From Soldier to Officer: A Game Addict's Journey

Chapter 174 - Chapter 174: Pass the Command, Shooting Range

Chapter 174: Pass the Command, Shooting Range

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

“Get the comrades behind to follow and pass it to the back!” Before Wang Ye could decide if he should remind Wu Jianfeng, Wu Jianfeng suddenly turned his head and looked at Wang Ye, who was carrying the flag, and said,

Without much hesitation, Wang Ye turned his head and promptly responded, “Company commander, have the others behind follow suit and pass it back!”

With those words, Wang Ye turned back and picked up his pace.

“Captain, are we really going to fire later?” Wang Ye had been prepared to remind him, knowing that it was tied to a third-class merit.

“Yes!” Wu Jianfeng kept walking, a nod confirming his decision. After a pause, he turned back with a grin.

“What? Worried you’ll need to jog my memory?”

He finally caught onto Wang Ye’s intention.

“Heh, no way…” Wang Ye gave a sheepish smile. The hand not holding the flag brushed through his hair.

Wu Jianfeng’s smile widened, and he teased, “Don’t fret. Focus on your task. Don’t twist your ankle while I’m helping you set the stage!”

“Yes, sir! Rest assured, I’ve got this.”

Wang Ye didn’t make a firm commitment—it wasn’t about accomplishing a mission.

Having made his point, Wang Ye fell back behind Wu Jianfeng once more.

“This Wang Ye really has a place in the captain’s heart. Not only does the captain single him out for special treatment, but now they’re chatting and laughing like old friends.”

In the ranks trailing them, those upfront could easily catch snippets of the exchange between Wang Ye and the captain. It wasn’t long before some of them started whispering among themselves.

“What’s our fate?”

They were the captain’s selected soldiers.

It was tough to predict where they might end up after the company once they no longer had the captain’s favor.

“Comparison’s a painful game! 1 might envy Wang Ye’s perks, but I’m not bitter. That 400 meters…” A new recruit shook his head with a sigh.

Wang Ye’s breaking of the 400-meter record wasn’t a secret anymore.

Though the captain hadn’t officially announced it—awaiting the formal medal presentation—the news had spread through the class monitors, who shared it with their squads.

Everyone had initially been envious of that first third-class merit. Some even playfully cursed Wang Ye’s luck, wondering why they hadn’t stumbled upon such an opportunity in the restroom. They mused on how they’d have liked to encounter a chance for a third-class merit during a bathroom break.

But, in time, Wang Ye proved his worth and earned those accolades.

As for the 400-meter obstacle course, it was a third-class merit feat.

It was humbling.

Having experienced the previous running exercises, they were well aware of the challenge of completing the run in one minute and thirty seconds. With Wang Ye breaking the record, there was no need for envy. Deep down, they knew they couldn’t match his speed.

“Company commander, have those behind us follow and relay the order back…”

Just then, a command rang from the front, catching the recruits who had been murmuring off guard.

However, as one of them regained his senses, he turned around and proposed, “Company commander, have those behind us squat and relay the command…” “Hey!” The soldier next in line, who received the command, was visibly taken aback. Nonetheless, he faced the rear and conveyed, “Company commander, have the squad behind us squat and relay the order…”

“Company commander!”

Up ahead, Wang Ye raised the flag, contemplating whether to enhance his marksmanship skills now or wait until a halt to do so.

Someone rushed up from behind.

Wang Ye turned around.

It was the ninth class monitor.

“What’s the matter?”

Wu Jianfeng also turned around, tapping his foot impatiently.

“Reporting, Company Commander, you ordered Class 9 to squat down. Something seemed off, so I’ve come to clarify the situation!”

The ninth squad leader saluted and quickly explained.

Wu Jianfeng and Wang Ye were both dumbfounded.

The class monitor widened his eyes, awaiting an explanation.

It wasn’t just Wang Ye who was puzzled.

A good portion of the soldiers in the front row were perplexed.

Then, someone chuckled.

“What nonsense is this? 1 never said anything about squatting down. I instructed those behind us to follow me. Who on earth passed along the wrong order!”

Wu Jianfeng’s stare was unwavering.

He planted himself and yelled back at the team behind, “Who the heck transmitted that order? The soldier who spread that order just now, step forward!”

Needless to say, this couldn’t stand.

The password was relayed one by one. By the fourth rendition, it became evident that it had been misconstrued…

“Are your ears plugged with hay? What nonsense are you spouting?”

Surveying the two soldiers who had conveyed the wrong order, Wu Jianfeng’s irritation was palpable. “You two, fall back now. Repeat my command and keep shouting until we reach the firing range.”

Wu Jianfeng glared at them both and continued, “Ridiculous. It’s just a simple order, and it gets twisted like this. Imagine if we were in real combat—using your method of transmitting orders, I shudder to think how my instructions would be interpreted!”

With that said, Wu Jianfeng appeared to grow increasingly agitated. He faced the troops behind him and bellowed at the top of his lungs, “Listen up, everyone. If we’re marching, let’s march. No wandering off. I’ll issue orders later. And if anyone miscommunicates again, you’ll all do frog jumps to the firing range!”

Wu Jianfeng’s words carried weight. Once they resumed their march, even though two individuals in the ranks persistently hollered, “Company commander, instruct those behind us to follow and relay the command to the rear,” they didn’t falter when conveying the order once more, covering every detail from start to finish.

Around 2:30 pm, the group descended the mountain.

Approximately ten minutes later, the firing range came into view.

There were gates and barriers.

A sign by the roadside marked the area as a military restricted zone.

As they neared, they spotted individuals waiting at the entrance.

“Regiment Commander, Chief of Staff…”

Wu Jianfeng and the instructor hastened ahead and saluted the two figures.

As expected, the regiment commander and the chief of staff were present.

“Yes, how did the field exercise fare?”

The leader returned the salute and smiled.

“Reporting to the Commander, everything went smoothly.

The first group of recruits completed two emergency marches today—one was a ground assault, and the other was an aerial attack.

They also completed a military meal and wilderness survival training.”

“Good work!”

The regiment commander’s gaze then shifted to the ranks behind Wu Jianfeng. Unsurprisingly, his attention landed on Wang Ye, the flag bearer.

Of course, he made no mention of it.

Passing by Wang Ye, he glanced at the recruits standing tall in formation.

He then turned his attention back to Wu Jianfeng. “It’s getting late. Since we’re here, let’s proceed. Let’s get the live ammunition shooting training underway as soon as possible!”

“Yes, sir!”

Wu Jianfeng saluted and pivoted back to the front to issue orders.


Soon, Wang Ye hoisted the flag, trailing after Wu Jianfeng, who walked alongside the regiment commander and others. They entered the destination that everyone had eagerly anticipated: the shooting range.

This place had always been on Wang Ye’s radar since he joined the military. However, it was only today that the opportunity to set foot here presented itself.

At the moment, a sense of curiosity pervaded the group.

At first glance, the space sprawled out vast and unoccupied.

Yet, this area wasn’t merely designated for shooting practice. Wang Ye’s gaze caught an abandoned structure nestled in a corner.

Further out, a training ground hosting a 400-meter obstacle course came into view.

Even the path they traversed bore evident tank tracks.

Though intrigued, now wasn’t the time for inquiries.

They followed the regiment commander and his entourage for another seven to eight minutes before halting at a designated shooting range.

Personnel were already assembled here.

What’s more, Wang Ye recognized most of these soldiers—they were fellow comrades who seemed somewhat familiar. Several veterans from the 4th Company stood in formation, waiting.

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