Fancy Me, Professor!

Chapter 211 - Try To See

Shu Xian finished her break and decided that he would read The Soul Eater's Possession a chance.

It was unexpected because Zhong Li found himself already in the 136th chapter of the book. It had only occurred to him that NovelFulls are actually this fun to read.

What he didn't expect at all was his interest in reading romance when he always liked science fiction and also system or cultivation novels!

Not minding what he's reading as he also felt giddy in his chest, he continued reading the story.


"Well, what are you waiting for?" Devin broke the silence, making Angeal snap out of her thoughts. "I thought we'll be practicing?"

"Oh, right, right..." Angeal bit her lip then got another copy of her script. "You'll be Romeo and I'll be Juliet."

Devin scoffed. "Obviously."

Angeal just narrowed her eyes at him as she read her script for three times to refresh her mind. The Soul Eater felt satisfied with only reading the script once so after he read it, Devin sat beside Angeal on the bed as he waited for her signal. 

"Okay!" She looked at the man sitting beside her. "Let's start!"

Devin nodded and with that, it had started their acting session in order for Angeal to be prepared for her Speech and Stage Arts examination tomorrow. 

"I profane with my unworthiest hand, this holy shrine: my lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand, to smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss," Devin started, his tone of voice and his acting on point with his character. It had taken Angeal slightly aback, but it didn't waver her thoughts from saying her lines. 

"Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much. Which mannerly devotion shows in this, for saints have hands do touch. Palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss."

Devin cocked his head to the side, being in character as he continued saying his lines. "Have not saints lips and holy palmers too?"

Angeal shook her head, staying in character as well then she continued. "Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer.

Devin nodded as he looked intently at Angeal's eyes. For some reason, the two stayed in character so well, Angeal felt her heart beating fast as if she was really Juliet.

"O, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do. They pray, grant thou, lest faith turn to despair."

Angeal leaned in closer, Devin's eyesight landing on her lips. She held his hand (even though actions weren't involved in the examination tomorrow), then continued saying her lines, making Devin's eyes land on her lips. 

"But, Saints do not move their palms for prayers' sake."

Devin's gaze still hadn't left her lips. For some reason, Angeal's face started heating up, indicating that she is starting to blush. As Devin spoke, his voice became seductively sultry, making Angeal bite her bottom lip.

"Then move not. While my prayer's kiss I take."

Devin put his forehead against Angeal's. They stayed silent for a few seconds, the silence almost deafening. Both of their hearts were beating fast—as if it synchronized with each other. For some reason, it made them both conscious—scared... that the other might hear their hyperactive heart. 

Breaking the silence, Devin spoke, his breath fanning over Angeal's lips. 

"Thus from my lips, by yours, my sin is purged."

Angeal's lips slightly trembled, their forehead still against each other. Her eyes landed on his lips, then her gaze slowly went up to meet his purple eyes, then continued saying her lines. 

"Then have my lips the sin that they have took."

Devin held her face with his hand, his thumb caressing her cheek. Angeal knew that they were acting... but to her, it seemed so real. She then wondered if this is how Romeo and Juliet could've felt if it were to happen in real life.

If it did, like not a work of fiction, then the feeling seemed magical...

"Sin from thy lips? O trespass sweetly urged! Give me my sin again."

With that, the two still continued staring at each other. As Angeal's breathing started to quicken, her chest tightening as her heart raced, she averted her gaze, breaking their close proximity. 

"Thank you, Devin. I—"

What had happened next took her by surprise. Devin's lips landed on hers, interrupting her statement. Her eyes blinked a few times, still not believing that they had actually kissed. He initiated it...

But she didn't mind it. 

Closing her eyes, she went with the flow. She wrapped her arms around his neck, making Devin deepen the kiss. When his tongue licked Angeal's lips as if asking for entrance, she willingly opened, their tongues now intertwined. 


Angeal moaned against his lips, sending shivers throughout Devin's body. He embraced her tightly, her hair combing through Devin's hair out of pleasure.

Still not breaking away from their passionate kiss, Devin slowly laid Angeal on the bed, making him go on top of her. 

As the kiss went on, Angeal felt heat course through her body. When she felt Devin's hand on her waist, she was slightly startled, but she did not push him away. 

'What is this feeling,' Angeal thought, foreign to the feeling.

When Devin's lips parted from hers and started kissing her neck, she gasped as she felt shivers down her spine, her fingernails digging onto his back. 

"D-Devin... wait..."

Hearing her voice stained with uncertainty, Devin suddenly stopped. He slowly sat up, making him face Angeal.

Both of their faces were beet red as they stared at each other hungrily... insatiably. 

Realizing what he did and what they had almost done, Devin blinked his eyes a few times, feeling more aware than ever of what had happened between them just now. 

He never felt this way before—and experiencing it for the first time—with Angeal even, it was so unexplainable... he didn't know what to do! But for some reason, he felt...

Badly good about it. 

"I-I'm sorry, Angeal."

In a blink of an eye, he had magically disappeared right before her eyes, making Angeal sit up slowly. 

'What did I just feel? Devin and I... we...'

Angeal bit her lip, almost making it bleed. She held her chest as it started tightening once more, giving her the difficulty to breathe. Angeal sighed as she held her chest, wanting it to calm down. 

'We were just acting... but why did it feel so real? Why did it feel so... good?'


Zhong Li's eyes widened and he found himself flabbergasted that he had actually enjoyed the first 136 chapters of the book and he went by it in a breeze!

Upon reading those parts, Zhong Li felt his heart racing in his chest as he felt the desire growing between the ML and the FL. He even started to wonder what could a kiss feel like if it made them passionate.

Does it really feel that good?

Zhong Li attempted to swipe the page down to unlock the next chapter. But he groaned aloud, quite surprising himself with his sudden outburst. With him rolling his eyes at himself, he realized that he had no more coins left and even fast passes to read the next chapters!

"Damn it," Zhong Li cursed under his breath as he set his phone aside with a sigh. "Allowance day will be quite far from today. I can't wait this long."

Suddenly, he thought of Yan Yan. With the thought of him borrowing money for a while to buy coins for his app, he suddenly stopped in his tracks, cocking his head to the side as he wondered what has gotten into him.

Shu Xian just told him to try to read the book that she was reading, only to find out that he found himself reading it despite him not liking the genre at all!

Heck, what surprised him all the more was the fact that he liked reading and even reached 136 chapters!

Is this the effect of liking someone? You grow to make yourself learn to like her likes and dislikes just for you to het to know her better?

It sounded foolish. It sounded so stupid. However, Zhong Li found himself shoving the thought aside as he actually liked knowing what Shu Xian likes!

'As long as it gives us something more to talk about,' he thought, saying it again in his mind like a mantra being memorized. 'As long as it gives us something more to talk about.'

Zhong Li then let out another sigh. His lips were tugged in a small smile, Zhong Li already standing up from his seat as he went outside the student lounge.

The moment he came out, he saw Zhang Ren and Shi Lian busy tending to the patrons who came to borrow books or either use the computer. With him discreetly watching her as he walked away, Zhong Li came to a decision.

'I really want to be friends with Shu Xian,' he spoke to himself in his thoughts, Zhong Li already walking down the stairs and into the hallway of the library. 

'Once I'm friends with her, I'll try to see if we can further our connection.'

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