Earth's Greatest Magus

Chapter 2133 Beast

1000 miles north of the Alvanic Kingdom, seven days after.

The mountain range of the subterranean world, a stark and formidable landscape, had become his training ground. The area shook continuously under the strain of his intense training sessions, each tremor a testament to the new power surging through him.

His darkness-type spell gained a significant boost, and even his light spells showed a slight improvement thanks to his full moon breakthrough. He felt fortunate that the imbalance between darkness and light still allowed him to unleash his combined Dao techniques. However, the drawback was that his [Fusion] technique remained temporarily unavailable until he achieved greater mastery over his nature elements. This limitation was a reminder of the delicate balance required to harness the full potential of his abilities.

This temporary setback didn’t leave Emery dejected. In fact, it provided an opportunity for reflection and reassessment. The last battle highlighted the weaknesses of his [Fusion] spell. As he faced increasingly powerful adversaries, the risks of bringing his companions into battle through fusion became apparent. The danger to his friends was growing, and Emery couldn’t ignore the potential for catastrophic consequences.

Determined to turn this situation into a positive one, Emery focused on assessing and refining the [Fusion] spell. while finding a way to strengthen his companions.

Despite losing one of his strongest techniques to boost his battle power, the breakthrough granted him some sort of compensation with a massive boost to his physique.

[Battle Power: 545 (654)]

The substantial increase in battle power was unusual, even with his new full-moon body.

His muscles were as durable as high-tier metals, his reflexes were sharper, and an almost electric energy coursed through his veins. Emery realized that these changes came with a significant purification of his blood gene, something that had remained unchanged for quite some time.

[Royal Fey Wolf Gene Essence: 38 (44)%]

It had taken him nearly 10 years to gain a mere 2% purification, and now he had gained 6% at once, coinciding with the full recovery of his primal core. This dramatic improvement certainly suggested a connection between the two phenomena. Simultaneously, the appearance of the star-desolate beast within his Magus Domain added another layer of mystery to the situation.

In the past several days, Emery has immersed himself in extensive research brought by VIA, diligently studying all relevant information on the various categories of beasts.

The first categories—common, legendary, and mythical—were classification based on the superiority of their genes.

Divine beasts and abyss creatures that they fought on Andora or that lie below the earth were categorized as mutated types, along with soul beasts, time beasts, and a few others. Each type exhibited unique signatures and abilities due to their mutations.

As for the designation of their strength, they were categorized as follows: Magical Beast, Desolate Beast, Ancient Desolate Beast, Godly Beast, and at the highest peak, Ancient Godly Beast. The power spectrum ranged from beings below the level of magus to those at the peak of cosmic grand magus level, capable of matching the power of a supreme magus.

The celestial system records both Killgragah and Chututlu as Godly level beasts, while the Star Devouring Beast is classified as one of the ancient Godly beasts. These classifications denote their immense power and significance within the celestial hierarchy.

However, despite being lower in level, both Khaos Guardians still existed in their spirit forms, chained by the forces of Khaos. As for the beast that resided within Emery’s Magus Domain, not only had it yet to reach its full strength, the star- devouring beast existed primarily as a form of energy. Emery realized, upon further analysis, a startling truth: the beast was intricately linked to himself. It shared the same soul as him.

The origins of this connection puzzled Emery deeply. He suspected a profound link between his bloodline and the primordial entity of Khaos. This connection likely explained why the ancient being took such keen interest in him.

Reflecting on the creation of his primal core, Emery traced its initiation back to the actions of Killgragah, the one responsible for his dark core, and later to the devouring of Grand Magus Zenonia, a champion of Khaos. Emery firmly believed that Khaos played a significant role in the creation of the star-

devouring beast. Unfortunately, neither the guardians nor the primordial being itself were willing to divulge any information to him.

Despite the immense power bestowed upon him, Emery couldn’t shake the feeling of caution that lingered within him. As he tested the limits of his newfound abilities over the past few days, questions continued to swirl in his mind, casting a shadow of uncertainty over his thoughts.

While he pondered these matters, Emery suddenly sensed the approach of a Magus flying towards him. The old Alvanic Magus Kasim greeted him with the utmost respect. Emery’s gaze fell upon the old magus, and he inquired, “Is it time?”

“Yes, my lord, all is set,” replied Magus Kasim.

“Alright then,” Emery swiftly concluded his training and prepared to create a teleportation gate.

As Emery focused on the task at hand, Magus Kasim’s attention was drawn to the surroundings. The once-familiar mountain range, etched into his memory, lay decimated before him. Massive rocky peaks bore gaping holes, as if rent asunder by a powerful blast. Claw marks and beast footprints marred the landscape, painting a picture of untold destruction. His mind raced with wild conjectures, as Magus Kasim stepped into the portal

With Emery’s heightened proficiency in the law of space, he could now create a spatial gate spanning distances of up to 1000 miles. With a mere flick of his wrist and a whispered incantation, a shimmering gateway to Alvanic City materialized before them.

Stepping through the portal, Emery found himself in the central area of Alvanic City, greeted by the sight of ten thousand people gathered before him. Their expectant faces turned towards him, anticipation evident in their expressions. These were not ordinary citizens, but a carefully selected group representing the 7 subterranean kingdoms of the realm.

Among the crowd stood Queen Soonhee, flanked by the royalty and elites of the six allied kingdoms. All eyes were fixed on Emery as he approached a newly constructed structure—a marvel of engineering and magic—an artificial gate. S~aʀᴄh the website on Ggl to access chapters of nvels early and in the highest quality.

With a sense of reverence and awe, the gathered 10,000 watched as Emery wove his intricate spells to open a portal leading out of the subterranean realm towards a new beginning in Terra City.

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