Fallen Chronicles

Chapter 405 405: A Major Project Worth Billions Part 1

Chapter 405 405: A Major Project Worth Billions Part 1


“Di- Director Lena…”

The young assistant looked at Renji, who was connecting the screen, with great concern, wondering if she should go and stop him.

She clearly remembered that Renji had told them before that he had barely played Fallen Chronicles II, and the only few times he played were using Fatty’s phone beside him.

Now, with only a short interval of one day, where did this so-called confidence come from? Most likely, he had just started playing and cleared some very basic and simple maps at the beginning, and found confidence?

Although when it comes to games, most people would think of first-person shooter games or 5v5 games similar to MOBA, but in fact, the operability of strategy games can also be seen at a glance.

The understanding of the cultivated characters, team composition, timing of skill release, familiarity with monsters, order of monster spawns, monster skills, at what time point and in what position to deploy characters, etc. There is a world of difference between novices and veterans. The Alliance employees present could tell at a glance.

Therefore, the assistant wanted to smooth things over to avoid further escalation, but was stopped by the pink-haired woman beside her.

As for the Alliance employees on the scene, seeing that the situation had taken a new turn, they all became interested, wondering if there would be an unexpected reversal.

As for Hina, she put on an attitude of “let’s see what tricks you can play,” convinced that Renji was just putting on a show. Even if he really had some skills, she could quibble and sarcastically say “is that all” a few times before turning around and leaving, and still achieve her goal.

“Bro, let me log in!”

After Renji finished adjusting the screen, Fatty volunteered. He was quite excited now. Although the one showing off wasn’t him, he was already eager to see the dumbfounded expressions of these Alliance people after being dazzled by Brother Renji’s gameplay.

But to Fatty’s surprise, Renji actually shook his head at him, and then logged into his own account in the game.

An account with the ID “Ashen” at level ten-something.


Not only was Fatty a bit dumbfounded, but many Alliance people were also stunned. Level ten, at a stage where veteran players were easily at level sixty or seventy, wasn’t this a pure newbie? Moreover, it was the kind of newbie who had just started playing and hadn’t played for long.

In fact, it could be seen on the homepage that the registration date of this account was just yesterday.

Now, the Alliance employees who had some expectations before didn’t know what to say.

With a level ten account, even if he had spent money and pulled all the characters, the resources were limited. The general level of the characters under his command probably wouldn’t exceed level forty, barely breaking through twice, around the Danger Rank.

And now, mainstream players were basically all Disaster Rank teams at level 70 and above, showing how big the gap was.

With such low level, at most he could only challenge some very low-level dungeons.

And low-level dungeons themselves had low battle difficulty, so what was there to show?

“Bro, why don’t you use my account instead!” Seeing Renji’s dismal character’s level, Fatty hurriedly tugged at Renji’s sleeve and whispered a suggestion.

But Renji shook his head. After carefully checking the matching, he directly clicked into the Miasma Contract.

The “Miasma Contract,” which symbolized the most top-level difficult dungeon in the game “Fallen Chronicles II.”

At this scene, many Alliance employees were very puzzled. Some even thought that Renji might have been so nervous that he misclicked and entered the wrong dungeon.

After all, with the difficulty of the Miasma Contract, even a full team of level 70 Disaster Rank characters would struggle, let alone now, Renji’s team was all level 40 Danger Rank characters, lacking a whole tier of attributes. How could he clear it?

But then, as Renji entered the battle, the subsequent scenes made many Alliance employees present begin to doubt themselves. Were they playing the same game as Renji?

“What the f@k are you doing. Look, this guardian character is about to die after being hit twice by the monster. How can you play like this!”

“If the guardian falls and there’s no meat shield, the defense line will immediately… Huh? Wait, he used a newly deployed character to draw the monster’s aggro away? The monster’s attack didn’t land, and the tank survived. Add a healer, and damn, he actually held the line. That was too close!”

“Just stalling is useless. The DPS can’t keep up, right? A level 40 archer character is just a pure scratcher, isn’t it?”

“WTF! What the hell! How does this level 40 Danger Rank archer seem to have higher DPS than my level 70 one!? Is he cheating??”

“No, no, no! Look at the status effects on the monster. It’s been inflicted with ‘Vulnerability’ and ‘Defense Down’ debuffs by the priest-type character he deployed earlier. At the same time, the archer has also been buffed with ‘Increased Attack Power.’ Several buffs stacking together is what’s producing the current effect!”

“Really? Are these buff-type characters so powerful? I usually just throw them in the warehouse to collect dust.”

“It’s not that the buff characters are powerful. You need to have his operation and calculation skills to coordinate them together and make the buffs take effect simultaneously at the critical DPS timing to produce a qualitative change. For a dumbass like you, it’s indeed better to use those simple characters that mindlessly drop their ultimates wherever it’s flashy.”

“You’re looking down on the mentally challenged….”

“Don’t argue! You’re affecting my learning!”

From the initial heated discussions and constant doubts, after just half a minute, All of their focus was on Renji’s gameplay. The entire Alliance exhibition hall became as quiet as a library.

Many of the surrounding Alliance members now seemed to have also immersed themselves in Renji’s current battle that was walking on a tightrope. Even their breathing was cautious, afraid of making too much noise and affecting Renji.

After all, it was indeed too much of a stretch to challenge the Miasma Contract with a recommended level of 60 or even 70 using a full team of level 40 characters. There was no room for error at all.

Even a slight mistake would lead to a complete collapse.

But… Five minutes later, as the last monster fell to its knees in front of “Ashen” controlled by Renji with an extremely low amount of HP, and the battle end slogan [Congratulations, Commander!] popped up on the screen, many people present were still immersed in a sense of disbelief.

Level 40.

A full team of level 40 characters, an account that started playing on the second day, had cleared the Miasma Contract?

Although it was only the 16th floor, considered the low guarantee floor of the Miasma Contract, it was still enough to shock people.

In the strategy videos of many technical streamers on C-

station, the minimum configuration required a full team of level 60 characters. But the young man demonstrating for them now had… forcibly refreshed the lowest clear requirements on the entire internet.

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