Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Chapter 1239 - Effort

Chapter 1239 - Effort

With Nobunaga due any day now, Vahn found himself idling in her room with increasing frequency. He didn't particularly mind her teasing but, now that the day was approaching, Nobunaga began to mellow out a bit and just let him pamper her obediently.

Currently, Vahn was helping her bathe by wiping down her body with a sponge before lathering up her extremely long hair and helping to rinse. She, like many of the other pregnant women, had a slight phobia regarding accidentally slipping in the bath so the entire floor had been coated with a porous rubbery material, courtesy of Da Vinci.

More often than not, Kenshin or Mordred would be the one to help Nobunaga bathe but, when he had the time to spare, Vahn would dutifully offer his services. He enjoyed the intimacy and, though she might not admit it openly, it was obvious that Nobunaga felt the same way. She would entrust herself to him completely, allowing him to treat her like a delicate princess rather than the powerful woman she presented herself as.

While laying back and allowing Vahn to run a gentle stream of water through her hair, Nobunaga had lazy eyes as she looked toward nothing in particular, saying, "I was thinking about naming our son Kamiya..."

Since this wasn't the first time Nobunaga had brought up the name of their child, Vahn wasn't too surprised. Instead, he just smiled before musing, "That sounds like a wonderful name...it is a bit on the nose though, don't you think...?"

Hearing Vahn's retort, Nobunaga began to laugh mischievously as her crimson-red eyes came into focus on his face. Though the name could mean many things, depending on the origin, Nobunaga intended it to be a play on the fact that Vahn was, even without Divinity, a God. Since Kaminya could translate to 'Son of God', 'God's Angel', and 'Bearer of God's Will', she felt it would be fitting. In the past, she had thought about using the traditional naming convention but, finding a name that went with the surname 'Mason' produced some rather strange results.

With a smile spreading across her face, Nobunaga asked, "Did you prefer Kamihide...or perhaps Kamishiro...? We could also name him Jōshin or Shintaro...hmmm~?"

Nobunaga was determined to include a Kanji related to God in their son's name, both due to the nature of Vahn's existence and the fact his name translated to 'God is Gracious'. Since she followed the tradition that children should be named after their father, Nobunaga wouldn't relent on it. Even she and her siblings had all been named a variation of 'Nobu', such as Nobuhiro, Nobuyuki, and Kobukane, so she was compelled to carry on the tradition.

Knowing it was impossible to change her mind, Vahn just stole a kiss from Nobunaga's lips before commenting, "I think Kamiya is fine...the name Kamiya Mason flows smoothly when spoken aloud..."

Though she tried to playfully bite him as he retreated, Nobunaga wasn't upset that Vahn had taken liberties with her. Instead, she followed up by licking her lips and turning her eyes up at him in a way he had grown accustomed to. Since he knew what she wanted, Vahn obediently leaned down to kiss her, this time taking things a little further...


By the time Vahn left Nobunaga, his body temperature had risen and, though it was manageable, his tensions had increased considerably. Despite Nobunaga being in her stable period, she, like many of the other pregnant women, had banned s.e.x. This gave her the confidence to tease him as much as she wanted and, though he knew it would cause him quite a bit of frustration, Vahn dutifully played along. After all, it was only a matter of time before he collected upon the debt she had been building over the last eight and a half months...

After stepping out of the room, Vahn took a deep breath to calm himself before giving a nod toward Gareth and saying, "Let's go." She immediately gave a cheerful salute before falling in step, the same characteristic smile on her face as usual. If you looked closely, however, it was possible to see a light flush on Gareth's face, accompanying her usual blush. Vahn was aware of this but he didn't comment on it since this was usually how she acted before their training began.

Unlike when they first started out, Vahn now took Gareth to his personal Training Orb as, in the past, a few small incidents had occurred. This included groups of Homunculi gathering and, after their sessions became common, Mordred had started to pester him quite a bit. He didn't mind helping out in their training, of course, but it was very awkward to have an audience when he was tempering Gareth's Magic Circuits and helping improve the quality of her Od.

Ever since the first incident, Mordred would ask him to help temper her own Magic Circuits. This led to Sakura also making a similar request so, fearing Mash and others would shortly follow suit, Vahn had moved Gareth's training to his private Orb. Though this had led to 'other' complications, he was able to avoid distractions and focus on Gareth's progress. Since Scáthach would also appear to give advice, or simply observe, it ended up being the best solution before things developed into a bigger issue.

The only real downside, if it could even be called that, was that Gareth had grown increasingly bold as time passed. Though it might be more accurate to say she had become less inhibited, it was very obvious she wanted something 'more' in this relationship. Curiously, this didn't have anything to do with s.e.x, at least for the time being. Instead, Gareth just wanted to experience general skinship and be praised when she did well, almost as if she didn't fully understand what lay beyond the path she was walking down...

Though he would normally avoid letting his thoughts wander, Vahn was in an 'open-minded' state due to Nobunaga's teasing so it was harder than normal. Gareth also seemed to be perceptive to the fact he was paying more attention to her as, rather than keep her usual distance, she would always linger a bit closer to him during such situations. Then, once they reached the Training Orb, she didn't waste much time before shimmying out of her clothes and folding them up neatly before presenting them to him for storage.

After parting with her clothing, Gareth was left wearing nothing but her [Aegis X], taking on a form similar to a skin-tight sport's bra and spats. This made her athletic figure very apparent, though not as much as her shapely b.r.e.a.s.ts, toned butt, and plump thighs. Though they weren't that noticeable in her normal attire, the result of Gareth wearing boyish clothing and acting in an innocent nature, it was undeniable that she was a woman when viewed like this.

Showing no apprehension whatsoever, only trust, Gareth had a radiant smile on her face as she sat down on the ground and began to hum an upbeat, cheerful, tune. Vahn took his usual seat behind her and, for the best part of two hours, he silently channeled a gentle flow of Source Energy into her body. This would cause her skin to flush a considerable amount and, by the time a few minutes had passed, Gareth would also fall silent as she began to focus on the energy. It was a very comfortable sensation and, if she focused hard enough, it was possible to discern where her Master was sending the energy.

Gareth had made a habit of trying to follow the flow of energy, both as a result of Vahn's guidance and her own curiosity. When it would flow around specific areas, she would feel a tingling sensation that caused her face and body to heat up so she had become quite fond of the process. Though this would also make her feel strangely frustrated, it made their following training more productive since she would do her best to sooth the peculiar urges emerging within her body. She was a little worried that the urges were becoming too strong but, as her own strength was rapidly increasing, Gareth felt this was perfectly natural.

Unaware of the peculiar way in which Gareth interpreted the tempering process, Vahn brought the procedure to an end once the interior of her body was suffused with a slight rainbow hue. He knew she was also more than a little 'excited' but this could always be dealt with by moving her body and exerting herself during training. Since he had the same thing in mind for treating his own symptoms, Vahn lightly tapped her back to break Gareth from her reverie as he said, "It's time for training. Your body is already warmed up but you should stretch a bit before we go."

Without wasting any time, Gareth immediately sprung to her feet, leaving an imprint of moisture on the smooth stone that took on the shape of her butt. Though it was nearly invisible against the white stone, Vahn's perception betrayed him at times like this. Fortunately, Gareth didn't seem to notice his eyes squinting slightly as she began to stretch her body for a bit before lining up next to him. Once she was ready, the two began using [Shundo], aiming for a marker that was precisely 100km from their starting point.

Vahn could easily reach the marker in a few quick steps but, with her own [Shundo] being E-Rank, Gareth struggled to cover more than a kilometer's distance at a time. Her reserves and control were also lacking so one of her primary challenges, at least during this part of her training, was to reach the marker in less than one-hundred steps. This required her to push beyond her limits and, for the last few weeks, Gareth had been unable to reach the goal, despite her best efforts.

While Gareth was executing her [Shundo], Vahn perfectly matched her pace by sensing where she made her anchor points and creating his own next to them. This encouraged Gareth to try her best as, from start to finish, he would be observing her progress and form. Once she was finished, Vahn would give her an evaluation based on her performance and, as long as she tried her hardest, Gareth knew she would be rewarded for her efforts. It was with this assurance in mind that she would push herself far beyond her limits, sometimes tearing tendons and breaking bones in the process.

Though he had tried to curb her over-eager nature in the past, Vahn quickly realized the only way to do so was to stop giving her the rewards she wanted. He had tried to supplement this by providing her with food and other kinds of rewards but, as if she was a puppy abandoned by its owner, Gareth had been in a borderline depressive state during the three days he had used these methods. She had even gone to Fenrir for advice, asking if she had done something wrong that upset him, rather than coming to him to discuss the matter.

After this incident, Vahn got a short lecture from Fenrir about not bullying people that were trying their hardest, leaving Vahn at a loss before he ultimately relented. He should have known better than to treat Gareth in such a way, especially with her bestial traits. She was much like a Chienthrope so, after he had pet her the first time, it was too late to rely on other forms of praise. In her mind, there was only 'more' petting at stake and, though she certainly appreciated other things, it was like giving a bundt cake to someone whose favorite dessert was cheesecake.

Vahn knew he had the option of putting his foot down and properly discipline her but, seeing how hard Gareth worked, he didn't really have the heart to. Even now, she had a fiery conviction in her eyes and, despite stumbling after executing her 83rd [Shundo], Gareth instantly climbed to her feet. He could see that the muscles in her legs and thighs were straining themselves to the limit but, as if the pain only fueled her onward, Gareth squared up her feet before executing another [Shundo]. She didn't even hesitate for a single moment to push her body even further, causing Vahn to feel pain on her behalf...

By the time Gareth executed her 90th [Shundo], there were still more than 20km left to the marker, a giant pillar of red stone, in the distance. Her legs were so sore that they had started to swell and turn a reddish-purple color. At the same time, her body was covered in a dense layer of sweat, giving her slightly tanned skin a glossy sheen which periodically cascaded, pooling at her chin and nose before dripping to the ground below. Despite this, she managed to stay upright and, after gritting her teeth, Gareth executed her 91st [Shundo], pushing her focus and body even further beyond her limits.

This time around, Vahn finished his [Shundo] before Gareth so, by the time she reached her anchor point, he was able to catch her in his arms. He noticed the adductor muscles of her left thigh tense beyond their limits, causing them to strain and tear. This could only end with Gareth tumbling to the ground and, regardless of her will to continue, even standing would be impossible for her until the injury could be treated.

Without minding the location of her injury, Vahn placed his palm on the interior of Gareth's left thigh and began to send a warm stream of energy into the area to mend the torn muscles. This caused her to release a hot and relieved sigh, clearly discernible despite the fact she was breathing heavily. Vahn slightly rolled his eyes when he heard this before lightly patting Gareth's head and saying, "You did well, Gareth...now breathe..." Though he wanted to comment on her form, as she was putting too much stress on her legs, this was something that could be addressed later.

Though she was in too much pain to form any words, Gareth managed a pained smile while focusing on her breathing. It was a lot harder than normal to regulate as, despite having her head pat, Gareth was more focused on the startlingly hot palm near her inner thigh. Still, she obediently listened to his words and did her best to resist the urge to close and rub her thighs together. This was made easier by focusing on the petting but, unlike how they would normally just perk up a bit, Gareth's dog-like ears had a very distinct 'twitch' to them.

To counteract Gareth's excitement, Vahn sent a flow of calming energy into her mind before pulling away his left hand once she had been healed enough to stand. He didn't miss the fact her eyes had followed his hand when he removed it but, rather than take advantage of the situation, Vahn helped her stand before they jogged the rest of the way to the marker. This was to give them both time to calm down as, with the replenishment of her reserves, Gareth's injuries would quickly heal while her stamina gradually recovered.

Due to her distracted state of mind, Gareth nearly bumped into Vahn's back when he came to a stop but, with her quick reflexes, she managed to perform an impromptu spin to evade him. This caused him to raise his brow at her, earning an embarrassed laugh from Gareth as she rubbed the back of her head and said, "I'm sorry, Master...I got a little distracted...ehehehe~." Then, seeing the deadpan look on his face, Gareth quickly became more serious, albeit after slapping her cheeks twice to calm down.

Though it looked like a red pillar from the distance, the true form of the marker was a massive spear that was more than 10m wide and 70m tall, above ground. The rest of the spear had penetrated into the ground, forming a crater that wouldn't lose out to the destruction caused by Karna. It had come into existence during one of his spars with Scáthach and, though she could have dissipated it easily, Vahn had asked her to leave it due to its impressive size and the suppressive force it created in the surroundings.

Around the vicinity of the spear, it was almost impossible to channel mana and, if a Magus were to stay near it for a long period of time, they would eventually lose consciousness if their control was lacking. This made it an ideal place for physical training as, with the density of the space being close to five times the normal amount, even breathing was a laborious task.

Since Gareth's Strength and Endurance could also be improved upon, Vahn guided her through the same training regimen that Tsubaki and Jeanne had developed for the Valkyries back in Danmachi. It was designed to universally strengthen the body without breaking its balance. This was necessary for someone like Gareth as, while her foundation wasn't exactly weak, she relied too much on her speed and equipment. Without proper armaments, she experienced a significant reduction in her combat capabilities so, as his Page, Vahn was determined to free her from this reliance.

For the better part of four hours, Vahn guided Gareth through a slow and arduous routine of posing her body in specific forms. Tsubaki referred to these poses as the 'Observations', forms that emulate nature. Since there were very few named martial arts in Danmachi, the only thing that mattered was refining an evolving style that allowed your body to adapt to any situation. This required you to have a perfect balance between form, flexibility, and speed. When these three things were combined, you would be able to muster an explosive strength that, when harnessed properly, was comparable to a [Mana Burst].

Gareth had trouble matching these forms at first as, despite being female, she had been lacking in flexibility. Though her legs had been 'very' flexible, as they seemed to be the most developed part of her body, this had caused a significant imbalance in her core and upper body strength. Now, after a few months of hard training, she was able to copy most of the forms he taught her after putting in an extreme amount of effort. This wasn't simply due to her hard-working nature, however, as Gareth had been genuinely shocked to learn that she was less flexible than him.

Now, even when Vahn twisted his body passed ninety degrees and bent back like a bow, Gareth was able to emulate his form, albeit with significant strain. She had yet to adapt to the increased pressure so, even more so than when she had been using [Shundo] earlier, her body was completely covered in sweat. Every time they changed forms, she would send small beads of sweat outward which, due to the increased density of Space within the area, appeared to move in slow motion. This created a peculiar and rather inspiring sight but, other than giving her advice and complimenting her form, Vahn did his best not to be distracted as he focused on his own form...

(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'It's a boi (OoO)!?','No bulli...!','Fight on, Gareth-chan~!')

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