From Soldier to Officer: A Game Addict's Journey

Chapter 247 - Chapter 247: A Carriage of Ammo

Chapter 247: A Carriage of Ammo

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

A confrontation exercise proved highly effective for the Iron Bones Hero Regiment.

At the very least, after this match, everyone’s attention was no longer on Deng Hai.

The entire group resumed their normal training.

It was only due to Wang Ye’s presence that the recruits and veterans of the fourth company found themselves facing considerable challenges.

When morning came, they had to carry an eight-kilometer load.

At the beginning of the morning exercise class, there was another 400-meter obstacle to teach the recruits some military skills.

Not to mention lunch; it was the most challenging part of the day.

Even though they were given half an hour to rest before being pushed to run the 400 meters, it still proved demanding.

However, eating too much meant not having enough time for digestion during that half-hour break.

A 400-meter run right after a meal could make one regurgitate.

This led the recruits and veterans to eat cautiously, stopping at 70% full before setting down their chopsticks.

They dared not eat more!

“Brother Wang, what do you think we’ll be doing today?”

The armored vehicle produced a “kuang kuang” sound. Peng Yuhang, seated next to Wang Ye, couldn’t resist leaning over to ask quietly.

Though he seemed to be addressing Wang Ye, his eyes wandered toward the other side, hoping that Qiao Xuan, the deputy class monitor, would offer an answer.

However, Qiao Xuan rested with his eyes closed, cradling his gun in his arms, completely ignoring Peng Yuhang.

Wang Ye glanced at him and smiled, “How would I know? Let’s just wait.”

By now, Wang Ye had grown accustomed to the Fourth Company’s approach.

They seldom disclosed their plans before executing them. The details only emerged when it was time to act.

Wang Ye didn’t mind. He had come to understand that he was merely a soldier now, a private.

He would do what he was told to do. There was no need to question too much.

Besides, it wasn’t as if he could buy any special treatment.

“Alright then!” Peng Yuhang nodded in silence, then glanced at Qiao Xuan beside him. He leaned closer once more and retrieved a candy from his pocket. “Here, Brother Wang, have some candy!”

He produced a solid fruit-flavored candy and discreetly handed it to Wang Ye.

Wang Ye glanced at him, offering a smile in response. He didn’t utter a word. Instead, he accepted the candy, unwrapped it, and popped it into his mouth before neatly stowing away the wrapper.

It was clear to him that Peng Yuhang had likely procured the candy from the service center and brought it secretly.

In truth, Wang Ye also had a few pieces in his own pocket.

They served as a handy snack if he ever felt hungry.

The others were oblivious to this exchange. On Wang Ye’s side, the four of them still sat in a row. Qiao Xuan kept his eyes closed, resting, while Zhang Wen, who had relocated to the back, clenched a plastic bag tightly, his eyes shut tightly as he battled motion sickness. He was in no condition to observe anything else.

The armored vehicle continued its somewhat rocky journey for over half an hour before finally coming to a halt.


As soon as it stopped, Zhang Wen began to retch.

Wang Ye quickly moved closer to assist.

Fortunately, their destination had been reached.

Unlike last time, Wang Ye didn’t have to endure the unpleasant odor inside the vehicle.

After a lengthy bout of vomiting, the platoon leader approached and helped Zhang Wen disembark. Only then did Wang Ye and the rest exit the vehicle.


As Wang Ye stepped out of the vehicle and took a deep breath of fresh air, he suddenly felt a sense of familiarity wash over him.

It seemed as though he had returned to a place he knew well.

Of course, he wasn’t the only one who recognized it.

“Wow, we’re at the shooting range!”

“Are we going to do some shooting today?”

The new recruits and seasoned soldiers from the Fourth Company disembarked from the transport. The recruits from the training camp were naturally unfamiliar with this place.

However, the members of the Iron Bones Hero Regiment were no strangers to it.

This was the same shooting range they had visited on the first day of their camp.

It was here that they had fired their first five live rounds.

Wang Ye was also somewhat surprised that they had ended up here.

“Beep beep! Gather!”

At that moment, Wu Jianfeng blew his whistle and shouted.

Without hesitation, everyone rushed over. Even those who had been ill and were still recovering at the back of the vehicle were helped to their feet and joined the group.

“Despite being here for 25 days, some of you haven’t even been assigned positions yet. This delay is seriously impeding our training progress!”

Wu Jianfeng stood before the group, his voice commanding attention.

“However, after today, you will be assigned your roles.

Today, 1’11 let you all have some fun!”

After making this announcement, Wu Jianfeng pointed to a vehicle parked nearby that had seemingly joined the convoy at an unknown point.

“Come on, veterans, tell the new recruits next to you what kind of vehicle this is!” Wu Jianfeng exclaimed with a smile.

“Ammo truck!” a group of veterans in the formation shouted in unison.

This left the new recruits somewhat bewildered.

They all gazed at the box truck.

This vehicle was used to transport ammunition?

How much ammunition could it possibly carry?

Before long, they would find out.

Two platoon leaders opened the truck’s doors. Inside, they couldn’t see how many ammunition boxes were stacked, but Wang Ye and the others noticed a substantial pile of ammunition boxes outside the truck.

“All this ammo is for us today!”

Wu Jianfeng declared with a grin, eliciting an excited surge from the recruits.

“Wow, this is incredible!”

“Fuck! Fuck! How rich!


“How much ammo is there? Are we going to fire a whole magazine each at least?”

“I can’t believe it. Our company’s squad leader told me he only fired fifteen rounds in two years. 1 used to think he was exaggerating, but now I feel like he must have been holding out on us!”

At this point, the formation could no longer contain their enthusiasm.

When new recruits joined the military, their fascination with firearms was undeniable.

Even now, most of them weren’t particularly interested in the rifles they carried. Many wished they could leave them in the armory. After all, without ammunition, the rifles were just added weight.

But now, with all this ammunition, excitement bubbled among them.

Wang Ye, too, felt a rush of excitement. He had been a bit weary from the long ride in the vehicle, but now he was wide awake.

The opportunity for redemption had arrived!

During this period, Zhou Qi had often used Wang Ye’s 40-point score in consecutive shots as motivation for the other two recruits in their class.

He would say, “Wang Ye is human, not a god. Look at his shooting. He only scored 40 points and still got a good score.”


So you need to work hard too. I’m not expecting you to surpass Wang Ye in other areas, but at the very least, you should strive to keep up.”

Whether or not he could motivate the other two was another matter.

Nevertheless, Peng Yuhang had approached Wang Ye several times during this period.

Peng Yuhang would engage in serious discussions about shooting techniques with Wang Ye very often. He even shared some essential tips for shooting.

Hmmm… this guy, the rookie with a consecutive shooting score of forty-two rings…

Wang Ye turned his head to glance at Peng Yuhang, who happened to be looking back at him at that moment.

Peng Yuhang was sporting a confident smile.

Shooting was his strong suit. Despite having a score of only 42, it was still a better performance compared to other events.

Moreover, among the recruits, many had missed the target or scored below forty points. In the grand scheme of things, his results were actually quite good.

“Brother Wang, watch me later!” Peng Yuhang whispered to Wang Ye with great assurance.

“Alright, attention!” Wu Jianfeng’s shout interrupted Wang Ye before he could respond.

Instantly, the group fell silent.

Observing the recruits in formation, Wu Jianfeng continued to smile. “1 can tell you that today, there’s more than just rifle ammunition here.”

He pointed towards the ammunition truck and said, “Today, there are also machine gun rounds, sniper rifle bullets you’ve been longing for, pistol rounds, and even rockets. You’ll get a chance to handle all of these today.”

Wu Jianfeng’s words quickened the recruits’ breath, while the veterans looked on with playful expressions. Some even wore grins.

The recruits were excited, but the veterans weren’t.

As a field force, a frontline combat unit stationed at the border, their opportunities to fire live ammunition were far more abundant than those of ordinary troops.

Each season, the Fourth Company would certainly have an ammunition truck. The physical exertion would leave shoulders sore, heads pounding, and ears ringing.

After they completed their initial recruit training, they weren’t particularly enthusiastic about going to the shooting range anymore.

However, seeing the excitement in the new recruits made them reminisce.

Not long ago, they too had been bursting with excitement.

They just didn’t know if the new recruits would still be as enthusiastic after today’s shooting practice.

“All right, today’s shooting practice will be part of the morning drill session. Let’s have breakfast first!”

Wu Jianfeng gestured, and the two platoon leaders closed the ammunition truck’s doors.

Then, Wu Jianfeng turned to the formation with a smile on his face.

“Dismissed for now. Class leaders, take your squads to find breakfast!”

Wu Jianfeng gave the order, leaving the excited recruits somewhat puzzled.

What did he mean by finding breakfast?

Wasn’t the kitchen following them?

Their mobile kitchens were all at the rear.

Did he misspeak?

Did he expect everyone to have breakfast?

Soon, Wang Ye realized that wasn’t the case.

After they disbanded, Zhou Qi led the squad into the forest on the left instead of heading towards the mobile kitchen….

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