From Soldier to Officer: A Game Addict's Journey

Chapter 169 - Chapter 169: Explosion, Enemy, Gunshots

Chapter 169: Explosion, Enemy, Gunshots

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

However, their names were certainly remembered by their respective class monitors.

Wang Ye also returned to the leftmost row of Class One and stood there, holding his flag.

“Company commander, 1st Platoon, full strength… actual strength…”

“Reporting to Company Commander, Second Platoon…”

After reorganizing the platoon, taking attendance, and confirming that no one had fled in the chaos just now, Wu Jianfeng did not respond to the platoon leaders.

He gazed at the recruits with a stern expression.

“Look at how you all appear. Are you deserving of your military uniforms and your roles as soldiers?

With an explosion and the sound of gunfire, he became disoriented.

Someone even wet his pants. How embarrassing.”

When Wang Ye heard his words, he was momentarily taken aback. However, since he was at the far left, he couldn’t even turn his head to see who had wet their pants in fear.

Yet, in Class Five, Yan Zhiming’s face turned crimson.

Because his crotch was damp.

In truth, he hadn’t needed to urinate, but when the gunshot rang out on the mountain, a clump of moist soil that had been blasted into the air earlier descended from above and landed on his neck.

This startled him, triggering a panicked response. He believed he had been shot and struggled to hold back his urge to urinate, but it overwhelmed him, resulting in his wetting his pants.

Luckily he was in the second row.

And now, Wu Jianfeng was also fixating on a crimson-faced recruit in the first row.

It wasn’t just one person who had wet himself.

Amidst the detonations, gunfire, and cries of an enemy attack, the new recruits had never encountered such a scenario before.

This was the first time in the truest sense, and it had happened so unexpectedly.

“If this were a real battlefield, do you believe your actions just now would have allowed you to survive?” Wu Jianfeng continued to admonish.

“Could you triumph over the enemy?

There were even individuals who had retreated.

This time, 1 won’t call out names, but those who retreated a moment ago should remember this. It’s a disgrace that will linger with you forever.

If you flee from the battlefield, you’ll be no better than a deserter. In an actual battle, your actions just now would warrant immediate execution!”

Wu Jianfeng’s words were grave, but Wang Ye knew all too well he wasn’t bluffing.

On the battlefield, fleeing from combat had been utterly unacceptable since ancient times.

As a soldier, unless under orders, one could not retreat even unto death.

All of a sudden, Wu Jianfeng turned to look at Wang Ye.

At that instant, his expression considerably softened. “Wang Ye’s performance just now was commendable. Although it was audacious, one might even say it was a bit reckless.

If you’d truly encountered an enemy assault, with your present state—devoid of ammunition in your firearm—you’d undoubtedly be the first to perish if you charged forward with the flag.

However, your bravery is commendable and merits emulation.

That’s what soldiers should demonstrate.” Wu Jianfeng glanced at the others once more.

“He displayed courage and the ability to confront enemy artillery fire.”

Wang Ye remained silent, but he straightened his chest and clung firmly to the flag, allowing the valley wind to flutter it.

At that moment, Wang Ye was secretly pleased. An air of intellectual superiority made him chuckle inwardly.

I did this because 1 saw through your intentions.

Should an actual attack unfold, I’m no fool. I’d only be carrying an empty weapon. Do you think I’d dare to rush forth and catch a bullet?

Am I really that naive?

Wang Ye brushed aside the notion that maintaining calm during such circumstances and promptly sensing something amiss was, in fact, a testament to his capabilities.

Truth be told, was today’s performance genuinely authentic?

In essence, it was far from genuine.

The abrupt eruption and ensuing chaos incited panic throughout the ranks.

Wang Ye too, had panicked initially, casting aside his steamed bun.

But none of that mattered now.

What held importance was that only Wang Ye had reacted and taken a stand.

“Alright, for today’s training, all squad leaders should assess the recruits’ performance!” After Wu Jianfeng declared this, he glanced at the recruits and adopted a stern expression. “You lot need to compose an after-action report later.

Reflect on your actions just now. Also, consider what you ought to do the next time you encounter a similar situation!”

With that, Wu Jianfeng turned and made his way toward the dining car. He hadn’t yet eaten his breakfast.

The platoon leader stepped forward next to Wang Ye.

“Everyone, retrieve the food that got discarded.”

Training wasn’t an isolated event—it comprised a sequence of activities.

Immediately, a phase that left the recruits somewhat numb ensued.

Given that everyone had been eating buns and pastries, when the explosion occurred, panic set in, causing them to discard their food.

Now, remnants of food lay scattered, many of them trampled and smudged on the ground.

Some bore mud stains, others clung to debris.

Presently, the recruits commenced gathering them.

Reassembling in formation, the veteran squad leaders distributed food to all.

Wang Ye examined the steamed bun in his hand, soiled and even strewn with stones. He almost wanted to cry but contained his tears.

Certainly, he wasn’t the sole possessor of a single steamed bun. It’s just that this particular one was the filthiest. Alongside it in the plastic bag lay two slightly crushed but relatively clean steamed rolls, and a meat bun.

He had no alternative.

The same arrangement applied to everyone. At the very least, each had a soiled steamed bun or a muddy roll.

“Eat up! What are you gawking at? Start with the dirtier ones.” Advised the platoon leader.

And thus, the class monitors—each facing a group of recruits—picked up the grimy buns and rolls, proceeding to consume them.

After spitting out pebbles, they overlooked the dirt.

Ye Sanshi, while eating, observed everyone and remarked, “It’s not pristine, but it won’t make you sick. You trampled on it yourselves. What’s the fuss now?”

Speechless, Wang Ye lowered his head and scrutinized the steamed bun in his grasp.

Gritting his teeth, he employed his fingers to wipe away the grime.

Then, he shut his eyes, stuffed the filthy bun into his mouth, and… The aroma of mud and the fine grittiness brushed against his teeth.

He spat out the sand and managed to consume the bun with effort.

He subsequently reached for the milk in his other hand.

He had placed it on the ground momentarily, retrieving it later. The milk hadn’t been marred by trampling, thus he reclaimed it.

Having quickly devoured the first steamed bun, Wang Ye proceeded to consume the other steamed buns and rolls from the plastic bag that someone else had received earlier.

After all, whoever the original owner was, they were now his.

His hunger remained, and tomorrow’s training awaited. He needed to eat.

One by one, the fresh recruits started eating, their countenances bearing traces of repulsion.

In truth, a large majority, or perhaps 99% of the recruits, harbored an aversion to consuming such soiled sustenance.

Nonetheless, it wasn’t their first day of enlistment.

After 70 days of recruit training, everyone was acutely aware of the consequences of refusal to eat.

Therefore, even if their reluctance persisted, and they detested dining on the unsavory fare, in the end, they each picked and prodded, attempting to separate dirt and sand before consuming.

However, the class monitors remained vigilant.

“What’s the holdup? Don’t you have more?” Beside the third squad leader, he abruptly approached a recruit, startling the latter.

“Reporting… Class monitor… It’s too unclean. I… can’t ingest it!”

His class monitor promptly seized the unclean bun from his grasp.

“Open your mouth!”

The recruit was palpably hesitant.

Yet, his class monitor glared sternly.

“I can eat it, and so can everyone else.

1’11 tell you one last time. Open your mouth!”

The recruit’s expression grew grim. Wang Ye glanced over and realized the recruit was fearful.

But… In the end, the recruit shut his eyes, parted his lips, and permitted the class monitor to stuff the filthy bun into his mouth.

“Consume it, don’t vomit!”

This was the inaugural instance, an example made to set the tone. Similarly, recruits from other squads who’d initially been dawdling, attempting to rid their food of debris, hastened their actions. Those who had been picking and nibbling promptly transitioned to eating.

“Sigh, this is so tedious. This year’s crop of fresh recruits lack any defiance. No fun.”

On the hill, a few seasoned soldiers remained reclined.

They neither descended nor departed, some even deploying binoculars to scrutinize the recruits’ expressions in detail.

“Enough of that! What are you droning on about? It’s not like we’ll get a stubborn mule every year.

Let’s move on to the next phase and await them!”

The new recruits’ training didn’t merely entail marching.

Numerous training modules would be conducted during this expedition.

Of course, these training modules required oversight.

In actuality, every year, when this event transpired, the seasoned soldiers vied to partake.

Having the chance to witness the new recruits firsthand, without the rigors of camp training, was rather appealing.

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