Farmer's Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 741 - Chapter 741: End Your Own Life

Chapter 741: End Your Own Life

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

“That’s good.” Lu Yice shifted the topic, “Since you’re here, let’s order and have a meal.”

After some hesitation, Lu Yichen eventually sat down under Lu Yice’s hopeful gaze and had the meal.

Lord Zhang’s Estate.

In the study, Lu Lizhang sat behind the desk, engulfed in gloom and frustration…

In just a month of being targeted by Tang Jinghong, all his secrets had been unearthed, and by now, he had become an empty shell.

His lucrative salt, iron, and sulfur trades were gone. Not only gone, but his entire network had been dismantled, ruthlessly and utterly!

He slammed his fist down on the desk, unable to accept defeat, still believing in the power of his hidden forces to turn the tide.

Then, the door was knocked, and Lu Yice’s voice came through, “Father, are you in?”

Lu Lizhang quickly masked his emotions, softening his expression, “Come in.”

Lu Yice entered. The study was unlit, with Lu Lizhang’s figure obscured in darkness, “Father, why haven’t you lit any lamps?”

He took out a firestarter and lit the lamps around the room one by one.

The light dispelled the darkness and illuminated the surroundings.

After putting away the firestarter, Lu Yice sat down and started persuasively, “Father, please give up. Take mother and leave the capital, live a peaceful life, okay?”

Upon hearing this, Lu Lizhang became furious, “Lu Yice, I am your father. Is that how you talk to me?”

Lu Yice calmly countered, “Then how do you suppose I speak to you?”

Lu Li Zhang was at a loss for words.

Lu Yice continued, “Father, the hidden deeds you’ve been doing, Tang General knows, which means the Emperor knows. And since the Emperor has yet to intervene, don’t you understand what it means?”

Lu Lizhang was left speechless, aware more than anyone of the Emperor’s implication…

Currently, he was the only non-imperial king left in Dalin. If the Emperor were to strip him of his title, it would inevitably cast the Emperor in a negative light, as ungrateful and lacking in generosity, drawing public condemnation.

But if he were to resign and leave the capital, no one could say anything.

Yet, leaving the capital meant losing everything he had worked for.

He couldn’t accept that.

Lu Yice then asked, “Father, what do you really want?”

This question stumped Lu Lizhang. Indeed, what had he been toiling for all his life? For money? For power? For influence?

Upon reflection, he realized that though he seemed to have everything, he actually had nothing at all.

He remained motionless, deep in thought.

Suddenly, Lu Yice suggested, “Father, why don’t you give your hidden forces to my brother?”

This suggestion hit Lu Lizhang like a thunderbolt, provoking him, “Even if I dissolve the hidden forces, I wouldn’t give them to Lu Yichen.”

Lu Yice genuinely couldn’t comprehend Lu Lizhang’s aversion to Lu Yichen, “Father, he’s also your son.”

Lu Lizhang yelled furiously, “He’s not. From the moment I sent him out of the mansion, he ceased to be.”

Lu Yice was baffled by Lu Li Zhang’s obstinacy, “Father, blood ties can’t change.”

Lu Lizhang roared, “Did Lu Yichen send you to persuade me? Get out, get out! A disloyal, uninspired wretch. My life has been cursed by having you two as sons!!”

Because of them, the Lu family has declined. Once, the Lu family was a time-honored noble house, bustling with visitors every day to the point where the doorstep was nearly worn through. Now, they’re almost like a ruined household.

How could he face his ancestors in the netherworld?!

Lu Yice defended himself innocently, “My brother didn’t make me do this. I thought it would be better for you.”

Lu Lizhang, with a touch of madness, declared, “I’ll tell you, I will not resign, and I will not hand over the hidden forces! Give up on that idea!!”

Lu Yice advised, “Father, if we don’t give it up, our Lu family will never find peace.”

Lu Lizhang simply wouldn’t listen, glaring furiously at Lu Yice and bellowing, “Get out! GO!!”

With no other choice, Lu Yice had to leave. Before exiting the study, he left a remark, “Father, don’t you want to live a good life with mother?”

Lu Lizhang didn’t respond, just stared in the direction of the door, his eyes gradually reddening.

Shortly after, Tang Jinghong flew in through the window, asking with a faint smile, “Lord Zhang, how have you been lately?”

Upon seeing Tang Jinghong, Lu Lizhang’s rage surged, “Here to gloat?”

Tang Jinghong calmly responded, “You misunderstand, Lord Zhang. I’m merely here to inquire about your decision.”

“Relying on others’ power!” Lu Lizhang couldn’t care less about maintaining dignity, and cursed, “Tang Jinghong, what’s the benefit in doing this for you? Once the rabbit dies, the hound is cooked. After taking down us old officials, do you think you’ll end well?”

After a moment of silence, Tang Jinghong said, “Once everything stabilizes, I will resign and return to my homeland, not clinging to any power.”

Lu Lizhang was taken aback, not expecting such a response from Tang Jinghong, who came from humble beginnings and should, he thought, crave reaching the top more than anyone. Why could he speak so casually about such matters?

“You think I’d believe your nonsense? You’re just trying to trick me into surrendering the hidden forces!”

Tang Jinghong spoke evenly, “First, this was meant for me to hear, not you. Second, I’ve long been aware of your hidden forces; otherwise, I wouldn’t dare confront you so brazenly.”

Lu Lizhang panicked, “So, you’re waiting for me to expose the hidden forces myself for you to annihilate in one fell swoop?”

Tang Jinghong gave no direct answer.

If Lu Lizhang was still alive, others using the commanding jade token would be useless. It only carried power after Lu Lizhang’s death. If Lu Lizhang realized the commanding jade token was stolen and issued a warning to the hidden forces, its effectiveness would be nullified. Tang Jinghong found this out later and was thankful he and Qingzhi hadn’t taken the commanding jade token, or it would have been a wasted effort.

Slumping into his chair, Lu Lizhang realized his utter defeat, “You can have the commanding jade token that controls the hidden forces, but spare Yice and my wife.”

Tang Jinghong didn’t directly address Lu Lizhang’s request, “It depends on how satisfactory your action is, Lord Zhang.”

With a defeated look and noticeably grayer hair, Lu Lizhang sighed, “I know what to do. Please reassure the Emperor.”

He knew that by not mentioning his underground smuggling, the Emperor was hinting for him to end things himself, preserving dignity for both sides.

Tang Jinghong nodded, “I await your decision.” With that, he flew out the window and vanished.

Lu Lizhang left the study to see the consort and Lu Yichen one last time before returning to write three letters, one for each of them. After a while, he wrote another letter to Lu Yichen. Then, sitting still in his chair until dawn, he drank a cup of poison, ending his life..

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