Empire of the Ring

Chapter 652 - Matador (3)

Chapter 652: Matador (3)

As Sergey joined, the pace of drinking became faster.

Yaniv, who was drunk, began to complain that Russia was no longer hopeful.

“Russia will be torn apart, or it will be an indifferent country at this rate. The old socialist system has changed the national character, so there is no hope anymore. I’m jealous of Kazakhstan.”

“The same goes for Kazakhstan. Fortunately, it’s a little better because the government and the people are working hard to shake off the remnants of socialism.”

“Do you know why I say I envy Kazakhstan? This is because you, the Duke of the Kazakh royal family is in power. Sometimes you seem to be colder than the mafia, but you are a leader who shows a very humane side to the people.”

“I’m flattered. I look like that only on the surface, but I’m just a selfish and greedy person.”

“Everybody has a selfish side, but the people who have absolute but law-abiding power are bound to be happy. It’s unfortunate that we don’t have such a leader in Russia.”

Since Yaniv was speaking at a slightly dangerous level, Sergey freaked out and tried to hold him back.

“Boss, you look very drunk, so why don’t you go to bed early?”

“Sergey, do you know why I’m saying this? Because I’m worried about your future. Russia is no longer hopeful. If things go on like this, everything will fall apart. It’s so unclear that I can’t see 20 years from now.”

“Mr. Yaniv, Russia is still young. If a new system is adopted, it will stand up like a fire. Why should you be afraid when you have the world’s largest landmass and inexhaustible underground resources?”

“Duke, we won’t last more than ten years from now if things don’t change, or Russia will be reduced to a mere dictatorship. Help Sergey if he wants to settle in Kazakhstan. That way, I’ll feel at home when I’m gone.”

“Don’t worry, I will do anything to help Brother Sergey if he wants, but now, I’m rather in need of help.”

“It’s reassuring to hear you say that. Russia will manage for about a decade, but then there will be chaos. There are so many problems inside Russia that it’s hopeless. People like us should survive, but it’ll be very difficult for normal people to live in.”

His words were too clear for a drunk person.

As it was the words of a man who had been living in tension all his life, it was weighty. It was all the more impressive because no one knew Russia better than Yaniv.

“The biggest harvest I’ve ever had living more than 60 years is meeting Sergey and you, the Duke of Kazakhstan. Sergey is like my son even though I’m not his father, and you saved my life, and now I can call you family. Is that only what I think?”

“I think it’s a once-in-a-lifetime blessing to have met you and Sergey. You are no different than my own blood.”

“There must be no one who’s blessed like I am as a mafia.”

“You became a mafia in order to live, not for entertainment or pleasure. Mr. Yaniv, I consider someone like you as a big tree.”

“Thank you for your kind words. Since I’m getting old, people say good words to me.”

“I’m not saying it just to flatter you. I think I can leave my back to you and Sergey.”

If one had a friend to trust his back, it would be a successful life. How many people in the world would have such friends?

“Do you know why I’m jumping into the Russian government’s business? This is because you took the lead. Even Putin can’t touch you recklessly. Do you think Putin will let go of my assets that I have accumulated both by illegal and legal means? I’m investing in you for such case.”

“Mr. Yaniv, no matter how powerful Putin is, he can’t take your private property.”

“Duke, don’t forget that this is Russia, a socialist country under a one-man dictatorship. Putin will never relinquish power even if Russia fails. I want to leave Russia, but I love Russia too much.”

He had power to siphon off his assets and leave Russia, but he was moving stubbornly based on Russia.

While most mafia leaders were siphoning off their wealth overseas, Yaniv had been a rather unusual mafia, investing in domestic and overseas businesses and distributing the wealth he had to his subordinates.

After sending drunken Yaniv to his bedroom, Youngho and Sergey sat down to discuss pending issues.

“Brother, Mr. Yaniv seems to be much weaker than before.”

“He’s getting old. He can’t be the same.”

“If you want to rest your mind, please come to Western Kazakhstan. You could even start a business in the royal territory.”

“Should I? What can I do there?”

“What do I recommend when you are an expert? Do whatever you want to do. It’s good for Kazakhstan, too, when factories and farms are built.”

“You’re not going to give special treatment because I’m an acquaintance of the Duke of Kazakhstan, are you?”

“Oh, you can expect that from someone else. I’ll charge you full tax.”

“I see. I’d have to build a factory to comfort my boss soon and don’t visit here for a while. If Chinese companies and the mafia get involved, you might get dragged into it.”

“Okay. I’ll just be in charge of Krasnoyarsk.”

“I’ll get in touch with Sergeenko. There will be wind of blood in quiet Russia soon.”

“Consider it’s a way for Russia’s good. If the government does not come forward, the private sector should step up. It’s going to happen one day.”

“Maybe this war will be the biggest and last war in the history of the Russian mafia. The aftereffects will be huge. Putin would try to draw a line with the mafia, even for the sake of the face of China.”

“Maybe. Do you think it will affect Mr. Yaniv too?”

“The government will try to make a political deal with mafia bosses. Since Mr. Yaniv funds Putin’s political funds, he won’t be able to touch Mr. Yaniv so easily.”

“The middle bosses and the action crew must suffer.”

“In Russia, the mafia must be cleared up. It would be a relief if we could organize it like this.”

Russia had more than half a million mafia members in 6,200 organizations and so was the number of people who were involved with the mafia.

The fall of the mafia, which controlled 40 percent of Russia’s economy, would also have serious impact.

“I hope I didn’t cause a disturbance in peace for nothing.”

“It’s a rite of passage that we have to go through for the future of Russia. This will significantly reduce the mafia’s power. Instead, it will be an opportunity to wipe out some of the disgraces that happened. It’s about winning the reputation of punishing Chinese companies. Russian people are not fond of China, you know.”

One axis supporting Russia’s economy would collapse causing temporary chaos, but it would ultimately turn out to be a positive effect.

“Don’t let Mr. Yaniv come forward.”

“He was in a position to divide Russia into three equal parts. You think he’s less influential because he stepped out of the front line? And even mafia could be patriotic, even though they’re doing dirty work in the dark.”

Yaniv would have no choice but to get involved in one way or another.

From the moment he thought about the war with Chinese companies, the dice had already been thrown.

Although Yaniv and Sergey knew that there would be huge damage, they were willing to get involved in a war against China to show their patriotism for Russia.

As for Youngho, it no longer mattered whether the pranks in the Gulf of Aden were done by Chinese. They needed to be sorted out for his Russian business anyway.

He would be acting as a ‘Matador’ who would stick a knife into the top of the head of an ox after playing with it. His retribution was ripe.


Sergeenko, Krasnoyarsk’s mafia chief, had been preoccupied for a long time after he finished a phone conversation with Yaniv.

It was because he sensed that the biggest turning point in his life had come.

Yaniv finally gave him a title of ‘boss’ and called him one.

This meant that Yaniv recognized his group as an independent organization, and now Krasnoyarsk had become his own stronghold.

No one could blame him even if he called himself a godfather.

Of course, there was a condition attached, but that was a privilege that could not be called a condition.

It was a condition to help the Kazakh royal family, so he almost screamed during the call.

Co-operation with the same mafia would be a bit tricky but to help the Kazakh royal family meant to sit on a pile of money.

After putting his thoughts together, Sergeenko called Suh Min-seok of the Kazakh royal family.

“Mr. Suh. It’s Sergeenko, is everything all right?”

-Hello, Mr. Sergeenko. What’s the occasion?

“I’m calling to pay my respects to the Queen and the Duke because I was wondering if they’re doing all right.”

-Of course, they’re fine. They’re blessed people since someone thinks of them.

“Has the Duke been to Volgograd this time?”

-How do you know that?

“Mr. Yaniv told me.”

-Oh! I see. But I wonder why he informed you of His Highness’ whereabouts.

“They told me to only make business deals with the Kazakh royal family in the future.”


“Has His Highness ever said anything? I’m calling to let you know that I can now operate independently from Volgograd.”

-Oh! Congratulations. Mr. Sergeenko. I look forward to working more with you.

“Thank you. I am quite excited to work with the royal family more in the future. Mr. Suh, let me know when His Highness is most free. I’d like to visit the palace.”

-His Highness will be staying at the royal territory for a while since it’s almost the year’s end. You can come any time, but no one should know that you are coming here.

“Of course. I’ll visit in private.”

-I’ll tell His Highness.

“I’ll see you at the royal territory, then.”

Min-seok, who ended his phone call with Sergeenko, knocked on the door of the Duke’s office.

“Your Highness, I just got a call from Sergeenko in Krasnoyarsk. He’ll visit the palace soon.”

“Did you tell him to come quietly?”

“Yes, I warned him.”

“Didn’t he sound excited?”

“He told me that he doesn’t take orders from Volgograd anymore, but he sounded generally calm.”

“He could be overwhelmed, but I guess he knows how to control his emotions. What do you think?”

“What do you mean?”

“I’m asking what you felt on the phone today.”

“His voice didn’t have arrogance at all. Rather, he seemed to act more polite than before.”

“Yes, he should be. If he acts disrespectful to you, the actual power of the royal family, he’s a man with no wit. He’s a serious person, so he won’t act recklessly. He has the strength of the Evenki people.”

“Your Highness, I’ve never thought that I’m the actual power of the royal family.”

At Youngho’s joke, Min-seok ears turned red.

“You’re on the right track. You’ll be ruling Krasnoyarsk with Sergeenko.”

“What do you mean? Your Grace.”

“I’m just saying you should work with Sergeenko.”

“He seems too rough and frankly. I’m afraid to be with him.”

“I know the environment and the mind that he has grown up in. If you treat him humanely, he’ll give you everything he has, so keep up with him.”

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