From Soldier to Officer: A Game Addict's Journey

Chapter 326 - Chapter 326: Old Fox

Chapter 326: Old Fox

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Wang Ye looked at Wu Jianfeng, very skeptical of his current proposal.

Of course, how could he not be skeptical?

This guy, it wasn’t like his father was a military commander. Why does he need to involve the company commander in this matter?

Why does he have the right to pull off such an operation?

Wu Jianfeng saw the doubt in Wang Ye’s eyes, but he didn’t mind. With a mysterious smile, he said, “It should work, but 1 can’t guarantee it. If you have any ideas, I can give it a try!”


Wang Ye agreed, but then he added, “Company Commander, you’re not going to sell me out directly, are you? What if I go and never come back?”

“Haha, unless you don’t want to come back on your own, I definitely won’t sell you out!”

Wu Jianfeng laughed heartily.

With that, he looked at the camp outside the field and said, “Well, let’s go back for dinner now. I’ll give it a try later tonight!”

With doubts in his mind, Wang Ye followed suit.

He didn’t know how Wu Jianfeng planned to carry out this operation, but regardless of what he thought, Wang Ye’s own thoughts were quite simple.

Short-term training was fine, but a long-term military career as a special forces soldier was not something Wang Ye really wanted.

Compared to fighting behind enemy lines, Wang Ye actually preferred to command a large army.

Moreover, Wang Ye was a person who had been reborn, and he knew very well what the future trends in the military would be.

While it might not be possible to eliminate special forces units, the overall direction and focus of the military were shifting towards transforming divisions into brigades, achieving greater integration among units, and promoting younger commanders.

With more development opportunities that aligned with his preferences, Wang Ye naturally chose what he truly desired.

However, as Wu Jianfeng had mentioned, knowing oneself and knowing the enemy is the key to victory in a hundred battles.

If there was a chance to learn more about it, Wang Ye would certainly not hesitate.

Even if it meant enduring hardships in the coming months that he couldn’t bear.

But in order to better understand the “enemy” he might encounter in the future, Wang Ye was willing to go through trials and tribulations.

In the evening, in front of the platform where the martial arts competition was about to begin.

All the participating teams of the entire division gathered once again.

Arranged by battalions, a large bonfire was in the middle.

“Iron Bones!” A major from one of the battalions shouted loudly in front of the formation.

“Bones are tough, we sing and dance with strength!” The members of the entire battalion echoed loudly.

The next moment, after their voices subsided, the major shouted again, “Let’s welcome the brothers from the Iron Bones Heroic Battalion to give us one!”

“Give us one, give us one!

Clap! Clap! Clap!”

Applause thundered, and at this moment, not only the battalion but also teams from other battalions were applauding and cheering, shouting, “Give us one, give us one.”

The sound was deafening…

On the Iron Bones side, the battalion commander in front also laughed heartily, “Brothers, what should we do when Battalion One wants us to sing and dance?”

“Let me sing, I’ll sing, where should we put our face!”

The entire Iron Bones Heroic Battalion’s participants shouted.

This was a passphrase that was quickly passed among the battalion’s leaders within the formation.

There was no need for martial arts competition in the late evening, and there was no need for training here either.

So they had organized a singing session directly in the evening.

All the participating teams of the entire division gathered here, creating a lively atmosphere.

Cheers, chants, and applause were so loud that it scared away the birds and animals in the nearby wilderness.

Wang Ye was also among the participants of the Iron Bones Heroes Regiment, but tonight, even though he was involved, his mental state had not been focused. He seemed a bit absent-minded when singing and chanting.

Mainly because Wu Jianfeng had left before the singing started.

Wang Ye knew he had probably gone to fulfill his earlier promise to find the Black Fox.

And indeed, that was what happened.

Of course, Wu Jianfeng didn’t immediately go to find the Black Fox.

He first went to find the battalion commander, chatted with him for about two minutes under Wang Ye’s watchful eyes, and then left.

While they were talking, Wang Ye noticed that both the battalion commander and Wu Jianfeng glanced at him a few times.

Behind the military tent on the high platform, some temporary tents had been set up tonight.

The martial arts competition area was far from civilization, and there were no nearby towns for accommodation. Therefore, all the officers and officials who had come here today, unless they had urgent business to return to their units, would camp here for the night.

Black Fox had not participated in the singing session outside earlier.

Now, in the dark night several dozen meters away from these tents, Black Fox gave a cigarette to Wu Jianfeng and spoke, “Do you have something to discuss with me?”

When Wu Jianfeng had approached him earlier, he had already introduced himself.

Wang Ye’s company commander.

So now Black Fox’s attitude was quite friendly, and he even offered a cigarette before speaking.

Wu Jianfeng accepted the cigarette but didn’t light it. Instead, he looked at Black Fox and said, “Commander, I have something I’d like to discuss with you.”

“Okay, go ahead,” Black Fox replied while lighting his own cigarette.

He was actually curious about why Wang Ye’s company commander had come to see him at this time.

Could it be that after Wang Ye went back and discussed the matter with him, he had a change of heart?

To be honest, he was somewhat hopeful.

“Commander, how about we play a game?”

However, Wu Jianfeng didn’t respond as Black Fox had expected. His simple statement made Black Fox pause even in the act of bringing the cigarette to his lips.

He opened the cigarette case and looked at Wu Jianfeng with interest, saying, “A game?”

Wu Jianfeng nodded with a smile, “Yes, a game.”

He continued, “Originally, our plan for Wang Ye was to have him spend some time in the Reconnaissance Platoon of the Divisional Security and Intelligence Company after graduating from the Training Company. But now, I understand that you want to recruit Wang Ye into the Special Forces, but he has declined your offer. So, 1 have a new idea.”

Looking at Black Fox, Wu Jianfeng continued with a determined look in his eyes, “Commander, I’ve talked to Wang Ye, and he has agreed to a short-term training program. Now it’s up to you whether you want to give it a try.”

He paused for a moment and then added, “I believe, Commander, you still have confidence in the appeal of your unit, right?”

Wu Jianfeng raised three fingers, his tone filled with temptation, “Commander, for a three-month period, shall we see if Wang Ye chooses to come back or willingly stays with your unit?”

“Heh, interesting!” Black Fox laughed.

His hand holding the cigarette trembled slightly.

After taking another drag, he looked at Wu Jianfeng and said, “Your approach is indeed clever, and I can guess your intentions. However, what I want to say is that while 1 appreciate talent, loyalty is paramount for the Special Forces.”

“Wang Ye’s loyalty is beyond question!” Wu Jianfeng’s expression turned serious as he spoke.

This matter was not a joke.

Black Fox chuckled, “I don’t doubt his loyalty to the country and the military, but his loyalty to my unit is not sufficient. My unit is not a market, nor is it a training institution. Your game is intriguing, but I cannot accept it.”

His words left Wu Jianfeng somewhat dumbfounded.

To be honest, Wu Jianfeng had thought this was a nearly surefire plan. After all, he believed that the Special Forces personnel must have their own pride and arrogance.

But he didn’t expect Black Fox to refuse.

“However, we can play it in a different way,” Black Fox spoke again at this moment.

Wu Jianfeng immediately looked at him.

He didn’t say anything, but his attitude was clear: he wanted to hear how they could play it differently.

With a smile on his face, Black Fox continued, “When we recruit new members this year, as long as he can get in based on his abilities, I can let him stay until the day he voluntarily wants to leave, no restrictions!”

Black Fox’s words seemed to follow the rules, but in fact, he had set a significant trap.

This trap might not be apparent to a company commander who had never participated in Special Forces selection, but unfortunately for him, Wu Jianfeng had participated in such selection.

“All right, I’ll go back and talk to him,” Wu Jianfeng didn’t say much more.

Since Black Fox firmly disagreed with his proposal, there was really no need for Wu Jianfeng to continue the discussion. Because Special Forces selections happened every year, each company could recommend soldiers to participate. If someone was selected and genuinely wanted to return, the Special Forces would not prevent it.

As Black Fox had mentioned, loyalty was the first consideration for the Special Forces, and all loyalty had to be based on voluntary participation.

Turning around, Wu Jianfeng left.

Behind him, Black Fox looked up at the sky.

The night was filled with countless stars, and the night sky was beautiful. Fireflies dotted the surroundings, and they seemed to dance in harmony with the stars in the sky.

Unfortunately, he couldn’t appreciate this beautiful moonlight at the moment.

What a promising talent.

Breaking the military district record in a comprehensive event like the 400-meter obstacle course is rarer than a giant panda.

But unfortunately, this soldier’s heart and mindset didn’t meet the requirements!

“Let me participate in the Special Forces selection?”

At 8:30 PM, after the singing session ended, Wu Jianfeng and Wang Ye walked to the competition area to discuss the matter he had negotiated earlier.

Now, Wang Ye looked at the older Wu next to him with a surprised expression and said, “Are you serious? Let me join the Special Forces selection?”

Wu Jianfeng seemed a bit helpless and replied, “Yes, he’s quite a cunning old fox.”

He looked at Wang Ye and continued, “Originally, my intention was for you to go directly to the Reconnaissance Platoon after your training company ends and start learning as a new special forces recruit. In that way, with your status as a fresh recruit, even if you can adapt, you wouldn’t develop deep emotional ties in just three short months.”

Pausing for a moment, Wu Jianfeng continued, “What’s even more important is that during these three months, being in a real Special Forces unit, you would undoubtedly learn and see a lot. But I never expected that this guy would want you to participate in the Special Forces selection.”

He sighed and added with a wry smile, “During that period, you won’t learn much, but you’ll endure a lot of hardship. The key is, if you go through the selection process and make it to the end, you’ll definitely build strong bonds with your fellow candidates who have endured hardship with you. In that situation, even if you enter the Special Forces, he might place you in the same team with them, even adjust your positions to form a squad. Can you still leave after that?”

Wang Ye was speechless.

This was indeed a trap!

No wonder he introduced himself as the “Old Fox.”

When Wu Jianfeng had mentioned participating in the Special Forces selection earlier, Wang Ye had been tempted. He had thought to himself that it wouldn’t be a big deal; he could participate without any restrictions, learn what he needed in the Special Forces, and then quietly leave.

But now, as Wu Jianfeng explained the potential consequences, Wang Ye realized that it would indeed be a trap.

Coming back?

No chance. He would most likely be stuck as a Special Forces soldier.

“Forget it, Captain. I’ll stick to the plan and become a reconnaissance soldier for further training,” Wang Ye said.

Understanding one’s enemy was crucial, but he couldn’t risk getting deeply entangled in the Special Forces just for that.

“Yeah, that’s probably the wise choice,” Wu Jianfeng nodded.

“That guy is quite cunning. If I hadn’t participated in the Special Forces selection myself, I might have encouraged you to go, and then you’d probably end up as a Special Forces soldier for good.”

Wang Ye chuckled, “Heh, being a Special Forces soldier isn’t a bad thing, it’s just not suitable for me. Anyway, let’s not dwell on this matter. Captain, do you think breaking the military district record this time will earn me a certain level of commendation?”

Wang Ye proactively changed the topic.

Considering his outstanding performance as a Special Forces candidate, it wouldn’t be surprising if they tried to recruit him.

But for now, Wang Ye had made his choice not to join.

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