Dual Cultivator Reborn [System In The Cultivation World]

Chapter 933 Yohan’s goal

Chapter 933 Yohan’s goal

Old man Lin’s soul nearly left his body as he heard this beauty calling him grandpa, Arjun’s face also turned dark when he heard this woman who was calling him grandpa,on the other hand Milan’s facial expressions also changed drastically.

“Grandpa?…I think you are mistaken me with someone else,as long as I remember we never met before!”Old man Lin scratched the back of his head.A faint smile appeared on Athena’s face seeing that same gesture that Yohan did whenever he felt confused.

“My name is Athena and I am associated with Yohan,more like I am your family”Athena finally revealed her connection with old man Lin in graceful manner,old man nearly dropped his jaw on the ground along with everyone after realizing what she mean by being his family, Milan’s facial expressions changed drastically when those words reached to her ears,a cold sweat appeared on patriarch bin Xeng’s face and he wondered how in the world Yohan found someone like her.

“You are Yohan’s—”

“Indeed I am Yohan’s partner,i was simply leaving this territory when I stumbled upon you,that’s why I decided to greet you in person,it’s good to see you grandpa Lin,i hope i didn’t cause any trouble with my sudden appearance”Athena said with glistening eyes.

“Hahaha…what are you talking about,it’s my honor to meet you!” Old man Lin laughed but deep down in his heart he cursed Yohan for not telling him that he is associated with someone like her,who is on a different level!

This content is taken from freёwebnovel.com.

“Pleasure is mine grandpa Lin!”Athena gracefully responded and then she continued.”I am not going to disturb you any further,I hope to see you soon,”Athena said with a smile.

“Likewise,it’s good to see you Athena!”old man Lin said in slow voice, hearing his words Athena smiled and then she shifted her gaze in the direction of Milan who was standing a few meters away from her while having a solemn look on her face.

“You must be Milan,your body is emitting a strong aura which belongs to Yohan!”Athena exclaimed causing Milan’s body to tremble with fear.

“It’s good to see you,you can call me big sister Athena,like Yohan’s other partners!”in the blink of an eye Athena appeared right in front of Milan and petted her head like she is some little kid,Milan’s heart thumped upon seeing Athena standing right infront of her very eye,a moment ago she was standing with old man Lin and now she is standing right next to her,she couldn’t able to keep up with her speed along with everyone,old man Lin and patriarch bin Xeng were also surprised with her movement.

“This junior greet lady Athena!”Milan muttered hasty and greeted Athena afterall she understand her standing right infront of her,not only old man Lin but also her father who is high level cultivator showed immense respect towards this mysterious lady, having that thought in her head she don’t wanted to offend someone like her.

“Pfft,you don’t have to show me courtesy afterall i consider you all my little sister of course leaving that particular one aside!”Athena chuckled as she pondered about her big sister Evelyn,a confused look appeared on Milan’s face hearing Athena but she didn’t dare to ask anything.

“Well then we shall meet again someday,right now I have to go somewhere and I am in a hurry!”Athena exclaimed and the next moment she disappeared like a ghost as if she never existed in that very place. Once she disappeared Milan fell on the ground on her buttocks feeling a heavy weight lifted on her body.

“Where did she come from?”Milan muttered in a low voice,old man Lin and bin Xeng exchanged glances with each other before taking a deep breath. They also felt the same pressure as Milan in Athena’s presence,which goes to everyone who was presented there.


Meanwhile back inside the soul subspace Kana relentless slashed the barrier with her sword,it’s been few hours since she were trying to break this formation but despite trying everything she couldn’t able to leave anything let alone any scratch, despite having the cultivation of heavenly soul realm she felt to do anything against this formation, sometimes later she finally decided to gave up and clenched her fist in frustration afterall certain someone were watching her from the sky while having a smug on her face.

‘i wanted to wipe that smug from her very face but alas she was right,this damn thing is unbreakable, despite putting everything i can’t even put a scratch on this formation,it’s beyond my understanding,what kind of monster made a formation like this!’Kana cursed inwardly and the next moment she retrieved the sword in her spatial ring with the sign of stopping.

“I am going next…”Vanya whispered as she looked in Aana’s direction,Aana chuckled and nodded her head.

“I don’t mind,you can go ahead”she said without opposing her,a surprise look appeared on Vanya’s face after hearing Aana and the memories of the soul subspace surfaced in her mind, indeed Aana don’t wanted to embarrassed herself repeating the same mistakes that she and maria did while putting their energy inside the snowy’s egg,which was completely disaster!

“Very well then,it’s time to see how sturdy that formation is which is definitely left behind by my ancestors!”Vanya exclaimed and with those words she left Yohan and Aana’s side,once she left Aana tilted her head and looked at Yohan.

“I am not going to waste my energy on something like that which is unbreakable,i am leaving that thing in your hand!”Aana whispered and she gently kissed Yohan’s cheek before leaving his side in order to join others in the sky. Once Aana left Yohan’s side, Kana approached him, having a solemn look on her face.

“I failed,I can’t believe I am not even able to left a scratch on that thing,are you disappointed in me?”she looked Yohan with watery eyes, seeing her like that Yohan petted her head while having a gentle smile on his handsome face.

“What are you talking about kana,these kind of trivial things don’t make any difference,you did good,i am proud of you kana”Yohan said caressing Kana’s head before gently kissing her on forehead,kana’s cheek turned red received a kiss from yohan’s,she felt profound feeling in her heart!

“Then i leave that formation in your hand,i know you have the power of destroying that wall with your very strength!”kana whispered,Yohan chuckled hearing her and nodded his head in response, soon kana left his side in order to join her sister and master,once she left Yohan took a long sighed while having a resolute expressions on his handsome face.

‘I’ll try my best to not disappoint you kana, afterall I am more interested of knowing what kind of monster this formation is hiding under its protection,from the very beginning my goal was not to destroy that barrier but to find the person who were hiding inside this shrine,the shrine of Azure demon’

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