Chapter 6379: Kill Me
Chapter 6379: Kill Me
As subsequent layers of the blood burned down, they squirmed and screamed in agony. Something inside seemed to be trying to escape from both the blood and the heat.
The blood tried to break through space and escape to no avail. The heavenly flame simply turned everything into ashes.
Meanwhile, members of Desolate Frontier felt both fear and sympathy. They could sense the sacrificed cultivators’ pain and despair.
Some were close to the Chen before, viewing them as friends and brothers. Although they were dead, they screamed as if they were still alive.
Eventually, the liquid at the bottom of the lake was burnt to a crisp. The tree in the middle was no exception.
Remember, it survived a slash from Desolate Ancestor - a testament to its strength and tenacity. However, the heavenly flame made quick work of it, incinerating the physical body and dao runes.
Tenth-gen Chen watched in despair. Struggling was useless against the supreme will. He saw generations of his clan members being ravaged by the flames before being blown away by the wind.
“No, this shouldn’t have happened, this can’t be…” He stared at the dried lake in a daze.
Unfortunately, the cruel reality of the situation couldn’t be changed. His faith and determination shattered and he lost everything.
As the tenth generation, he had memories of numerous perils and trials. They were surpassed with ease until the supreme ancestor’s return.
The lake was the key to the legacy process and the clan paid with their lives to maintain it. As long as it was around, they still had hope. Being a part of the lake meant returning to the world in a different form, potentially an immortal.
Today, they lost everything including the most pivotal lake. The branch had nothing left outside of Tenth-gen Chen.
“It’s over for them.” An emperor commented. The once most prestigious clan of Desolate Frontier became part of the past, fallen in just one day.
“Finally.” Crimson Virtue and Solar heaved a sigh of relief. The seed of trouble was planted long ago but they were powerless to uproot it.
They knew they couldn’t defeat the Chen without Desolate Frontier suffering grievous losses. The supreme ancestor solved this issue.
Nevertheless, Desolate Frontier still suffered from this, losing Tenth-gen Chen and numerous emperors and desolate gods.
“Kill me, there’s no point in being the only one left.” Despite being so powerful, tenth-gen Chen lost his will to live after losing his clan.
His eyes were devoid of life and his heart grew cold.
“Who says you’re the only one left?” Li Qiye’s voice came from above.
“No?” He was confused.
“Your forefather is still alive.” Li Qiye said.
“What?!” This caught him like a storm.