From Thug to Idol: Transmigrating to a Survival Show

Chapter 603 Don't Fret, Little Shrimp

”Alright, we’ll be panning the cameras to the characters one by one. This is where Taehyun’s narrations will be played, and although your characters aren’t going to be explicitly introduced, you need to show portray your traits without saying anything,” Director Jam instructed.

The actors all nodded in agreement, taking their positions in the chaos-filled set. They were set in the ruins of the village, showing the aftermath of everything they went through.

Then, Taehyun’s narration started playing to get the different actors in the mood.

“In a world where emotions are not mere manifestations of our existence, but tangible entities, we find ourselves in a realm like any other.”

“Here, emotions take on a life of their own, divided into four distinct factions: Crimson, Golden, Shadow, and Ivory. Each faction embodies a fundamental aspect of human emotion, from love to ambition, fear to purity.”

At this point, the camera hadn’t started with their shots just yet.

June had just gotten his hair and make-up done, emerging from the tent. He was a bit delayed since the make-up artist stared at him a little too long and couldn’t find the heart to wake him up.

So, he bit his lip when he saw that the filming had already started.

Ann, seeing the beautiful creature behind the cameras, quickly went up to June.

“They’ve already started,” she said.

“I know,” June said. “Where’s the camera’s blind spot so I can sneak into my spot?”

Ann smiled and gestured for him to follow after her. She quickly pointed where June was supposed to be, so he briskly walked to his position right behind Lin Zhi.

Fortunately, the cameras were focused on Hana during that time, so he wasn’t caught by the lens.

Ann made her way back to her original position with the other ‘cinematography’ experts.

They watched the actors portray the emotions of their characters, nodding in satisfaction after Hana finished her part.

“Really pretty,” one of them said. “However, I could still see the pain and desperation behind her eyes. She’s really suited for this character.”

Director Jam, who was also monitoring the take, nodded in agreement. He wasn’t expecting any less from Hana. This was his second time working with her, so he already knew of her capabilities.

The narration continued on, with the camera focusing on one character to another.

“Yet, despite the inherent harmony that should prevail in a world where emotions intertwine, peace remains as a dream.”

“How should one react when the very essence of their being dictates their actions?”

The camera focused on the leaders of the other factions, getting closer and closer to where June and Lin Zhi were standing.

Actually, June wasn’t going to be shown in the full shot of this scene. Instead, he would just be in the background of Lin Zhi’s character.

Lin Zhi was the second to the last one to be shown, with Taehyun being the focal point of this certain scene.

The camera moved slowly as Taehyun’s voice echoed in the set.

“In the pursuit of peace, do we sacrifice the very essence of what makes us human? Can harmony coexist with individuality, or is it an illusion that we chase in vain, forever out of reach?”

Finally, the camera focused on Lin Zhi, and June stood right behind him. At this point, Lin Zhi didn’t pay June much attention. He knew that he was the main focus of the shot, so he pulled out the most resentful face he could muster.

Director Jam raised his eyebrows in surprise, finding Lin Zhi’s interpretation of Yian spot on. It was the kind of ugly that you wanted to turn away from. Truly, he looked like a very hateful character.

Meanwhile, June’s character was calm and obedient, so he stayed still and showed his loyalty through his steady gaze.

For a moment, the camera focused on the two of them, making Ann gasp in surprise once June’s face was shown clearly on the monitoring screen.

June was already attractive in real life, yet it was getting captured by the camera so well!

Director Jam was also surprised. At first, he found Lin Zhi’s portrayal of a hateful character impressive; however, for some reason, his gaze strayed to June seconds later.

It just felt like he had a captivating aura that immediately caught your attention.

“Are we sure he’s part of the villain team?”

“He’s eating Lin Zhi up with his face card.”

“Honestly, this just makes Yian more unlikeable—which is the goal of the film, right?”

“I agree. The contrast in their furious and calm looks emphasizes that Yian is the true villain of the movie.”

Director Jam nodded in agreement, a small smile emerging from his face. It seemed like he didn’t have to get angry for this specific scene!

“…and cut!” Director Jam exclaimed.

The actors finally dropped their expressions, with Lin Zhi looking the most smug. He didn’t want to say it out loud, but he believed he nailed the specific take.

Then, he turned around to look at June, only to freeze when he saw how dazzling he was.

“What the heck,” Lin Zhi muttered. “He’s shining.”

June didn’t bother glancing at him as he walked over to the large screen, where the actors were now monitoring their performances.

He stayed at the very back while Lin Zhi subtly pushed him aside so he could get a better look. June shook his head and settled at the side instead.

They played the video, with Director Jam feeling satisfied despite the lack of editing in the clip.

“Now, I’m satisfied with this take,” he said. “So, I don’t think there’s a need for us to retake it. I believe it couldn’t get any more genuine than this, so after watching the clip, let’s go ahead and film the first few scenes of the movie.”

The clip continued, and the actors were also satisfied with the take. It seemed like they were all determined to finish this particular scene in just one take since they gave it their all.

Once it got to Lin Zhi, the others nodded in acknowledgment. He truly did look like a villain.

Lin Zhi smiled to himself, feeling proud of their reactions. He felt a bit regretful since he believed he could have looked more handsome in the shot, but if the director said it had gone well, then Lin Zhi had no reason to mistrust him.

However, as the camera unfocused a bit, now showing June in a clearer view, a greater reaction was heard from the other actors.

Hana looked around until her eyes landed on June, only for it to widen even more when she saw how well he fit the costume they had prepared.

“You look good on camera,” Taehyun complimented.

June smirked. “Does that mean I don’t look good in real life?”

Taehyung shook his head in amusement. “You do,” he said. “That’s why it’s slightly annoying.”

June chuckled and joked along with the other actors.

Meanwhile, Lin Zhi couldn’t tear his eyes away from the screen, his eyes twitching from annoyance as he observed the contrast in their looks.

‘I look like a shrimp next to him!’

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