Earth's Greatest Magus

Chapter 2165 Godly Battle

Chapter 2165  Godly Battle

Despite its massive body, the Jormungand was dwarfed by the nine-headed Hydra. Each of the Hydra’s nine fierce serpentine heads moved with terrifying might, their venomous fangs snapping and striking relentlessly.


The massive Jormungand giant serpent let out an agonized roar as two of the nine-headed hydra’s heads sank their venomous fangs into its flesh. Large chunks of its scaled body were torn away before it unleashed its massive tail, sending the giant monarch serpent hurtling back a hundred meters. “It managed to pass the Giant Monarch!” a voice shouted, panic evident.

“It’s heading for the city!” another exclaimed, urgency gripping the air.

General Harold, the three-cosmos Faulen defender, took charge with a combined mastery of body transformation and bloodline transformation. He transformed into a 50-meter-tall giant, using his immense size to halt the approaching beast.

With his command, the two dozen other grand magus quickly began casting a variety of restraining spells, hoping to halt the beast’s relentless advance. Elemental walls of fire and ice sprang up, creating a barrier in its path. Thick, magical chains shot from the ground, wrapping around the hydra’s legs and necks, attempting to bind it. Roots emerged, twisting and coiling around the beast, while the ground beneath it transformed into a muddy swamp, designed to trap its movements.

The combined efforts of the grand magus were momentarily effective, the hydra’s advance slowed by the onslaught of magical restraints. However, the beast’s power was overwhelming. Each of the hydra’s heads unleashed a different elemental attack, their might breaking through the spells with terrifying force. One head exhaled a torrent of fire, incinerating the chains and roots. Another unleashed a freezing breath that shattered the elemental walls. Yet another head spat a corrosive acid that dissolved the swampy ground.

Despite their best efforts, they struggled to stop the Hydra’s sheer power. Injuries mounted among them as the Hydra’s heads lashed out, striking with deadly precision. General Harold himself was almost severely injured if not for the timely intervention of Grand Magus Hirashi. The master swordsman blocked the incoming strikes left and right, his blade flashing as he deflected the deadly attacks.

In the midst of the chaos, the viceroy called out to the others, his voice commanding and resolute. “We need to hold it off longer! Form a perimeter around the city gates!” His words carried a powerful aura that surged through the ranks of fighters, infusing them with renewed determination, boosting their morale, and restoring some of their lost vigor. The chaos engulfing Faulen City was palpable. The citizens watched in both awe and terror as the titanic battle between the grand magus and the nine-headed hydra raged on. The ground shook with each clash, and the sky lit up with the dazzling yet destructive spells being cast.

Amidst the turmoil, a fleet of fighter ships appeared in the sky, their sleek forms glinting in the light of the ongoing battle. These ships, armed with high-powered beam weapons, joined the fray, focusing their firepower on the hydra. The beams struck the beast, creating brilliant explosions on impact. However, the hydra’s resilience was formidable. Within minutes, many of the ships were damaged or destroyed, forced to retreat from the relentless assault of the hydra’s multiple heads.

“It’s done! Activate the formation!” the Shaman Queen’s voice rang out with urgency. She stood at the forefront, leading four other formation masters. Together, they chanted incantations, their hands weaving intricate patterns in the air. In response, multiple pillars of light shot into the sky, converging above the hydra. Massive runes formed beneath the beast, glowing with an intense, magical energy. This was a combined tier 8 formation, designed to create an incredibly sturdy barrier capable of holding even supreme magus figures.

“Good job!” the Targaryen King shouted, his voice filled with relief as he momentarily stepped back from the fierce battle. He had been darting around the hydra, distracting its heads and avoiding its deadly attacks. Now, with the formation in place, he could finally catch his breath. Saʀᴄh th Nvl(F)ire.nt website on Ggl to access chapters of nvels early and in the highest quality.

The barrier formed by the tier 8 formation encased the hydra, its translucent walls shimmering with raw power. The hydra roared in fury, its nine heads thrashing and spewing elemental attacks against the barrier. But the formation held firm, absorbing the beast’s onslaught with remarkable resilience.

Despite this temporary respite, the grand magus knew their struggle was far from over. There simply weren’t enough three cosmos grand magus to effectively counter the hydra’s immense power. The remaining magus continued their efforts to reinforce the barrier, channeling their energies into maintaining its integrity.

The viceroy turned his attention back to the spirit master Severus the Wise. “Can you really do it? How much longer?”

Severus, a formidable five-palace spirit master, nodded with grim determination. “The formation helps immensely, but I need a few more minutes to fully breach the beast’s mind. Just keep it contained a little longer!”

The minutes ticked by with agonizing slowness. Despite the grand magus’ valiant efforts, Severus still struggled to penetrate the hydra’s chaotic mind. The hydra, sensing the escalating threat, began to display its intelligence. The nine heads, each embodying a different elemental force, combined their energy into a single, focused blast. The air crackled with raw power as the concentrated attack struck a specific point on the barrier.

Cracks spiderwebbed across the barrier’s surface, the once-immovable shield now trembling under the hydra’s relentless assault. “It’s not going to hold! Move away!” the Shaman Queen’s urgent cry cut through the chaos.

Unfortunately, the warning came too late. As the formation shattered, the massive energy blast tore through, instantly killing one grand magus and leaving two others grievously wounded. The destructive force hurtled toward the city, threatening to obliterate entire districts and endanger thousands of lives.

At the critical moment, two grand magus, Warwick and Philips Corvin, sprang into action. With synchronized precision, they combined their powers, erecting a formidable barrier that absorbed the brunt of the blast. Their combined effort created a radiant shield of energy, a last line of defense that miraculously held firm. The blast dissipated against their barrier, sparing the city from catastrophic damage and saving countless lives.

The relief was short-lived as the broken formation allowed the hydra to surge forward, entering the outskirts of Faulen City. Its nine heads thrashed violently, toppling buildings and sending terrified citizens fleeing in every direction.

Before the hydra could advance further, the Jormungand serpent returned, roaring a challenge. It lunged at the hydra, its dark scales shimmering as it collided with the beast, blocking its path. Standing atop the Jormungand’s massive form was the Emerald Elder, his presence commanding and powerful. With the flute artifact, he played an eerie, enchanting melody that echoed across the battlefield. The music resonated with the Jormungand, enhancing its strength and bolstering its resolve.

The two titans clashed once more, the ground quaking under their immense weight. Each strike sent shockwaves through the city, rattling windows and toppling weakened structures. The hydra’s heads snapped and spewed elemental attacks, while the Jormungand coiled and struck back with relentless ferocity. The ground quaked under its immense weight, and the very air seemed to hum with the intensity of its wrath.

“Reform the formation!” the Shaman Queen’s voice rang out with steely resolve. Despite the devastation, she refused to surrender. Despite the escalating tension of the battle raging outside Faulen City, the Ouroboros Queen and her two grand magus companions persisted in searching through the collapsed sacred mountain. Emery’s message about the tunnel connecting the mountain to the gene lab had only strengthened her resolve to uncover any remaining clues amidst the ruins.

After clearing tons of rubble and navigating through unstable passages, they manage to arrive at the main chamber. The trio stood before the imposing tier 8 formation seals embedded within the chamber’s walls. Some of the intricate runes and glyphs that composed the seals had been damaged by the mountain’s collapse, hinting at the tremendous force that had shattered this once-secret sanctuary.

Without hesitation, the Ouroboros Queen summoned a surge of frigid energy that coalesced into a powerful wave of ice. The spell crashed against the sealed formation door, its intense cold freezing the ancient barrier. Grand Magus Atika and Rictus unleashed their blades to crack and split the door apart. The ancient barrier groaned and buckled under the onslaught, revealing a passage beyond that beckoned with shadows and secrets.

“Both of you, enter,” the Ouroboros Queen commanded, her voice firm and unwavering. She didn’t join them, as her senses were keenly alert to the presence within the chamber.

“You are going to explain everything that you know!” said the queen, her voice firm as she faced the approaching figure.

If Emery were there, he would have been taken aback. The figure standing before the queen bore an uncanny resemblance to the one standing in front of him. In fact, the two grand magus who had nearly reached the hidden facility below had also encountered another identical three cosmos grand magus with an inhuman face.

“Who the hell are you!?”

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