From Soldier to Officer: A Game Addict's Journey

Chapter 227 - Chapter 227: Third-Class Merit? Or Second Class Merit

Chapter 227: Third-Class Merit? Or Second Class Merit

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Wang Ye knew that there was a company entry ceremony, but he and the other recruits didn’t expect it to come so suddenly.

There was no warning.

“The Iron Blood Fourth Company is a place where the bloodline of heroes is passed down. It has been eighty-two years since its establishment…”

In front of everyone, Wu Jianfeng used a solemn and weighty tone to recount the company’s history.

“It is my honor to take up this banner and assume command of the Iron Blood Fourth Company!”

Wu Jianfeng gazed at the flags held by a few officers.

Then, he looked at everyone again and declared loudly, “1 am also honored to witness your induction.”

In the auditorium, nearly 30 recruits stood before him.

Some of the veterans left, while others flanked the newcomers.

“Warriors, the Iron Blood Fourth Company boasts a glorious tradition, and the blood of heroes runs through its veins!”

“In this unit, there have been five war heroes and sixteen first-class meritorious officers.”

Wu Jianfeng continued, “In this unit, we have achieved five collective first-class merits and twelve collective second-class merits…”

Each of them spoke a sentence, and the company’s illustrious history shone brightly today.

Following that, the introduction was concluded.

At the door behind them, the veterans who had earlier exited returned.

Unlike before, each of them now carried a rifle.

These weren’t the 81-bar rifles of the recruit company but the 95-form.

The Fourth Company’s induction ceremony included the “spear ceremony.”

In the recruit company, the firearms used by everyone had been collected, and now, the new company members needed to be issued new rifles.

The twenty-eight recruits were repositioned and scattered.

Then, the 28 sergeants each held a rifle, standing face to face with the recruits.

Opposite Wang Ye stood Zhou Qi.

“Comrade Feng Jianze!”


Starting with the first squad, the sergeant facing the recruits in the front row began to speak.

“1 hereby bestow upon you a Type 95 rifle, with the serial number XXX!”

“Yes, sir!”

“Comrade Ye Kai, now…”

The gun ceremony had a different rhythm than that of the new recruits. This time, the veteran squad leaders faced each other and swiftly distributed the rifles.

One person finished, and the next began.

In a short time, all 28 recruits received their new rifles.

The veterans still stood before everyone.

“From this moment onward, you are members of the illustrious Fourth Iron Blood Company.”

Comrades, if a war were to erupt at this very moment, with the enemy right in front of you, would you dare to wield your steel rifles and confront the enemy head-on?”

“I dare!”

“I dare!”

“I dare!”

“Comrades, if the enemy were to invade at this moment and you were required to sacrifice your life to protect the motherland, the people, and our compatriots, would you dare to sacrifice yourself?”

“Be prepared at all times!”

With a question and answer, the fervor stirred by the disciplinary film still burned within them. In this moment, the group of recruits shouted their slogans with deafening enthusiasm.

“Alright, fix bayonets, new recruits!”

Wu Jianfeng shouted loudly. In front of the new recruits, the veterans facing each other drew their bayonets from their belts.

Then, with a satisfying click, each recruit’s rifle was fitted with a bayonet by their veteran squad leaders.

“Best of luck!”

As Zhou Qi attached the bayonet to Wang Ye’s rifle, he looked at Wang Ye and offered words of encouragement.

“Yes, class monitor!”

“The Unfailing Banner…” An impassioned song filled the air. It wasn’t particularly melodious, and it lacked a proper tune, but the lyrics resonated with strength.

Therefore, the new recruits followed the lead of the veterans and sang it together.

Following that, the recruits took their turns stepping forward to sign their names on the company flag.

“Wang Ye, by signing this, you become the 3,988th warrior of the Fourth Iron Blood Company. Remember, wherever you go in the future, you are the 3,988th warrior of the Fourth Iron Blood Company.”

Kang Hua held the pen with both hands and gazed at Wang Ye with a solemn expression.

“Yes, 1 will always remember that I am the 3,988th warrior of the Fourth Iron Blood Company. No matter where I go, that identity will never change.”

After making this oath, Wang Ye took the pen and inscribed his name on the flag.

At this moment, Wu Jianfeng was actually watching Wang Ye. When Wang Ye finished signing, Wu Jianfeng glanced towards the door.

The dust had finally settled.

Wu Jianfeng breathed a sigh of relief.

“I believe a second-class merit might be a bit excessive. While Wang Ye’s performance has been exceptional, he’s already earned two third-class merits in such a short span. The military newspapers are still reporting and promoting his achievements. If he were to receive another second-class merit now, he might become famous throughout the entire army.”

At the division headquarters, as Wang Ye participated in the company entrance ceremony, a meeting was taking place regarding his commendation.

The division headquarters had also received Deng Hai’s interrogation statement.

Although the division leaders were infuriated with him, he had already been sent to the military court, so there was no need for further punishment from the division headquarters.

Now, the main focus was on Wang Ye.

This recruit had played a significant role in Deng Hai’s incident, and it was time to recognize his contributions.

However, there were differing opinions within the division headquarters on how to reward him.

The deputy division commander who had just spoken continued in a serious tone, “This situation itself is embarrassing. Personally, 1 think we can delay the third-class merit for now.”

After a momentary pause, he glanced at the others and continued, “If we award him another third-class merit at this moment, Wang Ye will become the army’s poster child, and he’ll surely attract significant attention. With his newfound fame, the Deng Hai incident will also become widely known within the army and possibly even outside it.”

“At that point, our superiors might lose face.”

“It might not be that dire. We don’t have to make a big spectacle out of the award. We shouldn’t negate a warrior’s contributions because of these concerns,” another colonel chimed in.

“If Wang Ye hadn’t intervened promptly in this incident, the consequences for our division could have been even more severe.

Therefore, I propose awarding Wang Ye a second-class merit. However, we could stipulate that this merit should not be publicized.” This colonel, who was also a deputy division commander, had a different perspective.

At this moment, the three key figures at the conference table had yet to voice their opinions.

The division commander turned his gaze toward the director.

After a brief contemplation, the director expressed his thoughts, “In accordance with our military tradition, a mistake is a mistake, and a merit is a merit. Suppressing the enthusiasm of outstanding soldiers in such a manner would be counterproductive. Therefore, I concur with Deputy Division Commander Zhang’s proposal.”

The division commander then continued, “This incident is undeniably serious. The Iron Bones Heroes Regiment, and indeed the entire division, must emphasize ideological education. Additionally, we should conduct a thorough review of this year’s new recruits.”

“However,” he paused, “this recruit, Comrade Wang Ye, played a significant role in averting a major crisis. He prevented our division from becoming embroiled in a major controversy and, more importantly, safeguarded the public’s safety and upheld the image of our military by nipping the danger in the bud.”

After a moment of reflection, the division commander made a decision, “Here’s what we’ll do: We’ll delay the awarding of merit for a period of time. We’ll wait until the military court has reached a verdict on Deng Hai’s case and the incident has faded from public attention before we confer the merit.”

“For now, let’s keep this a secret.”

Unbeknownst to Wang Ye, the third-class merit he believed he was receiving had been elevated to a second-class merit.

In Wang Ye’s reasoning, he hadn’t sustained any injuries, so he couldn’t fathom receiving a second-class merit. The primary reason was that Deng Hai had only brandished a knife at him and hadn’t harmed anyone else.

However, some evaluations weren’t based solely on whether the individual making the contribution had been injured.

By this standard, first-class merits could only be awarded posthumously to family members. Merit distinctions depended on the overall impact of the incident and the specific role an individual played in it.

Undoubtedly, Wang Ye had played a pivotal role in the Deng Hai incident.

Had Deng Hai made contact with Jiang Ting without Wang Ye’s vigilance, the consequences could have been so severe that even the division headquarters might have been shaken.

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