From Soldier to Officer: A Game Addict's Journey

Chapter 244 - Chapter 244: What Should Come, Will Come!

Chapter 244: What Should Come, Will Come!

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

“Learn from me. The next time you encounter a picket officer, if your military appearance is satisfactory, you don’t need to worry. But if you feel something’s amiss with your appearance, make a swift exit, understand?”

Inside the dormitory, Qiao Xuan addressed the two Class Eight recruits with a solemn expression.

Peng Yuhang and Zhang Wen, who had just returned from sentry duty, nodded vigorously.

Peng Yuhang even turned to Wang Ye with a grin and asked, “Wang Ye, you’re really impressive. By the way, what did the picket officer say when he called you? Did he really ask you to stay?”

“Yes! He called out to me from behind,” Wang Ye replied with a smile.

“Alright, let’s not dwell on this any longer!” Zhou Qi intervened, signaling them to stop discussing the topic. Then, he addressed everyone, saying, “Don’t chatter too much about the picket officer. And don’t mention Wang Ye’s encounter with the picket officer today. Do you understand? Wang Ye has been in the dormitory this afternoon, got it?”

“Yes, sir!” responded everyone in Class Eight promptly.

“Okay, let’s put this behind us. Let’s go. It’s nearly time for physical training.”

Though rest during the day was allowed, Wang Ye couldn’t afford to let his stamina decline, just like his morning runs.

“It’s been more than ten days since this year’s new recruits joined the company. We’ve missed a lot of training due to the drill confrontation.”

Wu Jianfeng addressed the entire company gathered downstairs.

“The newcomers who just arrived have hardly received any training. Starting today, we need to catch up!”

With that, the deputy company commander stepped forward and turned right.

The entire company was led to the 400-meter obstacle course of the 4th Company.

“It’s happening! We’re finally doing this!”

As they gazed at the 400-meter obstacle course ahead, some of the veteran runners wore bitter expressions. They couldn’t help but cast glances at Wang Ye from Class Eight.

Of course, there were also recruits who observed the 400-meter training ground with curiosity. Not all of them had encountered the 400-meter obstacle before. In the 4th Company, most of the recruits coming from the training camp had never experienced it.

It had been postponed due to the previous incident, but these days, some ambitious recruits had begun nurturing a small dream in their hearts. After all, they had heard about Wang Ye’s legendary tale in a short time. Since they hadn’t run it before, they didn’t have a clear idea about the 400-meter obstacle.

They couldn’t help but wonder how Wang Ye could break the record. Even if he didn’t break the record, he had performed exceptionally well, and established a reputation for himself.

In their minds, since Wang Ye, as a recruit, could break the record, this task shouldn’t be too challenging.

Of course, this perspective was held by only a few recruits. Most of them were there to observe.

The moment they laid eyes on the 400-meter obstacle course, they felt a sense of hopelessness regarding Wang Ye’s achievements.

Running back and forth through all those obstacles, plus the 200-meter sprint, totaling 400 meters, and he completed it in less than one minute and thirty seconds?

At that moment, it felt as though they were talking about an impossible feat. Running 400 meters in under a minute was a major challenge for many of them. Now, they had to navigate through numerous obstacles in just 20 to 30 seconds.

I low did he do it?

“Wang Ye!”

They halted in front of the 400-meter obstacle course.

Wu Jianfeng didn’t waste any time and called out to the formation with a serious expression.


Wang Ye responded.

“Step forward!”

“Yes, sir!”

At this moment, most of the veterans in the Fourth Company had a bitter taste in their mouths.

This new recruit was about to display his prowess!

Although they had anticipated this day, they secretly wished it would come later because they knew that once this day arrived, they would undoubtedly be put through a tough ordeal.

“Warm up and get ready!”

Wu Jianfeng instructed Wang Ye.

Afterward, he addressed the formation once more.

“Dismissed, move to the side of the obstacle course and watch!”

He didn’t say much because Wang Ye hadn’t begun running yet.

However, the veterans and even the recruits in the formation sensed that a storm was about to hit them.

Soon, everyone from the Fourth Company, excluding Wang Ye, stood by the obstacles on the training ground.

Wang Ye had just completed his warm-up.

“Don’t hold back, give it your all, understand?” Wu Jianfeng whispered to Wang Ye at the starting point.

“Yes, sir!”

Wang Ye smiled and nodded. As he spoke, he glanced at the soldiers of the Fourth Company standing by the obstacles on the side of the track.

In his heart, Wang Ye offered an apology.

It’s not that I want to challenge you, but Old Wu won’t let me off!

Shortly after, the deputy company commander, Zheng Ke, positioned himself at the starting line with a stopwatch.

As for Wang Ye, he was prepared to start running.



Zheng Ke shouted, and under the watchful eyes of the new veterans of the Fourth Company, Wang Ye sprinted off.

The Fourth Company’s training ground was actually different from the 400-meter obstacle course that Wang Ye had previously encountered.

The other side had a two-hundred-meter track, while the Fourth Company’s track was only a hundred meters long.

Both tracks had an empty lane and an adjacent obstacle course.

During the run, it was the same scenario.

There was an absence of cheering. Normally, when a comrade participated in such an event, everyone would be expected to cheer them on.

However, the Fourth Company’s soldiers remained unusually quiet.

In truth, everyone secretly hoped that Wang Ye would stumble on the track, sparing them from having to match his incredible performance, which loomed like a daunting challenge over their heads.

Regrettably, their hopes were in vain.

After the initial 100-meter sprint, Wang Ye seamlessly transitioned into the obstacle course, leaving the recruits and veterans dumbfounded.

Without hesitation, he leaped over high hurdles…

His technique for navigating the obstacles was vastly different from what everyone recognized as energy-conserving maneuvers. Instead, they were the most efficient ones. If this were Wang Ye’s first attempt, and no one knew his previous records, they would undoubtedly be cursing him right now.

What’s with the pretense? You’re running so fast despite expending so much energy. Let’s see how you fare on the return trip!

However, the Fourth Company’s soldiers harbored no such thoughts. They only felt their scalps tingle.

What are we supposed to do now?

If we don’t adopt your obstacle-crossing technique and speed for efficiency, it means we’re not measuring up to your level.

With your speed and technique, it would be downright embarrassing if you couldn’t make it back on the second lap or even fell into the deep pit.

That would directly imply your physical fitness wasn’t up to par.

And what happened if a veteran fell short in terms of physical prowess?

No need to think, just practice.

It was hopeless!

At this moment, many recruits and veterans from the Fourth Company had an urge to kick Wang Ye, who was racing through the obstacle course, over to the other companies. Some even muttered to themselves.

The Division’s Chief of Staff personally flew a helicopter to pick you up. Why didn’t you accept the ride?

The Division’s Reconnaissance Battalion is where the real daredevils gather. What are you doing here!

“1 minute 29 seconds 12!”

As Wang Ye crossed the starting line on his return trip, Zheng Ke announced his results loudly.

The soldiers of the Fourth Company, lining both sides of the obstacle course, didn’t erupt in cheers.

Only Wu Jianfeng chuckled and commented, “Haha, not bad. You’ve made some progress, especially considering the change of location. Keep it up!”

With his hands on his knees, Wang Ye hunched over, catching his breath. Upon hearing Wu Jianfeng’s words, he grinned and nodded.

In reality, Wang Ye could run even faster. He was confident in his abilities. After all, compared to when he set the record previously, his basic attributes had improved further.

It had been some time since his last run, and this time he was adjusting to a new location, which made him slightly unfamiliar with the course. Nevertheless, his performance was more than sufficient.

At the very least, the recruits and veterans of the Fourth Company were left dumbfounded by his display.

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