Earth's Greatest Magus

Chapter 2123 Loss and Gains

When one reaches the magus level, sleep becomes an optional activity. However, for thousands of years, apothecaries have struggled to find medicines that can heal mental exhaustion as effectively as good quality sleep. There were a few high-grade pills or divine ingredients that could instantly heal such conditions, but none could match the rejuvenation of sleep, an activity that comes at no cost.

After the exhausting soul battle, Emery felt he could sleep for two days straight to fully recover. However, knowing he still had immediate matters to address, he allowed himself only eight hours of sleep—just enough to alleviate the pain from the battle. Once he felt somewhat refreshed, he swiftly returned to his Magus Domain.

His first act was to visit his companions: Twik and the Chizpur brothers, at the Chizpur village. He was relieved to see that they were all recovering well. Twik was in full health, while the five brothers were still weak, fortunately, they showed no concerning side effects from their spirit attack.

While visiting the plant creatures, Livi the Baphomet appeared next to Emery. “Master… what about me? Aren’t you worried about me?” she asked, her eyes full of expectation.

Emery smiled and complimented her. She had proven her value and even more so, her loyalty by protecting him. Understanding her needs, Emery took out a pouch filled with her favorite food: [Blood Grass]. These tier 5 materials were the beast’s favorite delicacy. Livi’s eyes lit up with joy, and she quickly consumed the one million spirit stone’s worth of materials in seconds.

Excitedly, Livi shared some good news with Emery, and together, they teleported to the caves where the [Shadowflame Bees] hives were located. Emery’s eyes widened with satisfaction as he saw the glowing hives. There were now a total of 16 hives, meaning four new queens had emerged and started to create their own colonies. This development was partly due to the bees devouring Ramos’s flames during the battle.

Emery couldn’t help but feel satisfied with their rapid growth, which would further boost the production of their tier 4 [Ivy Flame Honey].

While he was at it, Emery went to check his losses and gains from the battle. Aside from the 25 million spirit stones he had given to Magus Yord, the only significant loss was the broken tier 7 construct. Fortunately, most of the high-grade metal was not lost, so Emery only needed to wait until Master Borin was available to repair the device.

As for the gains, they were all stored in a separate chamber. Emery walked into the chamber and saw a dozen adult Chizpurs diligently working, dissecting the collected beast’s remains. These were primarily from the lizard beasts that had come with the first tide. Saʀch* Th NovlFre .t website on Ggl to access chapters of nvels early and in the highest quality.

“ku ku.. kuang kuang”

The Chizpurs meticulously separated the valuable materials: the lizards’ durable hides, their razor-sharp teeth, and their tier 6 toxic glands. The room buzzed with activity as they processed dozens of corpses. Emery estimated it would take them at least 2 to 3 days to complete the task.

Surveying the room, Emery felt a sense of accomplishment. The Chizpurs’ efficiency and the sheer volume of valuable materials would greatly bolster his resources. He made a mental note to reward the diligent Chizpurs once their work was done.

In the next chamber lay the captured King Gold Roc. The magnificent creature, despite its weakened state, emanated a powerful and majestic aura. Seeing the severity of the Roc’s injuries, Emery approached cautiously.

He extended his hand and began to cast a healing spell to stabilize the giant Roc, mending torn flesh and knitting together broken bones. Emery could see the immediate effect of the spell as the creature’s labored breathing eased and its wounds slowly began to close.

Despite its weakened state, Emery was acutely aware of the Roc’s latent power. He decided to keep the ancient desolate beast in chains, to suppress the Roc’s strength, ensuring it couldn’t pose a threat until Emery figured out what to do with it.

After making sure all the immediate matters were set, Emery came to visit his new prisoner once again.

“You coward!! Fight me if you dare!!” Mo Yan’s voice rang out, filled with rage and defiance.

In the past 8 hours, Chututlu had continuously engaged in soul battles with the captive, a total of 8 battles resulting in 8 victories. Despite this relentless onslaught, the grand magus still had enough strength to be furious. His resilience was impressive, a testament to his formidable soul power.

To gauge the true impact of these battles on the level three spirit master, Emery used his [Soul Walk] skill, entering the spirit realm to confront Mo Yan directly.

The two engaged in a series of clashes. Each confrontation was intense, a clash of wills and strategic maneuvers. Emery felt the benefits of his eight hours of rest, which had significantly bolstered his mental fortitude. He remained dominant throughout the dozens of clashes, his spirit unwavering.

As the battles continued, Mo Yan began to grasp the dire situation he was in. Realizing Emery’s intention and the futility of his resistance, he decided to negotiate.

“Release me! And I will consider giving you what you want,”

Emery ignored Mo Yan’s pleas and continued to fight. Under these conditions, it had become a one-sided battle, and Emery mercilessly beat the hunchbacked old man’s soul into submission.

“Alright… I will give you what you want… but you must release me,” Mo Yan finally said, his tone was much more polite.

Despite the shift in Mo Yan’s demeanor, Emery remained unyielding. He ignored the plea once again and beat him mercilessly. When he thought it was enough, he kept the beaten soul, imprisoned before emerging from his Magus Domain.

Standing up from his lotus position, Emery walked to an empty corner of the cavern. He took a deep breath, then laid Mo Yan’s corpse on the ground. As expected, the body itself held no valuables as most grand magus carried their treasures within their apertures.

This was precisely why Emery had extracted Mo Yan’s body.

Utilizing his spirit reading ability, Emery detected a concentrated lump of energy on the solar plexus. With a deft motion, he extracted this energy and threw it into the empty space of the cavern. The lump of energy seemed to suck the air around it, rapidly expanding into a massive cloud of dark smoke.

As the smoke swirled, it began to take form. Before Emery’s eyes, Mo Yan’s aperture revealed itself, a sprawling, intricate realm filled with the grand magus’s possessions.

“Now, let’s see if I can get inside.”

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