From Soldier to Officer: A Game Addict's Journey

Chapter 232 - Chapter 232: Drill? A Heavy Price

Chapter 232: Drill? A Heavy Price

Translator: Draqon Boat Translation

In fact, Wang Ye wasn’t the only one harboring such thoughts. All the recruits, and even some veterans, found themselves in a bewildered state.

What on earth!

How could this be happening?

Though they may not be spies, they weren’t naive.

However, it didn’t take long for everyone to grasp that this was a darn drill.

It was because the company commander had dispatched personnel to the armory for equipment transfer.

He had donned a tactical vest and helmet, with a small box affixed to his firearm.

Wang Ye was initially clueless about the procedure; it was Zhou Qi and the other seasoned veterans who aided the three recruits.

Of course, after observing it once, Wang Ye would be able to replicate it the next time.

Deputy class monitor, why are we practicing in the dead of night?”

For the first time, Wang Ye and the rest settled into the armored vehicle.

Zhang Wen couldn’t resist asking.

Is there a schedule for war?’1 Qiao Xuan shot back, and Zhang Wen immediately hung his head in embarrassment.

The infantry vehicle was compartmentalized into passengers and carriers.

Among the three passengers, the captain and the driver occupied the front, with the gunner situated relatively close. Currently, there were seven seats in the vehicle. Wang Ye s side had four individuals, three recruits, and Qiao Xuan, the deputy. Behind them were the three platoon leaders and two first-class soldiers.

For a while, only the engine’s rumble filled the vehicle.

However, not long after the engine s roar, everyone was abruptly ordered to disembark from the vehicle.

They found themselves on a vast field not far from the camp’s entrance.

At this moment, all the troops in the camp had gathered.

The headlights of various tanks served as makeshift illumination. The regiment commander stood atop an armored vehicle.

Comrades, the higher-ups are gravely dissatisfied with us regarding the deserter incident,” he declared via a loudspeaker.

They think we re utterly inept.

A whole regiment couldn’t apprehend a single recruit who went AWOL.

It’s… I’m almost too embarrassed to say it. In truth, I even wondered if we’ve enjoyed peace for far too long. The soldiers of our Iron Bones Hero Regiment seem to have lost their iron resolve.”

The regiment commander’s gaze was piercing, visible to Wang Ye from his position among the four companies.

“Comrades, this desertion incident is a stain on our honor, a disgrace to the entire regiment. Therefore, I accept the punishment handed down by the higher-ups.

But 1 didn’t take any action due to their doubts about our regiment.

Because I believe that our regiment is still one capable of fighting.

The Iron Bones spirit lives on!

The regiment commander asserted firmly. After these words, he bellowed, “Now, it’s rime to cleanse this shame. The division headquarters’ reconnaissance company is coming here to carry our the execution.

I’ve been sitting at my headquarters, unguarded. If the soldiers of the division’s reconnaissance company can infiltrate my regimental headquarters, it means that all of you are worthless, and I’m just as useless. Our entire regiment, from top to bottom, will undergo a significant overhaul, or even face direct disbandment.”

To be honest, Wang Ye, standing below, was left dumbfounded.

He never anticipated that a simple matter involving Deng Kai’s arrest and military court trial would escalate to this extent.

Execute it!

According to the regiment commander, this could potentially lead to the complete dissolution of rhe entire regiment. What an immense price to pay.

“Comrades, let’s not dwell on words. If you’re still a soldier, a member of rhe Iron Bones Hero Regiment, then demonstrate your strength now. Prove to me and the higher-ups that you’re nor defeated, that you can still fight.”

After concluding his speech, the regiment commander wasted no time, not allowing the committee or the chief of staff to respond. Time was of the essence.

They had received this order only a short while ago, a direct mandate from the division headquarters without prior warning.

The situation was undeniably dire, and there was no room for delay.

Everyone boarded their vehicles.

Amidst the rumbling noise, the armored vehicle carrying Wang Ye and Class Eight resumed its journey.

The atmosphere inside the vehicle turned solemn.

Despite it being a drill, everyone felt that this exercise held a greater sense of danger than actual combat, especially after the regiment commander’s words.

In real combat, it would be impossible to dismantle the Iron Bones Hero Regiment.

But now…

Now, I’ll impart some counter-reconnaissance techniques to you three!

Inside the vehicle, Qiao Xuan, Wang Ye, and the two other rookies sat in a row. He addressed Wang Ye and the others.

There was no other choice. The situation had arisen suddenly, and they hadn’t received training yet. Thus, they had to make the most of this car ride for instruction.

He would teach as much as possible, and Wang Ye and the others would absorb as much as they could.

Scouts excel at camouflage and infiltration. Even though there’s only one reconnaissance company this time, we mustn’t underestimate them.”

Qiao Xuan didn’t delve into the specifics of rhe spies. There was no need; rhe regiment commander had already unveiled the true nature of the exercise. This was more formidable than a spy attack.

They could be disguised as anyone, hiding anywhere…

Inside the vehicle, Qiao Xuan continued his instruction.

However, the noisy environment in the armored vehicle made it challenging. They couldn’t see the outside, and soon after leaving the camp, the ride became far from smooth.

The sudden jolts made Wang Ye feel a bit queasy.

Vice… Vice class monitor… I… I feel like vomiting!

Suddenly, next to Wang Ye, Peng Yuhang’s face turned tense and pale. He clutched his throat, stammering towards Qiao Xuan.

But before he could finish speaking, he vomited.

He covered his mouth with his hand, bending forward to expel the contents. Some of it splattered onto Wang Ye s body. It was sour and pungent, and the already unsteady tank only made the situation worse.

Honestly, Wang Ye didn’t initially feel carsick. While it was uncomfortable, he could tolerate it. But now, he felt the urge to vomit as well.

FUCK, you should’ve said something earlier!

What’s going on?”

The inside of rhe vehicle erupted into chaos. The two first-class soldiers sitting nearby couldn’t hold back either.

The car was already cramped, and with the addition of vomit, the entire space was filled with the unpleasant stench.

Quick, wipe it!” Qiao Xuan, the deputy squad leader, who usually appeared stern with the recruits, didn’t scold them now. He hastily took out a few sheets of toilet paper from his pocket and tossed them over.

Wang Ye was also frantically searching his pockets.

Here, if there’s not enough paper, 1 have more!” Holding his breath, Wang Ye swiftly grabbed a sheet and covered his nose.

He couldn’t stand rhe smell any longer. It was awful, but vomiting would make it even worse.

After covering his nose, Wang Ye started wiping away the vomit that had splattered onto him. It was highly uncomfortable…

There was even some on the gun, not to mention his shoes.

He could only do a hasty cleanup.

Hold on and close your eyes!11 Qiao Xuan was actually quire helpless.

Tonight’s exercise had no prior plan. The equipment for the exercise had only been moved after rhe assembly call. It was rushed, and no preparations had been made.

After all, according to the original schedule, it would rake at least a week to get the recruits on board. During that week, other training would take place.

However, the abrupt assembly call had disrupted all plans and led to this situation in the vehicle.

There wasn’t even a plastic bag available.

Of course, Wang Ye did have a plastic bag containing beef that Zhang Ping’an had given him.

However, Peng Yuhang hadn’t said anything before vomiting right away, leaving Wang Ye with no time to react.

Following this incident, everyone in Class Eight was in a state of discomfort, particularly Wang Ye and Zhang Wen, who were sandwiched between Peng Yuhang. This guy didn’t have just two plum blossoms; he had three.

In the end, Wang Ye seriously contemplated swapping seats with the pilot up front. Up there, he could still open rhe hatch and stick his head our, but in rhe rear, despite rhe presence of a hatch, he couldn’t do the same.

At this moment, there was only one line of lyrics that aptly captured Wang Ye s feelings.

I really want to escape, but I can’t…”

“Soldiers must learn to endure and adapt to all unforeseen and challenging circumstances!’1 shouted Zhou Qi from the front.

Ordinarily, Wang Ye would wholeheartedly agree with those words, but right now, he was truly struggling.

“Sir, may I wear a gas mask? I’m afraid 1 might vomit tool” Wang Ye called out, followed by, “Wear it!”

The response came from the back, and Wang Ye could easily identify it as the platoon leader’s voice.

Without wasting a second, Wang Ye showcased a speed even faster than during the recruit assessment. He swiftly retrieved his gas mask and donned it.


Upon wearing the mask, breathing became slightly more difficult than without it. However, once it was in place, Wang Ye took a deep breath and felt like he had been reborn.

He could still smell it, but it was significantly reduced.

After over an hour, this tank ride left a terrible impression on Wang Ye, his first-ever experience in the back of one. Unable to see the outside, they were completely cut off from any traffic information. Every second brought unexpected and unsettling surprises amidst the vehicle’s jolting journey.

Simultaneously, the tank was now marred by vomit and filled with an unpleasant stench. Upon disembarking, Wang Ye wasted no time and began to rinse the canteen.

In fact, Wang Ye had also noticed something at this moment.

It wasn’t just his class.

As the doors of the other classes opened, individuals tumbled out.

They lay against rhe car doors, retching.

Quick, gather here!”

Wu Jianfeng didn’t consider everyone’s condition.

He shouted for everyone to assemble immediately after exiting the armored vehicle.

Hurry up… Quick… Help the new recruits!

In the Third Platoon, Meng Wenbin removed his gas mask and rushed over to assist the two neighboring classes.

Some of them were still vomiting.

Even though Peng Yuhang from Class Eight had previously thrown up in the car, he was still sprawled near the car’s rear upon exiting. However, Wang Ye didn’t need to concern himself with his condition; Qiao Xuan, the vice-class monitor, was guiding him along.

It took roughly two minutes to gather everyone.

This situation left Wu Jianfeng’s complexion pallid.

However, he restrained his anger.

Primarily because this was the new recruits’ first experience riding a tank, and they were unprepared, which was understandable. Moreover, Deng Hai’s incident had just occurred, so he couldn’t afford to be too irritable with his troops during this period.

If he were excessively harsh and irritable, and any of the more fragile recruits attempted to desert again, Wu Jianfeng would have to retire on the spot…

This exercise is a test from higher-ups.

Iron Blood Fourth Company has already lost two soldiers. I don’t want to lose a third.

Sof be vigilant. Check every intersection. Keep an eye out for any uncertainties.

The search teams must be even more cautious. Don’t let even a mosquito pass by without notice.

Do you understand?


The Fourth Company responded resolutely.

Without further ado, Wu Jianfeng didn’t say anything else. He dismissed them, and the class leaders swiftly departed with their respective classes.

While still in the tank, he had already discussed the mission with the platoon leaders via radio. Now, as they disembarked, they could set their plan into motion.

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