Forced To Be A General, I Just Wanted To Retire

Chapter 639

The Look of a Human

“It still can’t be broken?!”

Adra did not break the white gas with one blow. Her body spun in the air and she landed on the ground again.


He lowered his head slightly and looked at the slightly trembling sword with a solemn gaze.

It was not the weapon that trembled, but his arm.

He had used all his strength in this attack.

It was not that they had not come into contact with Marines, although most Marines were not killed because of the Holy Maiden.

But it’s not that he hasn’t killed Marines before. If he goes all out like this, he can kill Rear Admiral Marines.

This guy, according to the description of others, is just a ‘Colonel’. Why does he look so tenacious?

Besides, what’s with that strange white gas?

Aptitude user?

“Hey, why are you still wrapped around me?”

Adra waved her sword, trying to wave away the white gas wrapped around her body, but no matter how she waved it, the white gas was like maggots in her bones, unable to disperse.

Moreover, there was a good sense of power.

“You want to defeat me with this move? Then you miscalculated.”

Adra smiled proudly and sucked in the white gas with her nose.

“It’s wonderful.”

He looked at Kaz greedily. “Hey, your strength is not bad. If I kill you, I will be stronger!”

“My name is not Hey.”

Cass said calmly, “My name is Greg Cass. I am the man who guided you to become a complete person.”

Kaz’s words took Adra’s breath away as another voice seemed to speak in her head.

“My name is Bonaparte Poropa. I am the one who will become your master.”

People are different and the meaning of words is different, but Adra inexplicably thought of the past.


The black aura on Adra’s body became stronger. With a whoosh, a cloud of dust appeared on the spot. He quickly appeared in front of Kaz and stabbed his sword at the white aura in front of Kaz.

“Speak to me in this tone, human!!”


This time, even the white gas shook.

“This feeling…”

Crowe, who had finished the battle, looked over because of the noise and pushed up his glasses. The reflection in the lenses could not see his eyes.

“Another man with a strong will. What is going on?”

According to his observation, these people’s willpower doesn’t seem to be weak.

“I am more senior than you humans. Don’t speak to me in that tone of command!”

The veins on Adra’s neck were exposed, and the joints of her hand holding the sword were white. “I will kill you and get this pleasant power from you!”

“Pathetic person.”

Kaz said solemnly: “If you want it, come and get it yourself!”

The white gas continued to wrap around Adelo, more and more.

“Are you asking me to kill you faster?!”

Adra sucked in the white gas crazily. “I am Greed. I can absorb any power and I can also draw power from corpses! It will only make me stronger and you will become weaker and weaker!”

His own black gas became more and more wild, like charred carbon, forming a wolf head that bit towards the white gas.

The wolf head was extremely greedy. It opened its mouth and bit, and a piece of white gas was swallowed into its mouth, and it became stronger.


Wilbur was shocked and subconsciously pointed the gun at Adra. “Ten…”

“Stop, Wilbur.”

Kaz held out his hand, not looking at him, but staring straight at Adra. “Let him continue.”

“Idiot, I will let you know what despair is later!”

With every bit he swallowed, Adelo’s aura became more intense, and the dangerous and restless aura gradually spread around.

“This is the feeling…”

Adra raised his head and revealed an intoxicated smile. He pushed his arm forward and pressed the sword against Kaz’s white energy barrier and rushed forward.


The shallow white barrier was cracked by the sword and the tip of the sword broke through.

“You are just like your turtle shell, you will have the same ending later!” Adra’s face was ferocious.

Kaz still looked at him quietly, and that look made Adra even angrier.

“Don’t look at me like that!!”

With a roar, the wolf head bite became more violent. “This power of yours can make me stronger. Repent, human!”

“Why do you keep denying yourself?”

As the wolf head bit, Kaz suddenly spoke. Just one sentence stunned Adelo.

“You, what are you talking about?” Adra gritted her teeth.

“You must have felt it.”

Kaz shook his head. “First of all, I want to apologize to you for thinking that ‘incomplete people’ is my subjective impression. I apologize for that.”

“Mr. Kuro said that there is no perfect person. Similarly, there is no complete person.”

“Everyone has their own shortcomings. Because of this, if you want to make up for your shortcomings or magnify the existence of your shortcomings, whether it is hard work or depravity, it is what humans should be.”

“Just as you are absorbing my power, I also feel your heart through the fusion of my power with yours.”

Tears flowed from the corners of Kaz’s eyes again. The tears made Adra stiffen.

“You’re not an incomplete person. You’re a human being yourself. You just closed your heart. What are you afraid of?”

It was as if his soul was being questioned. Kaz’s words made Allard completely freeze, and he stopped preparing to break through. The big sword was stuck in the white barrier.

Kaz continued. “You’re denying that you’re human, but human beings are incomplete. Whether they’re born heartless or evil, they’re all ‘humans’. It’s a very normal phenomenon to deny that you’re ‘human’ with your own birth and way of growth. If you don’t recognize yourself and forcibly accept things that are incompatible with you, then…”


This time, it was not the sound of the white barrier shattering.

Adra slowly looked down and saw that her chest, like glass, had a large crack.

He cracked …

“Break.” Kaz said the last two words.


Adra reached out her hand and approached her chest shakily, her eyes gradually losing focus.

“A failed product.”

An inexplicable voice appeared in Adra’s ears like a bell.

It was Sir Shorty, who was expressionless in his field of vision.

Yes, he is a failure.

He was the first to experiment on the weapon man of Moe Island.

He was also the only survivor of the first batch of experimenters, but similarly, he was a failure.

Because it was a failed product, he had his own independent thoughts.

When he was born as Weapon Man, he was happy. Knight gave him a new life. He wanted to serve Knight and spend his life guarding him.

But soon, this idea was shattered.

Jazz never looked at him, as if he didn’t exist, and let him act like a free man on his island.

But the freer he was, the more he saw.

Not long after, those ‘completed goods’ appeared.

It was his kind.

Adra was happy. He finally had company.

“Hey, let’s play together.”

When Adra said such things to his kind in anticipation, the response was cold silence.

These ‘completed goods’ are ‘weapons’ that are more ‘weapons’ than he is. They have thoughts, but it is as if they have no thoughts.

Their only mission is to be scrapped after use.

This gave Adra a deep fear.


Why did they become like this?

They are also adjusted by the human body and they are also life. Why are they used as tools?

Why should his kind be treated as expendables and sold like goods?

Will he become like that in the future?

“Would it be better if I was a complete person…”

As Adra faced the yearning reach of the sea, The One appeared.

That Iron Maiden gave him the emotion of ‘greed’, making him more eager to become a human.

If he became human, perhaps he would not be used as a tool.

If he can become human …

Perhaps his kind will also have a way to become human.

Just like a normal person, she would cry and laugh, and she would be jealous and happy.

It will be like the normal humans on that island. That… should be beautiful.

“I’m also human?”

A smile appeared on Adelo’s face. “So, I am also a human…”

The wolf head condensed from black gas dissipated at this moment.

He looked up, and his face was also showing signs of cracking.

“You won, Big Beard. You won against Greed, so don’t lose in the future. Otherwise, I will come back.”


At this moment, the body shattered into fragments like a lens and then turned into black gas in the air and disappeared.

Only the big sword fell to the ground, revealing the evidence that Adra still existed.

Kaz was silent for a moment. Then he leaned over and picked up the sword and put it on his back.

“I will, because you let me know that I made a mistake too. This is a lesson that I will remember.”

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