Earth's Greatest Magus

Chapter 2163 Godly Beast

Chapter 2163  Godly Beast

The sudden emergence of the monstrous beast was preceded by a massive explosion that tore the sacred mountain apart. The blast sent shockwaves through the air, causing the very ground to tremble. Boulders and debris rained down, and the once-mighty peak crumbled into chaos.

With their quick reflexes and immense power, all grand magus leaders used their abilities to escape the destruction, flying to safety. However, the guards stationed within the mountain were not as fortunate. Many were caught in the deadly avalanche of rock and rubble, or crushed by the beast, their fates sealed by the cataclysmic event.


A deafening roar echoed through the landscape, shaking the very foundation of the Faulen city. Emerging from the ruins was a gargantuan serpentine beast, its 500-meter-long body covered in glistening, armored scales that shimmered ominously in the fading light. The beast’s form was a terrifying sight to behold, with nine massive heads sprouting from a single, colossal torso. Each head bore sharp, venomous fangs that dripped with toxic saliva, and eyes that glowed with a menacing, otherworldly light, casting an eerie illumination across the devastation.

“Godly beast! Nine-headed hydra! Is this the patriarch?!”

Shocked exclamations erupted from the grand magus leaders as they beheld the colossal creature. The existence of a living nine-headed serpent, a legend from the time of Raylin Faulen, symbolized Faulen’s peak of bloodline transformation, last seen 10,000 years ago. Such a beast was both awe-inspiring and terrifying, a living testament to the might and mystery of the Faulen bloodline.

Moving with terrifying grace, the nine-headed hydra weaved its head through the air, snapping at the ruins with bone-crushing force. The ground trembled beneath its massive weight, Its scales, impenetrable and glistening, reflected the light in a dazzling, almost hypnotic display. The sight made many of the grand magus leaders hesitate, they did not dare to make the first move.

The Kruk King, a staunch supporter of the Ouroboros Queen, flew forward with a solemn expression. “Patriarch, please forgive us. It was not my intention…” Before he could finish, one of the hydra’s heads lunged at him, its terrifying fangs opening wide, ready to devour him. The Kruk King swiftly evaded, only to face an energy blast from another serpent head.


An explosion erupted in the air, sending shockwaves that cracked the space around it. The blast had a power close to a tier 8 spell, wounding the Kruk King and throwing him to the ground, terrifying many onlookers.

Corlius, the Targaryen King, smirked, “Huh!! That’s what you get for betraying us!”

However, in the next moment, he found himself under attack by three other serpent heads. The heads stretched out a mile apart, forcing Corlius to unleash his wings and dodge. “Patriarch, I am your loyal servant!” he pleaded, desperately maneuvering to avoid the snapping jaws and energy blasts.

Witnessing the terrifying display, the remaining grand magus leaders instinctively increased their distance, their faces etched with fear and uncertainty. The Ouroboros Queen carefully observed the situation, her eyes darting to the viceroy, hoping for some clue or insight. However, it became clear that the viceroy was just as perplexed as she was.

“Is that really the Patriarch?” the Giant Monarch asked, seeking confirmation.

King Severus the Wise, a renowned five-palace spirit master, responded with a grave tone, “It bears all the marks of the Patriarch, but its mind is filled with chaos.”

By now, the thirty grand magus who had initially gathered inside the grand palace had poured out into the sky, hovering above the scene. The sight of the massive beast slithering down the hill and the confirmation from King Severus left them in shock and turmoil.

“Viceroy, what should we do?!” one of the grand magus called out, desperation evident in their voice.

The viceroy hesitated, his face etched with concern and uncertainty. He couldn’t bring himself to order an attack on the creature that could very well be their patriarch. Observing this, Silviana stepped forward, her voice resolute. “We cannot let it enter the city. Millions of people will die. The patriarch would not want this either!”

Her words provided the necessary justification. She called upon all faction leaders to use their abilities to restrain the godly beast while instructing Severus to attack its mind in an attempt to calm it. Severus nodded, his expression grim as he prepared to deploy his spirit mastery.

The viceroy, unwilling to openly support the queen but needing to assert some authority, gave orders for all grand magus to defend the city and assist in evacuating its inhabitants. He then turned to the Shaman Queen, her veiled face unreadable, and commanded, “Lead the other formation masters and prepare a seal strong enough to hold the beast.”

By this time, the nine-headed hydra had reached the vicinity of the Faulen city gates, its massive form casting a shadow over the area.

“Assist me,” King Severus commanded, closing in on the beast while activating his spirit reading ability. His eyes glowed with an ethereal light as he delved into the chaotic mind of the hydra, seeking any semblance of control.

The Kruk King, the Emerald Elder of the Boa clan, the Targaryen King, and the Giant Monarch, all formidable three cosmos grand magus, charged toward the beast, unleashing their unique abilities to halt its advance.

The Targaryen King, known for his unparalleled mobility, darted around the hydra, distracting its multiple heads. Each serpentine neck lashed out at him, but his agility allowed him to evade their deadly strikes. He moved with blinding speed, a blur of motion that kept the hydra’s attention divided.

Meanwhile, the wounded Kruk King ignited in a fiery blaze. His body shimmered with intense heat as he conjured multiple fire spears, launching them at the hydra. The air crackled with energy as the spears exploded upon impact, causing the beast to roar in fury.

The Emerald Elder, utilizing an ancient artifact, enhanced his long-range sound path attacks. He unleashed waves of sonic energy that battered the hydra, each pulse of sound creating ripples in the air. The artifact amplified his power, turning his attacks into devastating blows that disoriented the beast.

None dared to get too close to the hydra, except for the Giant Monarch. He invoked his [Beast Transformation], a powerful ability that turned him into a colossal, pitch-black Jormungand serpent, almost 300 meters long. His transformed body coiled and writhed, blocking the hydra’s path with sheer size and strength. The two titanic serpents clashed, their scales scraping and sparking as they wrestled for dominance.

Severus, maintaining his spirit reading, reached deeper into the hydra’s mind. He encountered a storm of chaotic thoughts and emotions, a maelstrom of rage and confusion. With immense effort, he projected calming energies, attempting to soothe the beast’s turmoil. saʀᴄh th website on Ggl to access chapters of nvels early and in the highest quality.

The combined efforts of the grand magus created a spectacular display of magical prowess. Elemental attacks filled the air, and the ground trembled under the weight of their power. The hydra, though momentarily slowed, continued to thrash and roar, its heads snapping and spitting powerfull energy blasts. The city’s gates shuddered under the pressure, and the surrounding landscape bore the scars of the ongoing battle.

As for the Ouroboros Queen, she did not attack; instead, she circled the massive beast and refrained from engaging directly in the battle. Her sharp eyes scanned the debris-strewn remnants of the sacred mountain, hunting for any trace of the mysterious masked grand magus or other vital clues amidst the destruction.

Observing the Queen isolated behind the battlefield, five Ouroboros grand magus who hovered above the city made a beeline towards her. Their intentions to join her were swiftly halted by Faulen’s resolute three cosmos general, Harold. “Stay back! The viceroy’s orders are clear: Protect the city!” His authoritative command resonated with unwavering determination, his presence a towering wall of resistance.

Among the Ouroboros contingent, Master Hirasi, a three cosmos grand magus, stepped forward, his stance challenging Harold’s authority. The tension snapped, and a fierce battle erupted between the Faulen and Ouroboros grand magus. Spells and elemental attacks clashed in the air, creating a dazzling yet deadly display of power.

Amid the chaos, Master Atika and Grand Magus Rictus managed to slip past the skirmish. Their movements were swift and purposeful. They reached their queen and quickly received her orders to check the destroyed mountain.

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