Dragonborn Saga

Chapter 434 Jon vs Darius 1

"Fair Ladies and Noble Gents. Greetings and Salutations! Today is the day and I see that everyone came early, haha! Today's fight was hastily arranged but rumors have it that each part of the Imperial City was talking about the fight last night.

Everyone is surely excited but let me remind you again of who are going to fight this afternoon. They are no ordinary Fighters or your everyday riff-raffs. They are basically the strongest two in the Arena.

The Grand Champion of the Arena and the Terrifying Runner Up.

Introducing the Grand Champion, Darius.

You all know him as the Hound of Niben who hunts anything from Goblins to Ogres and chases the bandits all across Niben banks. Awarded by the Legion for his efforts and bravery."


"But today, a young man from Skyrim stands against him and make no mistake… this young man is one of a kind.

Introducing the Challenger over the Grand Champion title, Jon Dare.

The people yesterday called him the Thunder Voice and the Nord Goliath and that can't be too far from the truth. In Skyrim, he is Jonhild Firemane the Thane and Liberator of Winterhold. It is said that he ended the Pirate threat over the Northern Coasts and led a campaign of rebuilding the ruined city of Winterhold and the Ancient Ruins of Saarthal, the first city of mankind on Tamriel. Not just that, his most recent feats include a survival battle against the Madmen of the Reach, a daring clash with a vampire order, and the Battle of Winterhold where he is said to have defeated a force of fifteen thousand by a force of five thousand warriors."


The incredible feats of Jon Dare were indeed as humongous as the announcer declared. Last night, the Arena Master sent the Announcer to the Legion Office in the city and acquired all the public information about Jon Dare. Even though the Legion was reluctant in giving Jon some credit, rumors were already too hard to suppress at this stage.

Still, comparing Darius and Jon was a bit too much. Darius was a bandit and a monster hunter around the Niben banks known for chasing his enemies on his Blood Chariot while Jon is a known young Hero in Skyrim. But that doesn't mean that Jon is stronger than Darius. By all accounts, Darius is a monster among monsters.

In two private waiting room in the Bloodworks, both warriors were preparing for a bloody battle.

Darius may have looked down on Jon at first but the so-called Nordic Goliath proved to be a scary foe despite his young age.

Jon has spent a good time acquiring information about Darius too and estimated his opponent's Level and Techniques.

Entering a fight on such a scale blindly will be disadvantageous especially if it is a Grand Champion Fight. One thing for certain and that is the match is a Free Fight bound by no rules which means Jon can go with whatever armor he wanted and in this case, the [Ebony Mail] was a very good choice. It will be hard to identify the [Ebony Mail] as the Daedric Artifact it is because of its appearance not being really that unique and surely other Ebony Armors share the same appearance with it. For a weapon, Jon is all out with the [Ebony Blade] adding a small tweak to it. Adding Ahzidal's set to that as the [Helm of Vision], [Evil Fists], [Boots of the Apostle] and [Ring of Necromancy] as well as [The Elder Staff, Pride] and [The Shadow Aether, Greed].

In his waiting room, Jon sat alone putting his mind to ease and thinking of various strategies and emergency situations. His mood generated a powerful killing intent that made anyone who wanted to try any underhanded method against him back off.

A few minutes later, he heard a loud cheer from the Arena which meant that his opponent has already appeared up there.

The door on his room was knocked on and a voice came from behind it.

"Your turn."

Jon silently walked up from his place across the Bloodworks all the way through the tunnel in front of the gate where he will enter the Arena.

What he saw in there made him grin, sure as hell it was the black-haired Imperial man with the strong appearance of a soldier carrying a gigantic axe and riding a War Chariot pulled by two horses. The chariot ran around the Arena in two circles as the Grand Champion greeted the public and they fervently cheered for him.

Jon sighed and took a deep and painful breath before he calls out his horse Joergen from the Cube.

The Horse seemed to be not in the mood but it calmed down as soon as Jon patted it.

"Calm. We're having a big fight now, buddy."

Jon jumped on the horse and took out the [Ebony Blade], concerned about its unique appearance, Jon called out for [Greed].

"Do your thing."

And by that, [Greed] possessed the [Ebony Blade] forming its second appearance, something no one knew about or can suspect as the most infamous Daedric Artifact in the World.


As Darius settled down with his side of the crowd, Jon's gate opened and out of nowhere, his crimson Tyrant Aura flowed like a flood and caused a great unrest to the spectators. Even the horses pulling the chariot Darius on became wild and it took Darius to release his Carnage Aura to block Jon's.

From the gate, a black horseman rode out on a black horse causing an astonishing amount of pressure. In his right hand, there was a large black weapon.

"Is that a spear?"

"No. It looks like a Halberd."

"It is a Glaive."

The third guess wasn't entirely wrong but the fourth guess settled it.

"An Akaviri Dragon Glaive!" An enchanter said.

Just like what was said, it was a Dragon Glaive with a serpentine design on its wide blade, Jon knew this kind of polearms as the Guandao. [A/n: Basically a Guandao is Chinese but I wasn't sure if Akavir is mostly Asian or just Japanese. Judging by the names, I hope the Ko Po' Tun (Tiger-Folk) are the Chinese or at least the Tang Mo (Monkey-Folk).]


[The Ebony Glaive] <Daedric Artifact>

- Awakening (5/10)

- Absorb Vitality

- Fortify Swordsmanship > Fortify Spearmanship

- Elongation ☆


The jet black guandao in his hand carried a lot of details from its former self, the [Ebony Blade]. It had a shaft similar to the grip of the Nodachi and the blade guard was also the same. Jon held the [Ebony Glave] from the neck of its shaft as he settled the warhorse he is on.

"So you came?" Darius spoke.

"So I did." Jon replied.

"Scared? Won't run to your mother?"

"They would beat the crap out of me if I did. I have two of them… not bragging."

"Tsk! That nasty face of yours, I'll make sure I carve on it with my axe." Darius said giving Jon a twisted smile.

"Dude! If you are going to stand there and trash talk then spare me the boredom and come kill me already." Jon said with clear disdain.

"HA! Your funeral, Nord Bastard."

"Racist fucker!"

The two were already at it trash-talking and spewing nonsense to their heart content. Only when Jon started using his spam arsenal that was kept rusty from the last online game he played in his past life did Darius lose it and finally commenced the attack.

The War Chariot ran to the side while being pulled by two horses as it can't run to the middle of the Arena which was made by metal bars. Darius put his axe on the chariot and took out a bow.

"Seriously? Run, Joergen." Jon didn't want to be a still target and rant to the other side circling around the Arena as well.

A chariot pulled by two horses chased a horseman in circles. The chariot is clearly faster than a single horse as it was pulled by two but Joergen's speed was buffed by Jon. It would be a problem if Joergen became used to the buff and harmed itself but Jon maintained a good mental connection with the horse using his 'Titanborn' bloodline ability.

During those laps around the Arena, Jon and Darius exchanged a large number of arrows and spells. At first, Jon was defending but when the gap widened, Jon started to put traps on Darius's way. A horse wouldn't tell if it was a magical trap or not so Darius got the scare from Jon's sly move and was forced to maintain a moderate speed to dispel Jon's magic before his horses pass.

"Hahaha! You became slow, uncle. Seriously! Is that all?" Jon started a provocation.

"You little shit!" Darius was aggroed by Jon and decided to ward his horses while running through the traps anyway. Jon's traps were not elemental as he expected but rather varied between spells that scared the horses with visual effects or spells that made the land slippery. Still, the Chariot's charge was swift and managed to get rid of most of the traps.

At that time, Jon and Darius decided to get things more serious.

Jon took a sharp turn and made Joergen jump over the center of the Arena while secretly boosting the jump by [Ahzidal's Boots of the Apostle]. In a mere few seconds, Jon now became the one chasing Darius.

Darius's arrows rained on Jon from the left side and the front but merely waving the Guandao with one hand was enough to block those arrows.

Not long later, Darius decided to slow down and engage with Jon on a mounted melee. He carried his large axe with one hand and directed the chariot to tighten the road on Jon but a spell from Jon's right hand was timely enough to throw off the balance of Darius's chariot forcing the road open.

The high-speed fight now took a whole new level of excitement and the crowd was not settling down at all as half were the loyal fans of Darius and the other was Jon's.

Once the two warriors engaged in real combat while maintaining the high speed, something big was fated to happen.

Jon thrust the guandao at Darius and the latter easily redirected it with his axe's shaft then waved its head towards Joergen's neck.

"Fucker!" Jon was infuriated and stopped the attack by the glaive handle then rotated it to attack the head of Darius. The latter took the attack with his vambraces that quite strong and stabbed with the axe's pointy end at Jon.

Jon was taken off-guard for a second but managed to throw his body to the back and rotated it around Joergen's torso to perform an artistic combo on Darius. Jon was no longer riding the way riders do but his gymnastics and acrobatics were awakened in an instant and moved as if he was dancing on the saddle.

"Die, you northern monkey." Darius was irritated by Jon's constant movement.

"We don't have monkeys in Skyrim." Jon double kicked Darius's hand and axe making him lose balance.

For an attempt to force Jon down, Darius engaged with his axe closely and tightened the road on Jon. The two exchanged a couple of weapon attacks until they were locked in a weapon circlings. Darius managed to overpower Jon in a moment of foothold assurance and carried Jon from his horse by the axe tossing him as strong as he could to throw him in front of the chariot and run over him.

Jon was indeed thrown against his will but it wasn't a problem for him to move midair. Darius was strong enough to force Jon on such a situation.

The moment he was flying forward, Jon adjusted his trajectory using [Ahzidal's Boots of the Apostle] and spread his arms around releasing the two magic sealing chains from [Ahzidal's Evil Fists].

One chain to the right holding on the Arena's wall and another chain to the left holding on one of the four pillars in the middle of the Arena.

By the next second, Darius's Blood Chariot ran into the chains.




The Blood Chariot was fully tackled in the chains and the horses were crushed under the chariot. Darius was launched into the air like an idiot and barely adjusted himself to land on Joergen's saddle.

*Angry Joergen Neigh*

With no further ado, The stubborn stallion rejected the new rider with its full strength and hit the breaks.

"Shit! Run!" Darius wasn't taking no for an answer and thought of harming Joergen but he felt movement behind him.

Jon retrieved the chains and jumped mid-air with the guandao being aimed at Darius from behind. Darius tried to take his axe from his side and swung it at Jon behind him only to see no one there.

From the sides, the crowd saw Jon performing air steps running from behind Darius to his left side soundlessly and waving the glaive from the front.

"Get off Joergen, you dirty fuck!"

Darius barely turned around to see the guandao being waved at him. He couldn't understand how Jon sneaked on him like that but it was no time to think, he barely guarded his face but the attack carried him off Joergen.

As he fell and quickly regained his stance, Jon quickly took Joergen back into the ring.

Darius looked back at his chariot and horses then his eyes turn bloodshot.

"Fucker! You'll pay."

"Make me!"

The first round on horseback was over, now the real fight begins.



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