From Soldier to Officer: A Game Addict's Journey

Chapter 133 - Chapter 133: Spear Giving Ceremony

Chapter 133: Spear Giving Ceremony

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

It was a wild night.

There were three emergency meetings in quick succession – one at midnight, another just before 2 o’clock, and another at 3:30 am.

During the last meeting, there were five points to address.

The new recruits found it extremely challenging to get any sleep amidst the chaos.

Wu Jianfeng was the one responsible for organizing the internal affairs, and his decisions were met with frustration and curses from many recruits. The exhaustion was evident as they dealt with their internal affairs, fighting off constant yawns.

Even during the morning run, Wang Ye struggled, feeling light-headed and dizzy from the intense torment.

Despite the hardships, there were some positive results.

On the fourth attempt, everyone managed to pass the test, and there were no more punishments handed out.

Within five minutes, the whole team could gather on time and prepare their bags.

Thankfully, this time it was different from the previous three occasions. They didn’t have to go through the grueling three-kilometer run after the roll call. Otherwise, Wang Ye believed there would still be people scrambling to collect their scattered backpacks and dropped washbasins.

“Look at yourselves! You all look like you’re on the brink of death. You’re eighteen or nineteen years old, full of energy when surfing the internet and playing games all night. Why couldn’t you sleep well on your first night in the army?”

After the morning run, the recruits gathered again. Wu Jianfeng’s voice boomed as he looked at everyone.

His words hit the recruits hard, leaving them feeling choked and frustrated.

Sure, they could have spoken back, but it felt like their spit would only drown them in trouble. Was playing online games comparable to military training?

Besides, practicing in broad daylight was one thing, but the previous day’s intense physical training had drained them completely. Doing this at night was simply cruel.

And even if someone had stayed up all night gaming, it wouldn’t guarantee they’d be in high spirits the next day.

Clearly, Wu Jianfeng didn’t care about their thoughts. In fact, he probably knew exactly what they were thinking, but he paid no attention to their reasoning.

“Young people should be full of vitality and drive. How about this? I don’t like seeing you all like this. Today, I’ll give you something exciting!” Wu Jianfeng declared, seemingly oblivious to the recruits’ plight.

Wang Ye’s spirits perked up at the promise of something thrilling.

Of course, Wang Ye wasn’t looking forward to it. He just wanted to vent his frustrations.

After not having slept the entire night, being presented with another stimulating task was infuriating.

In truth, Wang Ye’s mood mirrored that of all the other recruits.

No one was in the mood for empty promises anymore. They had grown accustomed to hearing about rewards, good news, and excitement, only to be disappointed with the reality.

But this time, they had misjudged Wu Jianfeng.

“I’ll give you guns today!” Wu Jianfeng declared.

With that one sentence, all the bitterness and resentment on their faces transformed into wide-eyed astonishment and genuine surprise.

If it weren’t for the strict discipline they had learned during their training, a wave of cheers would have erupted.

Even without the cheers, their expressions said it all – they were genuinely excited.

Their mental fatigue vanished instantly.

After all, what man wouldn’t be thrilled at the prospect of handling guns?

It was in a man’s nature to admire martial arts and weapons, just as women loved beauty.

Furthermore, they were now soldiers – the opportunity to learn and train with guns was something they had eagerly anticipated. It was a significant step in their military journey.

After being in the army for over a month, Wang Ye hadn’t even touched a gun. The sight of soldiers from other companies carrying guns when he visited the neighboring regiment headquarters only fueled their anticipation.

During this time, everyone had eagerly asked their squad leaders when they would get the chance to handle guns, but no one revealed any information.

And now, the surprise had arrived unexpectedly.

“Haha, you like it, right? If you do, go back and get ready. During the morning exercise, I’ll officially teach you how to handle the gun!” Wu Jianfeng announced with a smile.

This time, when Wu Jianfeng laughed, the recruits didn’t curse him in their hearts. They were too overjoyed and excited, including Wang Ye.

On that day, despite their red and swollen eyes, the recruits were filled with enthusiasm after the announcement. Even during their internal affairs duties, their grip was firmer and more focused.

Conversations buzzed in the dormitory.

“Do you think there will be bullets in the gun today?”

“You’re dreaming! We won’t get bullets now, but eventually, they’ll give them to us. 1 wonder how long we’ll have to wait before we can go for target practice!”

“Pa, pa, pa! Haha, just imagining myself holding a steel spear makes me feel so cool!” Qin Li said, pretending to wield a gun using a clothes rack and playfully slapping it.


If only we had a camera. Shooting practice photos would be amazing!”

“Focus on discipline. This is internal affairs time,” the class monitor reminded them sternly.

Qin Li’s antics continued, causing Ye Sanshi to scold him for his lack of seriousness, particularly after being late to the Class 5 emergency gathering the night before.

Everyone was eager to impress during internal affairs, especially since the standard of folding quilts had recently risen sharply, and Class 5’s moving red flag was under threat.

This warning sobered them, and they ate breakfast with less excitement, occasionally glancing over at Wu Jianfeng’s table, brimming with anticipation for the gun training that lay ahead.

Finally, it was 8 o’clock in the morning.

On the Red Flag Square in front of the camp, the guns were laid out neatly on a row of long tables.

“Hey, isn’t this Nine-Five?!”

“It doesn’t look like what we see on TV.”

“This is the type 81 model!”

As the recruits approached and saw the guns, some couldn’t help but whisper to each other.

Wang Ye also noticed this.

Indeed, it wasn’t the standard 95 rifle that they had seen before. The 95 rifle was easily recognizable. Even if Wang Ye hadn’t been a soldier before, he would have known what it looked like from media and movies. However, these guns appeared to be the Type 81, but Wang Ye wasn’t too familiar with it.

He hadn’t paid much attention to firearms before joining the army.

Soon, the team was lined up in front of the table.

“Today marks the 40th day of your training. In these past 40 days, to be honest, I haven’t been very satisfied with you. However, despite my dissatisfaction, you are still soldiers. A soldier cannot be without a gun. That’s why I’m giving you guns today. 1 hope that after receiving your guns, you will not dishonor them.

With the support and encouragement of these guns, 1 expect you to train hard and become qualified soldiers with real combat strength as soon as possible.”

Wu Jianfeng’s opening remarks struck a serious tone, even though it was a joyous occasion for the recruits. His words carried weight, and he challenged them to prove themselves.

Despite his stern words, the recruits who stood straight didn’t let his comments affect their excitement. They were eager to take on the responsibility and train with their guns, feeling a newfound sense of purpose as soldiers.

If you want to say it, then say it. The sooner you finish, the more important thing is for you to give me the gun.

However, the recruits’ thoughts were a bit naive.

After Wu Jianfeng finished speaking, the instructor Kang Hua also addressed the recruits.

“Comrades, you’ve endured a lot over the past 40 days. We have witnessed your hard work and dedication.

The company commander is tough on you because he has high expectations for his soldiers.

If you haven’t received his approval yet, remember that it’s only temporary…”

Kang Hua’s speech lasted for at least ten minutes, and it made everyone feel a bit drowsy. Wang Ye couldn’t help but complain silently, not expecting the instructor to be such a long-winded speaker.

Fortunately, after he finished, the gun presentation ceremony began.

“Now, the gun presentation ceremony officially commences!”

“Recruit He Tao!

“Here!” He Tao, the first recruit of the first squad, shouted back and took a step forward.

Wu Jianfeng stood in front of him.

A class monitor approached with a Type 81 rifle at the side.

Wu Jianfeng received it and raised the rifle with both hands.

“I hereby grant you a Type 81 Rifle. Gun number…”

During the gun presentation ceremony, all the recruits stood straight, almost fearing that any mistake now would cost them their chance to receive a gun.


One name after another was called out.

Wu Jianfeng had clearly not wasted this time and remembered the names of nearly a hundred recruits.

The distribution of guns was a time-consuming process, as each recruit received their gun individually.

However, no one felt impatient today.

After standing in the military stance for hours, what was another hour for the gun ceremony?

“Recruit Wang Ye…”

Finally, it was Wang Ye’s turn.


Wang Ye replied loudly and stepped forward.

Wu Jianfeng’s expression was serious, treating Wang Ye no differently from the others.

He took the gun from Ye Sanshi’s hand and raised it in front of Wang Ye with both hands.

“I hereby grant you a Type 81 Rifle. Gun number…”

The gun numbers followed a pattern, making it easier to memorize. The subsequent numbers would change according to the sequence. If each gun had a different number, it would be difficult to remember the gun numbers of all hundred guns.

As Wang Ye received the Type 81 rifle with both hands, he felt its slight weight and chill. Yet, he didn’t falter under its burden.

In that moment, Wang Ye felt a surge of excitement.

As he held the gun, its weight seemed to carry the mission and responsibility of a soldier.

“I will become a dedicated soldier, defending our country, facing challenges for the sake of our people, and protecting peace!” Wang Ye silently vowed in his heart. The gun he now held symbolized the start of his journey as a soldier, and he was determined to fulfill his duties with honor.

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