire Novel Fire –

However, he couldn’t dwell on it too much as Mei began to sing the bridge of the song, her voice faltering during the high notes.

“A lifetime isn’t enough,

To spend with you, my love,

But in the blink of an eye, Tʜe sourc of ths content s NovlFir(e).nt

You were gone, and I’m left to cry.”

Despite her lack of technical talent, the audience wasn’t repulsed by her performance. On the contrary, they seemed captivated by her vulnerability and drawn to the authenticity of her emotions.

June couldn’t deny the impact of Mei Ling’s performance. Despite her shortcomings, she had managed to touch something deep within the hearts of those watching.

As Mei Ling finished her song, the room fell into silence.

However, contrary to the applause he received during his auditions, the audience remained silent, not really knowing how to feel.

Then, her face flashed on the screen, capturing her sorrowful expression.

“Ah, so pretty,” the others still couldn’t help but exclaim. There were tears brimming in her eyes, making them shine like high-carat gold.

However, in a split second, her expression turned nonchalant, making them surprised.

It was as if she didn’t just sing the most heartbreaking song out there.

Lee Sik covered his mouth, trying hard to not laugh. However, some chuckles still escaped his lips.

“She’s weirdly charming,” he muttered.

But then, at that moment, the screen flashed June’s face instead. People barely noticed the shift at first; their attention was still focused on Mei Ling.

It was only when Amira spoke that they realized June was on the screen.

“Wait,” she said, looking at June and Mei before her eyes widened in disbelief.

The others also started catching onto what was happening.

“They look alike!”

Even the cameraman couldn’t believe his eyes, so the camera zoomed in from June to Mei, highlighting the striking resemblance between the two.

Gun’s eyes widened in surprise as he glanced at the screen, his gaze flickering between her image and June’s.

So, that was why she looked so familiar!

It was as if they were mirror images of each other—June with his sharp features and piercing gaze and Mei with her softer, more delicate features.

The audience murmured in amazement, some even leaning forward in their seats to get a better look. The resemblance was uncanny, almost eerie in its accuracy.

June, who had been watching the screen, pursed his lips. He had never noticed the resemblance before, but now that it had been pointed out, he couldn’t unsee it.

How could they even look alike when they weren’t related in their current bodies?

“She’s your female version,” Gun said as if it weren’t already strikingly obvious.

“Thank you for your performance,” Lee Sik said, finally proceeding with the comments.

“You’re welcome,” Mei responded respectfully.

Lee Sik glanced at June before smiling.

“She somehow acts like you, too,” he said.

June pursed his lips. That was what he was afraid of! Having his attitude in the entertainment industry would definitely give her a harder time.

“So, you’ve only been training for a month?” Lee Sik asked.

She nodded wordlessly.

“So, that explains it,” Ji-hyun said. “I hope you’re aware that you’re not good at singing.”

The trainees chuckled, finding her comment funny. However, once Ji-hyun’s expression was shown on the screen, they pursed their lips.

It seemed like she was actually dead serious.

Ji-hyun knew that Mei sang her song with the perfect emotions. However, it still didn’t take away the fact that she wasn’t good at singing at all.

So, she didn’t dare commend her emotional portrayal since she felt like the pretty girl didn’t actually deserve it.

Amira took the microphone to share her criticisms.

“Your foundations in dancing are also a mess. It was already simple, yet somehow, you couldn’t execute it properly.”

Gun pursed his lips and nodded in agreement. “I’m not saying that you’re a lost cause because people could definitely improve throughout the show,” he started off, glancing at June.

“However, you have to put in extra effort to improve your skills right now,” he said.

“Honestly, the last auditions have been very disappointing,” Bone continued. “It seems like all of you are here for a model or a dance competition.”

The trainees turned silent as Mentor Bone’s words sunk into their minds. The fact that the kindest mentor in the show said such words meant that they must have been really disappointed.

Lee Sik nodded in agreement. Then, he turned to June, who was keeping silent until now so that his presence would go unnoticed.

However, Lee Sik wasn’t going to let him go this time.

He smiled and nudged June’s shoulder.

“Don’t forget your promise now,” he said.

“You’re going to scold them, right?”

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