Forced To Be A General, I Just Wanted To Retire

Chapter 874

I Really Am Practicing My Words

“Shelz town is a port city and belongs to the Kingdom of Gezi. The specialties are apples, oranges, bananas and fish. The land is suitable for farming, the climate is pleasant, there are wild beasts, and it is also suitable for hunting.”

“Local civilians grow apples, oranges, bananas, fish, and farm for a living. Few people go to sea and go to other places. Basically, when a merchant ship comes, they exchange their production means for money, and then they buy the goods brought by the merchant ship to maintain their lives. It is a self-circulation small economic ecology. They rely on the sky for food and are doomed when they encounter a storm. There is no education system, literacy depends on tutoring, and the medical system is terrible. The local people can only find doctors with poor standards. Fortunately, their physical fitness is good.”


“The tax limit, Sher Town’s standard is 40%, but the specific situation will be decided according to the mood of the tax officer. It will be very rough to set a value beyond their real value for a family, and the so-called 40% will actually exceed this limit a lot.”

“Take my neighbor as an example. His family is a fisherman and sells fish for a living. Their annual income is about 300,000 Berries. 40% of the quota is 120,000 Berries. But this year, the tax officer collected 200,000 Berries from his family because the tax officer thinks his family’s income is 500,000 Berries. The neighbor tried to resist but it was useless. He paid 200,000 Berries.”

“But the kingdom didn’t give any protection. The town of Shields is basically autonomous, and if they encounter pirates, they can only run for their lives. Once they encounter pirates, the lucky ones will lose their storage and life.”

“I don’t like it very much. —Ruciru Kuro, 1499 of the Sea Calendar.”

That year, Kuro was three years old.

… .

Dressrosa, a meeting hall in the palace. There are only three people in the meeting hall.

David, Cass, Wilbur.

After Kaz and Wilbur accepted the escort mission, they immediately called David. David invited them to Dressrosa to discuss justice.

Similarly, the kings are also in this place, but at the moment they are not in this conference hall.

This temporary meeting was their core meeting.

“You two!!”

David danced and said, “Master made an investigation for justice and peace a long time ago, this is the evidence! Look, the civilian ecology of Shields Town is no different from other places in the world, and they are even more violent! This is not in line with Master’s wish for peace. We should change, we should make changes in the peaceful way that Master likes!”

Kaz and Wilbur sat upright, their faces solemn.

… .

Fortress G-3, Office.

Kuro read the investigation he wrote at the age of three and shook his head with a smile.

“Eh? Are the taxes in Shields Town so high?” Leda asked curiously.

“When has it ever been low? It has never been low in the whole world. You have been floating on the sea since you were young. What do you know?”

Kuro pulled the paper away and rummaged through the pile of parchment until he found the next one.

“Gerz Kingdom’s Surveillance Report.”

“I can’t persuade Uncle Oge. I’ve been following him for a while and roughly know the details of the Kingdom of Gezi. There are a total of ten islands in the Kingdom of Gezi, and the main island is very large. Most of the citizens live here, and the situation of the civilians is similar to that of the town of Gezi. It can be seen from this that the current situation of the civilians in the entire Kingdom of Gezi.”

“This is a typical feudal capital kingdom. The king is the largest noble and holds the most fertile land and resources. The remaining nobles control the territory and merchant ships and collect taxes and production means of the territory for trade. The nobles will carefully educate their families and monopolize knowledge to complete the upper-level rule.”

“There are occasionally a few nobles with a conscience who will take care of the civilians under the territory, but limited by the time and class characteristics, the only thing they can do is to collect less taxes and provide limited medical and education. Maybe when there is a famine, they will open the granary. Well… such a rich place will actually have a famine and it is a joke. But more nobles completely ignore it during the famine and let the civilians live on their own, so it is not surprising that there are so many pirates.”

“I hate it. —Rusilu Kuro, 1501 Sea Round Calendar.”

That year, Kuro was five years old.

… .

“This is what Master hates!”

David roared, “But it’s not too late to change from Dressrosa. The nobles have been cleaned up by me. The remaining nobles need to come according to our principles. Those who don’t agree must be cleaned!!”

“I agree!” Kaz said excitedly. “Justice is to protect civilians. Our enemies are not just pirates, but all kinds of evil that hurt civilians! As long as it is evil, justice will not let it go!”

“Me too!” Wilbur shouted.

… .

“Why are you writing this thing? Isn’t the world like this?” Leda asked.

“I’m practicing my handwriting. Can’t you see that my handwriting is much more beautiful than when I was three years old?”

Kuro put the five-year-old parchment aside and continued to rummage through it.

He didn’t realize that Crowe was already sweating in the back.

East Blue Investigation Report.

“As I began to cultivate, I have traveled most of the East China Sea. What I can be sure of is that the East China Sea is exactly the same as the Kingdom of Gezi and the Town of Shields, so I can boldly infer that this is the form of the world, but I need to emphasize that it is force.”

“This is a world where blood, force, feudalism and capital jointly conduct upper-level rule, with blood as the most important, because the Kingdom of Gezi was overthrown by the Revolutionary Army and a new king was replaced. That king has a very good conscience. Well… the taxes of the town of Shields are still 40%, but there is no tax officer to carry out random indicators, which makes it easier for the town of Shields, but it is also the limit that this king can do.”

“He can do this because he is a strong man himself, and he has gathered a group of strong men with conscience to work for him, but he himself has a problem. Under the premise of having the legitimacy of nobles, he still can’t provide a good life for civilians, except for a little pressure, there is no difference. And there are many nobles who are secretly resisting, only that he is not a natural king.”

“Bloodline is the most important, which is the consensus of this world. Secondly, force and feudal capital are interwoven. The strong of force, such as Marine Hero Garp, can ignore the rules but cannot change the rules.”

“Marines seems to have entered the town of Shelz. Is it because of the Revolutionary Army? But I don’t think I can go to the Marine branch elsewhere. I can go to my hometown when I’m old enough.”

“Revolutionary Army? The limitations are there. It’s still the same old thing and can’t be changed.”

“I don’t think so. —Luciru Kuro, 1506.”

That year, Kuro was ten years old.

… .

“Yes, bloodline!”

David said, “I have a bloodline! Eight hundred years ago, I had natural legitimacy and I have martial strength, so I am qualified to be the king, but I am still constrained. Not everyone in the noble family in the country supports me, but I married the daughter of the Dold family and integrated with them, resolving this contradiction. But those people are still obstacles, obstacles to our path to peace, obstacles to our fulfillment of Master’s wish!”

With a loud snap, David took out a piece of parchment with beautiful handwriting. On it was something he had copied himself.

“Master’s wish for peace is clear. As long as we follow it, it will not be a problem!”

That was the most precious thing and the thing that excited David the most. It was when he was cleaning up his master’s house and he could remember the rest with his mind, but this was the only thing that he needed to copy personally and treat as something more important than his own life!

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