Earth's Greatest Magus

Chapter 1669 Final Hour

The final hour of the competition was akin to a battlefield, where each contestant was fighting their own private war. The room was filled with an intense air of focus and determination. Each participant was meticulously crafting their products to achieve the maximum possible potency. Even the spectators weren’t exempt from the gripping tension; their gazes were firmly fixated on the unfolding spectacle, their excitement palpable.

Emery, in particular, was in the thick of the action. He had already prepared his initial potion – a Tier 5 Panacea Liquid with an originality level of 2. Using his unique skill, [Photosynthesis], he had attempted to improve the quality of the Tier 5 ingredients. Yet, despite his best efforts and the innovative methods and recipe combinations he employed, his result was somewhat disappointing. The potency was lower than he had hoped for.

Recognizing the need to push further, Emery turned to his assistant. “Helena, show me what you’ve got,” he said.

Without missing a beat, the wood elf presented her concoctions. Despite the limited time of an hour and a half, she had managed to create over 200 combinations from the seven liquid essences. It was a testament to her efficiency and skill.

“Very good, Helena. Let’s do this together,” Emery complimented, a new spark in his eyes.

His words injected a fresh dose of energy into Helena. “Yes! Master!!.. Yes.” Her enthusiasm echoed his, and the previously fatigued Artisan was now revitalized and ready for the task ahead. 𝚘𝑣𝑙xt.𝗇𝓔t

Without any further delay, Emery took the first vial – an essence derived from a water sample. His high proficiency in Nature law, amplified by his abilities [Nature Sense] and [Nature Grasp], allowed him to feel the unique identity of the essence, its distinct color.

Recalling its condition when he first extracted it and the progress made with Helena’s aid, Emery infused his spirit energy into the essence using [Photosynthesis]. It was a delicate operation, not just a simple act of increasing its strength. He carefully amplified its unique traits that made it resistant to the virus.

After adding the enhanced essence to his mixture, he once again put it to the test. The result was encouraging.

[Potency Strength: 19%]

[Failure to cleanse Toxin]

While the toxin was still present, there was a noticeable 2% increase in potency. It wasn’t a major leap, but it was evidence that his methods were working. His determination was renewed, ready to push the boundaries even further.

“Next one!” Emery’s words cut through the heavy concentration in the room, ringing clear and confident. Helena, feeding off his energy, was more excited than ever, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

Emery took a deep breath, and his eyes shifted towards the second vial. The essence it held came from the soil of the habitat. This essence was a complex compound brimming with the latent potential of the Earth, a source of life and countless mysteries.

Focusing, Emery summoned his spirit energy once again and guided it into the essence, using the method he perfected over the years. The essence seemed to glow brighter as it absorbed his energy, its potential strength multiplying. He then delicately added it to the mixture, making sure not to disturb the delicate balance already established by the first essence.

The result was a minor, but a noticeable increase in the potency.

[Potency Strength: 20%] [Failure to cleanse Toxin]

Emery let out a sigh of relief. The 20% potency milestone was achieved. Although it was a small increase, it served as a beacon of hope and encouragement for Emery and Helena. It was a testament to their collective efforts, guiding them towards their ultimate goal.

The next challenge was the third vial. This one held an essence extracted from the surviving gene of a dead animal, a compound vastly more complex than the previous two. Every ticking second added pressure on Emery as he knew time was running thin. Nevertheless, his tenacity propelled him forward. He patiently infused his spirit energy into the essence, willing it to adapt and evolve.

[Potency Strength: 23%]

[Failure to cleanse Toxin]

The concoction was growing more complex with each added essence, and so was the task of ensuring its stability. The third, and fourth essences required careful precision to integrate them without causing any undesired reactions. Emery found himself needing to adjust the heat of the cauldron meticulously, ensuring the perfect environment for the integration of the essences. His eyes were intense, wholly focused on the cauldron as his hands, suffused with a web of energy roots, moved swiftly and deftly. He poured his full concentration into maintaining the delicate balance of the potion, aware that any misstep could jeopardize his entire effort.

Emery’s unique method of apothecary was not going unnoticed. As more essences were added to his concoction, more spectators were drawn to his station. The novelty of his approach, the dexterity of his movements, and the promising results of his product were drawing attention, even from the Maestro himself.

[Potency strength: 25… 26…28%]

[Failure to cleanse Toxin]

“30 minutes left!” The announcement echoed through the hall, adding to the urgency in the room.

At this point, Emery’s rivals, Vaandill and Logan, had already completed their products, unable to push the potency any further. With potency strength of 25% and 26% respectively, they decided to step back from their stations and watch the remaining participants.

Liandrin, the female wood elf master, was making significant strides. Backed by a grand magus assistant who specialized in nature magic and another Artisan reputed for his prowess in Physics methods, she had the edge. Together with the high-tier equipment at her station, she managed to hit the 30% breakthrough.

Maksin and Callon appeared unfazed by Liandrin’s breakthrough. Both were brimming with confidence, their eyes speaking volumes about their belief in their own potential. They, too, were making the best use of the remaining time, striving for their best results.

Emery wasn’t far behind. Having successfully integrated five essences into his mixture, he faced a formidable challenge in adding the remaining two. The task was becoming more complex and difficult, but Emery was determined. The clock was ticking, time was of the essence, and the stakes were high.

But Emery was undeterred. With renewed resolve, he declared, “I can do this!” His voice, filled with unwavering determination, reverberated through the room, echoing his will to succeed.

Emery pushed forward, his spirit undeterred. As he added the remaining two essences to his mixture, the display showed a significant increase in potency.

[Potency strength: 30… 32…35%]

Gasps of awe echoed through the forum, as spectators marvelled at the numbers. Whispers of the human apothecary possibly claiming victory started circulating among them. However, their hopes were quickly dashed as an unexpected incident unfolded.

Despite Emery’s high precision and control, he struggled to consolidate the highly volatile essences in his mixture. The instability of the potion escalated rapidly, transforming into a potent toxin. Recognizing the danger, Emery quickly pushed his assistant, Helena, away from the explosion that ensued, releasing a thick cloud of toxic smoke into the air.

The deadly Vireleant Blight quickly engulfed Emery’s station. The Maestro and his team, responding swiftly, erected a containment barrier around the affected area. However, even the Maestro himself struggled to dissipate the toxic cloud quickly.

Morgana, who had been observing from a safe distance, rushed forward to help. But Grand Magus Aegnor halted her. “No! You cannot get in there!” he admonished, his voice filled with urgency and worry.

Even Grand Master Hazzard attempted to offer his help, but his efforts were futile against the formidable Vireleant Blight. The toxic smoke thickened, covering Emery’s alcove completely. As each minute ticked by without any sign of improvement, the spectators began fearing the worst. Whispers about the potential loss of a promising talent filled the hall, alongside harsh comments about how humans and their ambition, made them blind to their limitations.

Among them, Maksin, one of the competitors, chuckled at the unfortunate turn of events. “Serve him right!” he declared, his voice filled with an unpleasant mix of contempt and satisfaction.

However, unbeknownst to them all, inside the toxic cloud, Emery was not defeated. He was still at work, drawing from the invaluable experience he gained with the help of Twik’s light energy. Against all odds, he stayed alive, surviving the toxic environment, and working tirelessly on his final product.

At the same time, the escalating toxicity seemed to aid an entity lurking within his chest. A voice echoed within his mind, <I have something for you kid, I am excited to see what you can do with this>.

The announcer’s voice boomed over the hushed whispers of the crowd. “Five minutes left!” The warning echoed in the grand space, heightening the tension in the air. The audience’s eyes, once fixated on the unfortunate human and his misfortune, had started to wander.

Gradually, the crowd shifted their attention. Their attention now shifted to Liandrin, Maksin, and Callon, the last three competitors still standing. They were polishing their final products before they would be put to the ultimate test.

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