Earth's Greatest Magus

Chapter 2126 Ultimatum

Emery returns to his domain and visits his VIP prisoner with a shift in approach. No longer focused on confrontation, he chose a different tactic. Within the spirit realm, he conjured a luxurious living space surrounded by a serene landscape, complete with ornate furnishings and a feast fit for a king. Though all merely illusions, they provided a semblance of comfort.

The prisoner, Mo Yan, who had endured days of torment, couldn’t resist the allure of the feast. Despite his suspicions about Emery’s intentions, he found himself indulging in the food, allowing himself a moment of relaxation.

“So… you understand now?” Mo Yan remarked, reclining in a comfortable position. “You will never enter my aperture… not without my permission…”

Mo Yan anticipated that Emery had arranged the feast as a prelude to negotiations for his release. However, Emery’s true intentions diverged from his expectations. Emery actually came with an ultimatum that he would never let him go for the aperture, he would rather bet his loss breaking the aperture than release him.

“Then why are we even talking?!” Mo Yan’s fury surged forth, his frustration palpable.

Emery remained composed, unfazed by Mo Yan’s outburst. “I am currently considering if you are more valuable as my prisoner or to be handed over to the Magus Alliance,” he explained.

With a casual tone, Emery mentioned the tempting bounty of 125 million spirit stones and 20,000 alliance merits for Mo Yan’s soul. He wondered aloud if Mo Yan possessed anything of value that could surpass such a substantial sum.

Mo Yan’s expression shifted from irritation to amusement, and he began to laugh.

“Hahaha, unfortunately for any of you… I still have a third option.”

A sense of unease settled over Emery as he detected a subtle energy emanating from Mo Yan’s soul. It was a threat—a promise to detonate himself, ensuring Emery received nothing.

Mo Yan was confident in his ability to carry out the threat, believing that Emery lacked the power to stop him from self-destructing.

Emery let out a deep sigh, his expression resigned but determined. Mo Yan’s threat was not unexpected; Emery had anticipated such a move.

“I don’t think you would do it,” he responded calmly, despite the tension thickening in the air.

“Huh!! I definitely would!!”

Emery remained silent, his steady gaze fixed on Mo Yan. The quiet seemed to agitate Mo Yan further, his frown deepening with irritation. Emery’s calm demeanor was unsettling, a stark contrast to the desperate defiance radiating from his captive.

Finally, Emery broke the silence, his voice measured and deliberate. “I think if you really had the capability, you would have destroyed yourself already… not because you’re scared, but because, above all things, you want to live.”

Mo Yan’s eyes narrowed, his indignation flickering. Emery had seen this before. He had tormented dozens of captives, and he knew the signs of a soul clinging to life. Mo Yan’s willingness to endure the shame of capture and continuous beatings from a junior like Emery spoke volumes about his fierce desire to survive.

Emery then gave out a calculated proposal “Teach me your enslavement technique, and you will get to live by becoming my slave”

Emery’s proposal was outrageous, pushing Mo Yan to his limit. In a sudden burst of fury, Mo Yan launched an attack, but within a dozen clashes, Emery once again dominated the battle, leaving Mo Yan frustrated and defeated.

“You are lying! You’re just trying to trick me into giving you all my inheritance… Never! I would never submit to a boy like you!” Mo Yan’s voice was filled with venom and defiance.

Emery remained calm, undeterred by Mo Yan’s outburst. He had said what he came to say and given Mo Yan time to dwell on it. Before leaving, he summoned Cthulhu back into the spirit realm, instructing it to continue their ‘work’ on Mo Yan.

Leaving Mo Yan in the capable and relentless hands of Cthulhu, Emery retreated to his private chamber. He retrieved a storage ring, one given to him by Heorgar as a reward. Within this ring lay two scrolls.

With a flick of his fingers, Emery unfurled both scrolls in front of him. The ancient parchments glowed with an ethereal light, revealing intricate runes and arcane symbols.

The two scrolls contained the tier 6 and tier 7 versions of the [Spirit Devour] spells. These spells were originally created by Heorgar. Emery, having already mastered the tier 5 version, swiftly understood the profundity and value of these scrolls.

The tier 6 scroll was comprehensive, filled with intricate details and material required to refine the spell. It included complex diagrams and formulas that laid out the exact process for enhancing the spell’s potency. Most importantly, it contained Heorgar’s will, a guiding presence that would provide Emery with complete comprehension in casting the spell.

Unfortunately, the tier 7 scroll was only partially complete, outlining the initial steps and core principles but leaving some gaps. These gaps were like puzzles, providing clues rather than a clear path. The scroll’s fragmented nature indicated that Heorgar had not finished this version of the spell. His intention was clear: he wanted Emery to help complete this spell.

Heorgar’s notes highlighted the critical importance of mastering these higher versions. The tier 6 spell would enable Emery to devour magus-level individuals with far greater efficiency, significantly amplifying his strength and capabilities. The potential of the tier 7 spell was even more tantalizing. If completed, it would grant Emery the power to devour grand magus-level individuals.

Heorgar gave explicit note about ‘the power to devour cosmic energy’

Although it sounded grand, Heorgar had never succeeded in this objective despite his increasing mastery of the law of devour. Nevertheless, it was enough to inspire Emery to give it a try.

He realized that mastering these spells could be the key to overcoming Mo Yan’s resistance.

At the same time, if it had the ability to devour cosmic energy, then wouldn’t it mean it could help him break through the aperture?

Learning the advanced versions of the spell would undoubtedly require immense effort and time. It might even dangerously backlash or destroy Mo Yan’s aperture in the process, which was why he considered this idea as the last solution.

With only a ten-day deadline, most magus would consider it a lost cause. However, Emery viewed the situation from a different angle. Saʀch* Th N0ᴠFre.nt website on Ggl to access chapters of nvels early and in the highest quality.

He saw Mo Yan’s aperture and grand magus soul as perfect targets for practice, a unique opportunity that shouldn’t be wasted.

“If it’s going to break anyway, I might as well use it to learn the new spell,”

Without wasting any more time, Emery swiftly began to refine his tier 5 spells.

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