Eternal Cultivation Of Alchemy

Chapter 1908 Aurora City

Chapter 1908 Aurora City

Alex met up with the scout for the Poison Fighters Sect and greeted them.

“Senior, thank you for inviting me to the Poison Fighters Sect. I would like to accept your invitation.”

The man who heard Alex was joyous. “Good! Good! You made the right choice,” the man said as he patted Alex’s back.

Alex thanked the man. “What should I do now, senior? Will you be taking me to the sect?” he asked.

“You have the invitation still with you?” the man asked.

Alex nodded and took it out from his Soul Space. “It’s right here.”

“Good. Then take this,” the man said and brought something else out. It was an Immortal Talisman which Alex took.

The moment he touched it, felt the teleportation arua lingering around it. It gave him a weird sensation as though the teleportation aura he was sensing was different from the Dao of Teleportation he understood.

No, not entirely different. It was the same but different still. The best way Alex could describe what he was feeling would be to say that the flavor of the Teleportation aura was different from what he was used to.

Alex couldn’t understand why he was feeling this way. Did the Dao function differently in this realm?

“This is a teleportation talisman that will take you directly to Aurora city in the eastern regions of Blue Silk Continent where our sect is. When you arrive there, find the sect and show them the invite. They will enroll you into the sect immediately.”

Alex nodded as he took in the information.

“Go now. The earlier you go the better,” the man said.

Alex didn’t even know this man’s name, and neither did he know his. They hadn’t bothered asking each other, since there was little need for names here.

“I will be leaving now, senior. Thank you for the invitation again,” Alex said and bowed.

The man nodded approvingly before gesturing for Alex to leave.

Alex wasted no time and clutched the talisman tightly, activating it. He felt the familiar and yet different teleportation aura surround him.

He took a moment to study what was different about it and realized that the difference here did not lie in the Teleportation aura, but rather Space itself.

It was the space that was weird, which caused the teleportation aura to possess a different sort of flavor.

‘Right,’ Alex thought. ‘The space here is stronger, less easily broken. So the Teleportation aura has adapted to it. I should adapt to it too, and all my other Daos.’

Alex had something he needed to look forward to soon.

As the teleportation energy covered him, the silver energy concealed his vision entirely before he felt the space stretch and then swap as the energy around him slowly dissipated.

When it was gone, Alex had arrived atop a large formation in the middle of a large hall of some building.

He quickly walked off the platform, looking at the people that were around him. He could sense the aura of some of the people who looked at him, and he could tell they were about as strong as he was.

Meaning they were in the late Immortal Ascendance realm or early Immortal Origin realm.

These people wore bright blue robes, with different shades in their clothes. There was a crest of sorts in their robes, which Alex realized was a blue silkworm around a branch.

‘Blue Silk Sect,’ Alex thought. These people had to belong to the sole governing sect of this continent.

Nobody spoke to Alex. Nobody stopped him.

Alex walked out of the building and arrived at a bright city with colorful buildings, all of which were pristine and yet archaic.

The roads were full of pedestrians and carriages thatcompletelyfilled the road. The skies were empty, and there was most likely some sort of rule against flying in the city.

Cai Dusong had indeed said that most cities banned flying altogether, and one could only do so once they had left the walls of the city.

Alex took his time going through the city, seeing all the different things that were in the city.

Surprisingly, there was a definite lack of Immortals in the city, contrary to what Alex had expected. Alex expected the Immortal Realm cities to be teeming with Immortals all around, but in the 10 minutes he had been walking through the road, he had only come across maybe 20 of them.

Most people here were either in the Saint realm or the True realm.

‘It seems even in the Immortal realm, becoming an Immortal is not as easy a task,’ he thought. The number was about the same as Saints in the Eastern Continent now that Alex thought about it.

He walked through the city, looking at the various buildings that existed there.

His eyes went to stores first, searching for one that sold pills. He found one after a few minutes and went to go see how good the pills here were.

To Alex’s surprise, most Saint and Immortal pills sold here were 80% or higher in Harmony. The higher the harmony was, the more expensive it got.

The most expensive pill that was out for people to see was a healing pill with 94% Harmony being sold for 220 Immortal Spirit stones.

Alex sighed. It was so easy to earn money in this place, and yet he could not do so on account of needing to hide his identity.

He couldn’t even come here secretly to sell, as even that was dangerous. He was no longer the direct disciple of the sect master of the local alchemy sect who could go sell his amazing pills in auction.

Alex shook away the melancholic feelings, and made his way away from the Alchemy store, to look at the rest of the city.

The city was truly magnificent, making even the Dragon Capital pale in comparison. The buildings were all traditionally designed, and very few things looked in any way modern at all.

If Alex had to guess, most of the buildings in this city had been made tens of thousands of years ago and hadn’t been touched since then.

About 2 hours later, he finally felt himself done with viewing the city and made his way toward the Poison Fighters Sect that lay outside of the city.

Leaving the open gates of the city, Alex arrived at the gates of the Poison Fighters sect within 10 minutes of walking. It was at a close distance to the city.

Arriving at the gates, Alex saw a few cultivators standing guards at the gate, wearing robes that seamlessly blended from green to blue throughout.

There seemed to be a line of people who had business with the sect, so Alex had to wait in line as well.

Alex could see the disciples of the sect walking in and out without being stopped, wearing the same green and blue robes as the guards.

After 10 more minutes, it was finally Alex’s turn.

“What is your business with the Poison Fighters sect?” the guards asked.

“I was invited to join the sect,” Alex said and took out the talisman from his Soul Space.

The guards took one look at it and nodded. “Wait to the side. Someone will come to get you soon.”

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