Chapter 2018 - 2018: Continue Breaking Limits!
“Can you feel it, Drake? Our souls are one. This is a power that not even Celestia has. I have a powerful soul born from the combination of all your weapons and several of your Spirits. I am a unique existence. And my Soul and further combine with yours.”
Drake was guided by the manly and calm voice of Muramasa, which felt like he was being instructed by a master.
It didn’t feel like Muramasa was just born, it was as if he had always existed, somewhere, and due to the circumstances of Drake’s weapons evolution, he appeared here to guide him.
“This is the Millenary Technique I’ve mastered. Eternal Soul! Make sure to never forget this feeling! Become one with the soul of your weapon and reach heights you never thought possible before!”
“Thank you, Muramasa.”
“Hahah! It’s Master Muramasa for you now, my new disciple.”
“I knew it, you’re not just a weapon, aren’t you?”
“Hmph, better focus on what you got in front of you.”
As Drake talked with Muramasa, he felt his soul rapidly ascending and expanding, the brilliant light and the umbral darkness coming from it, shaping themselves as swords for his attacks, pierced through the chaotic energies warping space around him.
Chaos glanced at the scene with a slightly annoyed expression, as her beasts were being slaughtered one after another.
If it wasn’t because she was so weak right now, they would be much stronger than they are right now.
Even worse, with the Chaotic Plane decaying and beginning to crumble down and die because of her absence, its inhabitants were naturally much weaker too, and fewer.
However, she didn’t really care either way, she never cared about them, and they were nothing but a byproduct of her own powers.
She used them as tools, the same way Pandemonium did with his demons, without any regard for their own lives or whatever they were.
Drake saw hundreds of Chaotic Monstrosities surrounding him, forced to obey Chaos without hesitation, they were made into crazed beings, despite being capable of speech and having a pretty high level of intelligence.
He had seen them speak and all, especially with Benladann, who had managed to create a bond with many of the ones they’ve found along the way.
But when it came to Chaos, her orders were absolute, their intelligence was gone, and they became the aberrant monstrosities she had always believed they were.
It was as if they were born from her own thoughts and beliefs of what they were, and therefore, their all existences were reshaped to her own desires.
Perhaps it was due to their absence that they were able to evolve and even reach their previous levels of intelligence, before rapidly returning to their feral monster forms.
“{Limitless Ascension: Eternal Soul Echo}!”
Drake roared, feeling the power surging within him, he was stepping forward faster and faster through the “path” he had seen, everything was becoming clearer to him, everything was making more sense.
A bright flash of white light and an umbral darkness engulfed everything around him, the world and everything around him warped rapidly, twisting as the beasts surrounding him and the Decay Fog were quickly triturated.
“{Void Soul}”
Everything was consumed within the void he created out of his Eternal Soul, leaving Chaos slightly speechless.
“He destroyed everything so quickly…?”
As she saw the scene happening, Drake rushed towards her, his Katana overflowing with an almighty power, as he swung it down towards her!
“{Limitless Ascension: Void Soul Echo}!”
“{Spiraling Galaxy}!”
Chaos eyebrows twitched as she found herself within the interior of a spiraling galaxy made out of Drake’s own Soul, constantly spinning and twisting!
His Living Domains had merged with his Sword a while ago, and this power seemed to be a part of Nebula herself.
“It’s amazing, but…”
As Chaos saw the twisting mini galaxy trying to crush her with the immense pressure of the black hole at the center of a galaxy, Chaos waved her hands forward.
And the entire technique came undone, Drake felt a painful wound in his soul appearing for a moment, only to regenerate quickly.
“Ugh?! Dammit, I get backlash from her destroying the technique?!”
“Naturally, you have yet to even master the power of Eternal Soul. But your Limitless Path doesn’t seem too shabby either.”
Muramasa seemed to learn and know everything about Drake instantly, even his new technique, Limitless Path, which was still even beginning to take shape at all.
“You know so much already; you’re reading my mind or something?”
Drake flew around the skies, avoiding hundreds of ravenous chaotic beasts as he tried to get to Chaos again.
“Quite the contrary, I cannot read your mind unless you allow me. However, it isn’t hard at all to read what you’re doing. Your fighting techniques, your style, your abilities. Although you work very hard and constantly pursue perfection, you lack technique and proper training. You’ve got the spirit but nobody to guide it properly. It seems you are a masterless Ronin, are you?”
“Well, it does not matter, below you.”
Drake quickly responded, as he saw Chaos appearing, accompanied by dozens of giant eel-like chaotic beasts opening their jaws and aiming to bite his body.
“{Limitless Path: Eternal Soul Echo}!”
He desperately swung his katana down, a giant wave of black and white energy warped space, slicing down everything with immense power.
And flames.
“{Soul Inferno}!”
The eel-like monsters were immediately disintegrated, but Chaos pierced through all the flames, reaching Drake with her small hands once more, and touching his leg.
He quickly cut off the leg a split second before the Decay were to spread further and then swung Muramasa against her dozens of times.
However, Chaos easily intercepted his blows with her bare hands, surprising Drake.
“Idiot! Don’t let rage consume you! You’re going to lose all the momentum you’ve built so far!”
As Muramasa reprimanded him, Chaos smiled lightly.
She was already touching his face.
And darkness engulfed him completely.