Earth's Greatest Magus

Chapter 2171 Godly Battle 5

Chapter 2171  Godly Battle 5

[Primal Transformation]

With the overwhelming power of Khaos as his foundation, Emery’s mental state became the trigger. The massive beast within him, previously contained, now started to rampage, shaking the entire domain with its fury. Emery felt the raw, untamed power surge through his veins.

His muscles expanded rapidly, tearing through his clothes and bulging grotesquely under his skin. His bones cracked and reformed, lengthening and thickening to support his newfound mass. As the primal core took over, Emery felt a profound shift within him. His nature core was suppressed, its influence diminished by the sheer might of the primal energy. Part of his consciousness was stripped away, leaving him with a raw, animalistic instinct. The abilities he had honed and relied upon were now beyond his reach, replaced by a savage, unrestrained power.

The immortal gate was sealed shut, the Twilight transformation was overridden by the primal strength coursing through him. The innate abilities that once defined him were now overshadowed by sheer, brute force.

[Battle power increases exponentially]

[Battle power increases exponentially]

The primal energy flooded his system, enhancing his physical abilities to an unimaginable degree. When previously Emery could reach a battle power of 1600 with the stage 9 immortal gate, the primal transformation catapulted him to nearly 2000, placing his strength within the realm of three cosmos grand magus. The raw power coursing through his veins was intoxicating, yet dangerous, threatening to consume his mind and will.


The beast’s influence was overwhelming, an ancient, primal force eager to seize control. Emery’s consciousness teetered on the brink, but his high mental power, held firm. He awaited a sign from VIA, guiding his transformation.

[You have reached the 35% integration limit]

The message resonated within his mind. This was the culmination of his arduous training at the Alvanic Mountains. Reaching 35% integration was the safe limit of his transformation, a threshold he could control. As soon as he hit this mark, Emery marshaled his mental strength to halt the transformation, resulting in a half-man, half-beast form.

With his newfound power and beast savagery, Emery managed to gain the upper hand against the disfigured grand magus, ruthlessly tearing his body apart with feral efficiency. The beast within him reveled in the violence, each slash of his claws a cathartic release of pent-up rage and primal fury.

Unfortunatly, the grand magus unique ability allowed him to escape through the wall, his taunting laughter echoing as he fled.

“You want to see the girl, come up and join the party,”

Despite Emery’s overwhelming power and natural control over the law of space, his primal form lacked the finesse to cast complex spells such as the Spatial Gate. Frustrated but undeterred, Emery relied on his heightened senses, smashing through the ceilings and digging his way out of the chambers with sheer brute force.

Emerging from the ground, Emery found himself in the midst of a fearsome battlefield. His 10-meter primal form, though imposing, seemed almost insignificant next to the colossal 500-meter hydra wreaking havoc around him. The hydra’s ten heads lashed out with terrifying power, each one a symbol of overwhelming destruction.

The battlefield was a chaotic swirl of energy and violence. The grand magus, each radiating a power that surpassed Emery’s, fought valiantly against the hydra. Spells of immense magnitude crackled through the air, their impacts shaking the ground and tearing through the fabric of reality itself. ROAARRRR!!!

The massive hydra unleashed a devastating spirit attack, a wave of psychic energy powerful enough to disrupt even the most seasoned magus. The air seemed to ripple with the intensity of the assault, a palpable force that threatened to tear through defenses and minds alike. Fortunately, Emery’s mental fortitude, allowed him to withstand the onslaught. However, the sight of the ten-headed abomination stirred something deep within him, a mix of rage and despair that was almost overwhelming.

Emery’s body trembled involuntarily, an instinctual response to the hydra’s presence. It was as if the beast’s very existence resonated with some hidden part of him, a connection that he couldn’t fully comprehend. His heart pounded in his chest, each beat a drum of fury and confusion.

“What is this feeling… what is happening…”

Determined to confront the source of his turmoil, Emery blasted off from the ground with a burst of primal energy. His powerful legs propelled him up with incredible speed, and his obsidian claws retracted, slashing across the hydra’s massive body as he climbed. “Arghh!! You again!!” roared the hydra’s crimson crystal head.

One of the serpent heads lunged at Emery, its massive jaws opening wide, easily capable of swallowing him whole. However, Emery, in his wolf form, exhibited astonishing agility. He deftly dodged the attack, his mastery of space law allowing him to warp the space around him. With fluid movements, he phased through the air, leaping from one head to another, leaving deep gashes in the hydra’s scales with each strike.

His target was clear: the head with the crimson crystal, which emanated a stronger spirit energy than the others. As he maneuvered closer, slicing through the hydra’s defenses, his determination intensified. He was only 50 meters away from the crimson crystal head when one of the other heads nearly struck him. Reacting instinctively, he twisted his body, narrowly avoiding the lethal bite.

In that brief moment, Emery locked eyes with the crimson crystal head. Its gaze was piercing, an intense focus that seemed to penetrate his very soul. For a split second, his body froze, stunned by the overwhelming spirit energy. At that moment, another head emerged from behind the crimson crystal head. Its maw opened wide, unleashing a torrent of fiery breath. The flames engulfed Emery, the searing heat and force of the attack sending him hurtling back to the ground. He crashed into the earth with a thunderous impact, the flames still clinging to his fur, creating a smoldering crater.

Emery’s entire body was in agony, the flames burning with an intensity far surpassing Ramoz’s blazing wind tier 8 flames. It was only due to his primal transformation that he managed to remain conscious. Every muscle screamed in protest, but his willpower kept him grounded. While catching his breath and recuperating, Emery’s keen eyes caught sight of two powerful figures emerging from the chaos above.

One of the three cosmos grand magus, previously airborne, had undergone a startling transformation. The Targaryen King morphed into a hundred-meter-long flying serpent, its ribbon-like wings flapping powerfully. These wings sucked all the air around into a monstrous tornado, which began to engulf the entire hydra. Emery had to dig his claws into the ground to avoid being swept up by the powerful vortex.

Simultaneously, the Ouroboros Queen underwent a breathtaking transformation. Her form shifted into that of a gigantic humanoid with a serpent’s lower body. This half-human, half-serpent form allowed her to cast complex spells with remarkable precision. She summoned an ice domain, weaving intricate patterns in the air with her hands, and merged her spell into the tornado. The result was a devastating blizzard storm. Saʀch* Th NvlFir.nt website on Ggl to access chapters of nvels early and in the highest quality.

The combination of wind and ice spells synergized, creating a tier 9 level spell of immense power. The tornado, now infused with the biting cold of the blizzard, whirled with ferocious intensity. It not only restrained the hydra’s massive form but also relentlessly ground through its flesh, tearing scales and sinew alike. The once invincible hydra roared in pain, its movements becoming sluggish under the relentless assault of the combined elemental fury.

Emery watched, his breath coming in ragged gasps, as the blizzard tornado tore into the hydra. The ice crystals within the storm sparkled menacingly, each one a tiny dagger slicing through the beast’s thick hide. The wind howled, carrying with it the sound of the hydra’s roars and the relentless grinding of ice against flesh.

The hydra roared in agony, its ten heads thrashing wildly and blasting through the tornado with various elemental attacks. The tornado, once a formidable force, began to fragment under the relentless assault. With tremendous effort, the hydra shattered the tornado into pieces, the elemental fury dissipating into the air.

However, no sooner had it broken free than the massive black serpent, Jormungand, smashed into the hydra, creating a massive crack in its frozen body. Though the impact wasn’t enough to shatter the hydra completely, it left the beast significantly weakened, presenting a crucial opening for a decisive strike.

“Now!!!” shouted the grand magus viceroy, his voice echoing above the battlefield.

Seizing the moment, a gigantic 30-meter grand magus barreled forward, clearing the path. Three other grand magus soared into the sky, their eyes fixed on the same target as Emery—the crimson crystal head of the hydra. King Severus, using his formidable mental prowess, erected a mental shield around the group, protecting them from the hydra’s spirit attacks. King Krukk unleashed a barrage of flaming balls, their fiery trails lighting up the sky as they streaked toward the hydra.

Master Hirashi, the Sword Master, prepared for the finishing move. With his sword glowing with intense energy, he launched himself at the crimson crystal head. His blade slashed through the air, aimed with deadly precision. The strike hit its mark, the blade biting deep into the crystal. A powerful explosion erupted from the impact, a shockwave that threw all three grand magus backward, sending them tumbling through the air.

The attack was successful; unfortunately, it only managed to create a hairline crack in the crystal. The hydra’s regeneration quickly kicked in, surging with another wave of power that forced the three grand magus to retreat. The battlefield was a maelstrom of chaos and fury, the air thick with the acrid scent of magic and blood.

Amidst the turmoil, Emery’s emotions continued to escalate. The crack in the crystal seemed to call to him, a familiar presence that stirred something deep within. Determined to uncover the truth, Emery stood once again, his resolve unwavering despite the overwhelming odds. As he prepared to charge, a voice suddenly entered his mind, clear and urgent.

<You… you are the girl’s father… you are our only hope.>

The words echoed in his consciousness, leaving him momentarily stunned.

“Who… who are you?”

<I am the serpent patriarch,>

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