Earth's Greatest Magus

Chapter 1560 Slaughter

The creature violently shook the earth as it blasted off the ground and soared high into the air like a mighty dragon, bringing Emery who was on top of its forehead along with it. It was so unexpected that Morgana and the others couldn’t react properly.

When the pack finally regained their bearings and was about to help their Alpha, Beowulf told them to stop. Facing the confused looks they gave him, the old chief simply pointed his finger at the still shaking ground.

Their questions were quickly answered as the ground rumbled once more, from which dozens of relatively smaller Abyss Worms, each about one meter long, emerged from the hole like a flood current.

“We need to take care of these first!”

Beowulf specifically directed those words at Morgana who had already spread her fiery wings and was ready to go after Emery. But as soon as she heard Emery’s intentions for her through [One Mind], she quickly bombarded the area around the hole with her [Hellfire], killing the Abyss Worms that appeared.

“Do not let any one of them escape!!” 

Beowulf quickly took command and placed both of his hands on the ground as he cast a Tier 5 ice spell [Icy Field]. Cold temperature burst out of his hands, enveloping the area around the hole in ice and restraining most of the creatures’ movements.

Without further ado, the others made their moves and attacked the horde of Abyss Worms. 

Yoro shot forward while brandishing the spear in his hand, swinging it swiftly to cut down all the vulnerable creatures nearby. Andrei darted around the area with his unfurled wings, killing the creatures in quick succession. Tatyana provided support by casting [Light Arrow] and firing it at those who had not been killed by Morgana’s [Hellfire].

With every few seconds that passed, Morgana and the others managed to slaughter at least one creature, which naturally awarded them a lot of points in a short amount of time. The audience watched in amazement as Twilight Fang rose in the rankings.

On the other hand, Emery was currently being overwhelmed by the monstrous Abyss Worm who was clearly furious that he had intruded into its lair. Even though the beast couldn’t really harm him, at the same time its thick and huge body made it very hard for Emery to kill.

[Elder Abyss Worm]

[Mythical creature]

[Level 20]

This colossal creature was definitely not on the Royal Hunt menu. In fact, there was even a chance that the Silvermane might not have known of its existence all along.

Realizing that killing this creature would take a lot of his time which he could use somewhere else, Emery quickly came up with a plan to deal with it.

“You are really one ugly bastard, huh?! Come chase me if you can!!”


Saying those words, Emery immediately dashed as fast as he could into the forest. It seemed his taunt had worked as the massive creature was right behind him, mowing down all the trees in its path as it chased after him.

Emery could feel the adrenaline rushing through his body as the commotion behind him grew louder. Luckily, a few minutes later, he made it to his destination without the creature catching up with him.

That place was none other than the rocky hills in the middle layer where the Talbots Warhounds were hunting. Smiling at them, Emery muttered under his breath. “Here is my present for taking my spots.”

Seeing the corpses of Abyss worm killed by the Warhounds, the massive creature’s bloodlust was successfully provoked and it immediately attacked the Talbots group.

With this plan, not only was Emery able to free himself from the troublesome creature, he also managed to negatively affect one of his top competitors. With 50 veteran magus earning lower points, it would be easier for his pack to reach the top 20.

When Emery made his way back to where his pack was, he saw that not only were they still not finished, there were even more Abyss Worms coming out of the gaping hole. 

Emery quickly jumped into the fray and helped kill the Abyss Worms. Even with his help it still took them almost 30 minutes to finally clear everything out. However, it was all worth it because by the time it was finished, Twilight Fang had reached first place in the rankings.

[Time remaining: 1 hour 15 minutes]

[Twilight Fang – Rank 1 – 123 creature – 615 points]

There were at least 80 Abyss Worms killed in this place, and even though they were younger than what was stated in the hunted creatures list, the system still gave them a minimum of 6 points per kill, netting them a total of 500 points after going through about 30 minutes of fighting.

It could be said that Emery and the others had hit the jackpot with the discovery of this Abyss Worm nest, especially looking at the gap between his pack and the others in the top 5.

[Twilight Fang – Rank 1 – 143 creature – 615 points]

[Corvin One – Rank 2 – 79 creature – 486 points]

[Blue Warhound – Rank 3 – 88 creature – 433 points]

[Sacred Rose – Rank 4 – 99 creature – 420 points]

[Wolf of Karst – Rank 5 – 52 creature – 417 points]

Twilight Fang’s rapid rise through the rankings naturally became the center of attraction for the hundreds of thousands of spectators at the Silvermane Arena. They absolutely did not expect that an unknown group would suddenly reach first place in the rankings.

As footage of their killings replayed across the screens in the arena, discussions instantly broke out among the crowd.

“That could be considered cheating, right?” 

“No! That group was just lucky!”

“Luck? To be able to find a nest that deep? That’s no luck!”

Various reactions emerged from the audience, but overall the response to how Twilight Fang got to their current ranking was mixed. Especially among the VIPs who were disillusioned by how such a thing could happen. 

Of course, Emery didn’t know the reactions of others, and even if he did, he didn’t care at all.

It could be said now that Twilight Fang’s position in the top 20 was almost guaranteed. However, all the fibers in Emery were telling him to do more, that he desired more hunting regardless of points.

The problem was, with their current rank, there was a chance that his pack would be targeted by others.

Emery quickly shared his thoughts with the others. Either hide for safety or continue for a greater challenge. All decisively agreed to the second option. 

“Alright then! Let’s go hunt some more!!”

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