Earth's Greatest Magus

Chapter 2160 Prison Break

Chapter 2160  Prison Break

A quick strategy was formulated, and Emery and the group walked into the third-floor prison with deliberate steps. The corridor was wide, lined with rows of reinforced doors, and their target cell lay at the far end.

“Who’s there?! Stop!” shouted the first batch of Magus guards, their senses heightened by the unexpected intrusion. The familiar figure of the captured Apothecary master stepped forward.

“I am here to check up on the prisoner,” he said calmly.

Behind the Apothecary master were two shadowy figures, their forms indistinct and unremarkable to the guards. Thanks to Grand Magus Vulani’s ability, their minds were clouded, unable to discern the true identities of the figures trailing the master.

The group moved forward, passing several cells without incident. But as they passed halfway, two grand magus figures blocked their path. Both were one-cosmos figures, the highest-ranked security personnel of the Faulen palace.

“To think that you would dare to infiltrate this place!l!”

The two grand magus guards unleashed their power, a tangible force that reverberated through the corridor. Almost immediately, multiple magus emerged from the cells, their expressions revealing that they had been lying in wait for this very moment. “Surrender now! Or face Faulen judgment!” the second grand magus bellowed, his voice echoing through the corridor.

But before the two grand magus could react, Grand Magus Rictus materialized from the shadows behind them. In an instant, he unleashed his battlefield domain, an oppressive force that turned the majority of the prison block into his realm of control. The Magus guards were stunned in place, their movements paralyzed. The two grand magus, also restrained, could only watch as Rictus with a swift, brutal motion, pierced his two ominous-looking knives into each of their shoulders, forcing them to kneel in agony. S~aʀᴄh the N0vlFire(.)nt website on Ggl to access chapters of nvels early and in the highest quality.


Simultaneously, Emery and Grand Magus Vulani charged forward, capitalizing on the chaos. They moved with speed and precision, bypassing the guards and making their way toward the back room. Emery channeled his strength, preparing to blow the door open with a single powerful strike.

Just as he was about to make contact, Vulani’s urgent voice cut through the tension. “Watch out!”

Emery halted his movement just in time. To his surprise, at the last cell before their target, a third grand magus materialized, his presence previously concealed. This new adversary, a spirit master, stepped into their path, his aura crackling with ominous energy.

“I am Kodiak,” the grand magus declared, “There is nothing for you here. Go back and report to your master.”

Emery’s eyes narrowed as he recognized the figure before him. He had studied some details about the mission and knew that this one-cosmos grand magus was not just a spirit master—Kodiak was the very individual responsible for capturing Shinta. This knowledge only fueled Emery’s determination to break through.

Exchanging a brief but meaningful glance with Vulani, Emery signaled his intent. With a nod, both of them charged at Kodiak simultaneously. Vulani immediately engaged in a spirit battle, her energy clashing with Kodiak’s in a brilliant display of ethereal power.

Taking advantage of the distraction, Emery activated his [Spatial Bending] ability. The space around him warped and twisted, allowing him to slip through Kodiak’s defenses. “No, no!! You are not passing through!!” Kodiak’s voice rang out as he redirected his spirit attack towards Emery, determined to halt his progress. To Kodiak’s shock, Emery, a mere magus, managed to withstand the onslaught and push forward, breaking through the door with a powerful blow.


The metal door blasted open. “SHINTA!!!” Emery shouted, his voice filled with desperation.

Inside the cell, a figure sat hunched in the dim light. For a moment, Emery’s heart leaped, but as he stepped closer, he realized it was not Shinta. Instead, it was Annara, her usually fierce demeanor now replaced with a look of distress. She appeared to have been mentally tortured, her eyes reflecting a deep anguish.

“Annara! Where is she?!” Annara’s eyes, wide with fear and pain, flickered towards Emery. Before she could respond, Kodiak stormed in behind them.

“Stop right there!!” Kodiak bellowed, his aura flaring with menace.

Kodiak, undeterred by his previous failure, gathered his spirit energy and unleashed another attack. This time, it took the form of a gleaming blade, slicing through the air with lethal precision. Emery, now thoroughly annoyed, spun around and activated his [Spectral Gaze], his eyes glowing with a malevolent power. The spirit energy shattered the spirit blade into fragments, and without hesitation, Emery channeled the power of Khaos as he drew his sword.

With a swift and decisive motion, Emery swung his sword, the blade cleaving through Kodiak’s shoulder, dismembering his right arm. Blood splattered through the air, and a pained scream erupted from Kodiak’s lips. Emery followed up with a powerful kick, sending the grand magus crashing into the wall with a bone-crunching thud.

Emery turned back to the weakened Annara. he gently took her by the shoulders. “Annara, it’s me… Emery… Where is Shinta?”

Annara’s body trembled as she tried to compose herself. “Emery… I’m sorry… I failed you…” Her voice broke, eyes welled up with tears.


At the same time, the news of the prison attack reached the viceroy’s ears. Rising from his seat, he fixed a steely gaze on the Ouroboros Queen.

“You can pull out your men from our prison,” he announced, “They would not find her there.”

These words sent a ripple of shock through the room. All the leaders turned their attention to the exchange, the atmosphere thick with tension. King Corlies of the Targaryan faction, his face contorted with fury, was the first to voice his outrage. “This is outrageous! Such behavior!! She doesn’t deserve to lead us!”

Surprisingly, the Viceroy signaled the Targaryen King to halt. With a subtle hand gesture, he summoned one of his men. Soon enough a door was opened, and a group of magus entered, carrying a large wooden case with solemn reverence. They placed it carefully in the center of the dome, all eyes following the case with bated breath.

The Ouroboros Queen’s heart pounded in her chest as she approached the case, a sense of dread washing over her. She lifted the lid, and there, lying cold and still, was the body of her granddaughter, Shinta. A gasp escaped her lips, her composed facade cracking under the weight of the horrific revelation.

“You… what have you done!” The Queen’s voice was a mix of rage and anguish.

The Viceroy’s expression remained unmoved. “I regret to inform you that there was a complication,” he said, his tone insidiously calm. “Your granddaughter did not survive it.”

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