Dragonborn Saga

Chapter 426 Long Live the Queen - A Coin for your Trouble

A Double Chapter boys!

Daily + an Extra comes to you by @Vitan Cernjac


(Part 1: Long Live the Queen)

Unlike most cities, Mournhold is a city that doesn't sleep. Streets are active all day long except for the hour of dawn where the thieves roam around.

One of the busiest kinds of business is entertainment and stands on top of the industry the White Cat Casino which was one of the Bazaar's most notable establishment. In truth, it was a small castle for the Old Woman and her Tong.

In that night, the Tong was very active after recovering from the relentless attacks of the last month. They had to put on a strong front to regain the people's faith in them.

The most notable and active members in the Tong during the past month were, of course, the Redguard strong woman, the Twin Altmer Beauties and the Masked Giants. These were, of course, what the people called Isha, Mirren, Miranda and Krilon.

None knew they were Labourers as the term wasn't really much of a public knowledge but they were seen as hired help. Isha and Jon were popular among the Tong members for their approachable personalities while the two Altmer cold beauties always stuck with the Old Woman.

Tonight, however, the situation was calm and the Casino was reserved for a small party. The Tong members scattered around the area sharing drinks and stories. In a certain corner, Jon came with two drinks in hand putting one in front of Miranda and sipped on the other after he sat.

"Drink, it will cheer you up." He said.

Somehow, Miranda's face was expressionless and barely reacting.

"Are they out yet?" She asked.

"Don't know but seems unlikely."

"..." Miranda was dangerously silent.

"Come on... Your brother can have a kink too, you know." Jon remarked.

Miranda didn't react.

"Look, it is okay to have such a habit. It is not something nasty but maybe... just maybe you two were so tensed and needed some way to lose control and tension. That's why your tastes are similar." Jon said.

Miranda looked at Jon then thought about it.

"... For as early as I can remember, Mirren and I lived according to rules. I may have wanted to break them for a while but we can't afford to break them at the same time." She said something vague.

Jon scratched his head.

"Rules like 'what to do and what not to do'? Of course, you will get bored in the end if they are too much." Jon said.

"It is either them or we die."

"That so? You are Outlaws or something? Outcasts? Exiled? Wanted Dead or Alive?"

Miranda didn't reply until a minute later.

"All of them."

"SHUT UP!" Jon didn't buy it.

She wasn't bothered with the way Jon reacted but looking at the look on his face, she asked.

"Aren't you the same as us?"

"No." Jon denied, "I am outlawed by my enemies, clearly not an outcast, exiled as an agreement, wanted by only one faction. My possession is strong you know."

"... I... I have said too much." She looked away.

It seems that she was indeed tensed. Jon could figure it out. Most people who have a tendency to be an M only do so to experience the feeling of losing control. The reason can vary but in Miranda and Mirren's case, the two must be tensed up because they put their guard up for too long.

Maybe in the past month, the Altmer twins were in a position that they had to learn to rely on other partner and that's why a relationship developed to the two of them... putting aside Isha's pursuit after Mirren and Jon's constant teasing of Miranda.

Still, Jon learned more about Miranda in this conversation. It seems their opponent is far too strong for them to the point where Mirren had to pose and conduct as a female. It is rare to have twins in the High Elven society because of the low birth rate, being known as a boy and a girl twins may attract their enemies, if Miranda posed as a boy then their enemies might suspect something as many females pose as males while traveling, but the Mirren chose to pose as female which is very unusual for a male especially for a proud High Elf. Two twin girls are not what their enemy will seek at most.

Jon decided to not into details about Miranda as she still has some barriers so he decided to go around some unimportant subjects with her to see if she opened up for him or not.

"See that? I was surprised when I found that they serve some of Riften pickled fish here. It seems that Old Cat has a taste for it, come and try, you will absolutely love it."

"This is called 'Anuic Spirit'. You Altmer should love it because of the word Anu. It is basically a Stamina Regeneration potion but made for only female use. It is for you know... after what we just did."

"Ah! Here it comes. I am completely responsible for the appearance of this dish in this world. It is a cow liver made with strong spices to cover up the stink, something otherworldly from my hometown."

"You're into that sense of fashion too? Oh, sister. We are so getting along."

Jon's strategy was to go fast through some topics and see what kind of things she is interested in. She liked rare food, Khajiiti clothing and Elven Alcohol. Somehow she was easy to figure out.

But what Jon didn't expect was the naughty girl under the coverage of a cold face. One thing she mentioned was how she liked small pranks and to make people uncomfortable, it was kinda twisted but Jon felt that it was unusual and interesting. Her conduct was also of someone who wanted to be treated with care even though she is a masochist.

She was interested in Jon and also seemed to be trying to get to know him. It might sound strange, especially after how they slept with each other earlier but this was their first time relaxing without something to do and somehow they got past some barriers earlier to date.

All in all, Jon and Miranda found it easy to have many bases of understanding.

However, that good mood was over when Isha and Mirren showed up.

"What are you two doing together?" Mirren asked with narrowed eyes.

Jon and Miranda have agreed earlier to keep their relationship a bit of a thing between them until things get a bit more natural.

"We're bored since you two disappeared somewhere together for a couple of hours." Jon said playing the reverse card on Mirren.

"Wha... I don't know what you're talking about!" Mirren denied immediately.

Jon looked at Isha and winked.

"Good job, bro. But you guys need to put some Muffle runes on the walls next time." Jon said.

"Oh, sure." Isha wasn't shy about it.

"Muffle... runes?!" Mirren was in denial to realize what had happened but he soon understood and his reality collapsed.

"Sis... sister... it is not what you think..." He looked at Miranda and tried to come up with something to hide his shame.

"I don't know what to think." Miranda indifferently replied while looking away.

The two seemed to have things to talk about so Jon didn't stay and went to look for something to do. It was then when Lanmas called for him.

"She wants you up there." He said.

"Old Cat? Fine."

Jon didn't dally and went to the second floor where the Old Woman's room was. He knocked on the door and was allowed in.

"You were calling for me?" He asked.

"Here you are, my friend. I trust that you are enjoying a small party." She said.

"Yes, thank you."

Jon looked around and saw a large mirror hanged on the wall which was clearly unusual. Mirrors are rare in the world.

The Old Woman stood in front of the mirror looking at her reflection and thinking.

"I need some help." She said.

"Oh... anything." Jon approached her.

"Earlier at the debate. You mentioned the relationship between belief and reality and how the mind can affect the world but that was about a Mass Belief phenomenon."


"It made me can't help but think about a state of Belief by only one person on a phenomenon that can be affected by only that person's belief. You called them before the Placebo Effect and something else."

"Yes, but that's unintentional."

"... I see. Then how about making it intentional. To believe in something and make it happen?" Her question was right on the mark.

Jon smiled as he knew that she figured out something.

"You are right. It is possible alongside a Magicka Gathering method." He confirmed.

"Is that what you do? Is it your secret?" She asked.

"Not entirely a secret, my method is a secret but the training is practiced by many people other than me." He said.

"So it is like that. You believe in something and you meditate using it... Just like the Psijic Order?" She asked.

"The Psijic Order's beliefs are in their Ancestors. They believe in and meditate on the Old Ways which or rather, the [Ancient Ancestral way].

In Skyrim, the Greybeards are also meditator of the [Way of the Voice]. They say 'Sky Above, Voice Within' revealing their faith in Kyne, the mother of men, and using that faith to meditate as the only purpose of the voice is to worship.

Then we have the old Sword Singers of Hammerfell, it may be a lost art but the only reason for that is because they lost their faith in the swords. That was known as the [Way of the Sword].

There is also my own way. I don't have an official name for it but I can call it the [Timeless Dragon Way]. It has my own sets and beliefs about the world and how to understand it. My girls train on that way with me.

Other members of my family figured out a few ways of their own depending on their aptitudes.

Also, as far as I can guess, Arch Mage Shalidor, the founder of the College of Winterhold, has also found a way. They said he was an Immortal because he stole the Seed of Life from Akatosh."

"... Robbing the Dragon!" The Old Woman guessed it.

"True. I am not sure about Lord Divayth Fyr but he should have his own method judging that he gave me a book that helped me figure out my Way."

She thought for a while then asked.

"Can you help me figure out the paths between Spirit and Flesh?"

"I will but there is some complication you need to be aware of. Between the Spirit and Flesh there are an Energy Center, Eight Primary Energy Channels and 64 Energy Points. Depending on the nature and the condition of them, your body can train. Not all of the 64 Energy Points are open for training and some take ages to open naturally but my own Way requires them all to be open, you need to figure out your own Way on this rate."

"... This is a lot of information, my friend, but I think I can manage."

"Fine, these are some primary insights. Remember, never weaver on the faith you are on else you may lose your progress, injure yourself or get yourself killed."

Jon then used Telepathy and transferred some information about meditating to the Old Woman.

She didn't waste any time and closed her eyes after taking a seat.

Jon too sat and kept observing her.

Truth be told, he was curious how the Old Woman would find her Way. Judging by her personality, he was waiting for a good surprise.

Jon thought of how far he managed to advance in his way. Belief was surely a big factor, some believed in a God like the Greybeards and some believed in their Ancestor Spirits like the Psijic Order but Jon's belief carried a deeper meaning and less reliance than them. He believed in the Physical, Spiritual and Astral sides of the World and the Forces of Time and Space, the Negative and the Positive, the Padomic and the Anuic. Some ideas are revolutionary while some are hearsay to the people of this world but these were his teachings.

His book [The Timely Lie] was a method of establishing his revelations and assuring his beliefs. The reason why he chose Morrowind to publish his book was because of how he praised the Psijic Endeavor and figured out than every faith in the world will stand against his ideas.

Somehow, the Temple in Morrowind approved of his book considering it a deep insight into the Psijic Endeavor that would somehow be a good addition to its teachings.

As he was lost in thoughts, he heard a strange sound of glass breaking. That sound came from the Old Woman.

She opened her eyes and looked around.

"What was that?" He asked.

She narrowed her eyes and hummed.

"I think I took a glimpse of something." She said so and returned to meditation once again.

Jon concentrated on the Old Woman's meditation and felt her Magicka overflowing to her Energy Core. This was the first step of meditating, the Spirit Gathering.

That sound of breaking glass was the Old Woman transferring her Magicka into Vital Energy in her Energy Center. Seems like her Way is clearing out.

The reason behind the breaking glass sound was the large mirror in front of her. Jon examined it and noticed a strange enchantment. Somehow, this mirror reflects certain things according to who look at it. Jon saw his reflection without anything strange but no matter what he did, he couldn't figure out the function without thoroughly investigating.

Sometime later, the sound of breaking glass came a few more times and then the old woman opened her eyes.

"I don't get it." Jon said.

She smiled widely.

"You are still too young to have a use for that mirror, my friend." She said.

"What does it show?" He asked.

"... What you dearly long for. A false illusion, however. Nothing it shows truly exist but I think I managed to make use of it."

"... You used an illusion mirror to create your own Belief?" Jon asked.

"I did."

"And that is?"

"I just wanted to believe that the old me is still redeemable." She said and walked away behind a curtain.

Jon could hear her fetching out something, she then walked out with a large painting of a very beautiful Dark Elf woman whose eyes were red and hair was black and curly.

Jon smiled once he saw the painting.

He has already figured that out some time ago but he didn't want to bring it up in front of the Old Woman.

Her identity.

Who she is.

Who she really is.

She looked at him and noticed his smile.

"Have something to say, my friend?" She asked.

"Long Live the Queen."


(Part 2: A Coin for your Trouble)

The Old Woman looked at him and shook her head, smiling.

"You knew?"

"I mean... the signs were all over the place and you didn't really hide it either."


She turned her head and looked at her image. Somehow, the Magicka in her body reacted in a unique way.

"What is that?" He asked.

"An Old Woman's Way." She replied.

The Magicka that was being used was powerful and energetic. Looking at her back, Jon noticed that her appearance started to morph. Her shoulder's widened and her back straightened, her skin regained liveliness and the Aura around her became stronger.

"It is as you said, my friend. Time indeed is a Lie." She said.

"And the wrinkles?" He replied reminding her of what she said before.

"Not there." She turned around to face him.

Indeed, a lot has changed. The Old Woman regained her old appearance once again. Her Dunmeri dark skin and ruby-like eyes, her villain smile and strong face. What was left of the Old Woman was her white hair.

"It seems that this is as far as I can get." She said.

"With a higher level of power, comes better rewards." Jon assured her.

"I can tell." She said proud of her appearance. "Sadly, it requires Magicka to maintain."

"This is as far as you can get against the Bind of Time... for now." He said.

She nodded and tried to walk in her regained appearance. She walked steadily and easily as if she regained a good portion of her youth.

"Aren't you curious?" She asked.


"How low did I fall?" She looked at Jon right in the eyes.

"Easy there, Jon Dare's only weakness is female villains." He said taking a step back, "But no, I am not really curious. The Queen Mother of Mournhold must have her own ways to protect her people."

"Good way of words you have there, my friend." She said.

"So, what should I call you now? The Old Woman, the White Cat or... Your Majesty, Queen Barenziah."

"My friends call me Berry." She said.

"Oh! Even Jon Dare will have difficulties with that but if suits you... shall I accompany you down the stairs, Berry."

"Oh, pretty please." She said while locking arms with Jon.

"Hold up a second." Jon said as he summoned [Greed], "An opportunity like that comes once in a lifetime."

[Greed] stuck itself on Jon's body ad covered it in one go then turned to a fabric firm and took a final shape.

"That is?" She asked.

"An evening like this requires the right suit." He said as [Greed] took the form of a casual suit and shirt.


"Thank you."

"By the way, I can only maintain this appearance until the middle of the night."

"How super romantic! Tell me you're wearing glass shoes."

"You flirt!"

Leading, her down the stairs, everyone present had a hard time recognizing the Berry. None would believe that this woman with a strong aura is the one and only boss of the Tong.

Until the middle of the night indeed did Berry disappear. Jon cherished those moments with the former Queen, one of the few people he truly admired in this world.


"So, it is time?" Isha asked.

"Yes, it is time." Jon replied.

The four Labourers were already done and it was time to leave. As Dawn passed, the four of them had one last meeting with the Old Woman who returned to her previous appearance.

"My friends, I promised each and every one of you a reward from my vault. Something to remember me with." She said acting all old and wise.

"We will always do." Mirren was somehow touched the most.

"Lanmas, the things." She asked and Lanmas stood next to her with a few small strong boxes.

"When my old friend Torasa Aram, a very knowledgeable collector, fled Mournhold. She left some of her artifacts for me. I used them along the years but I am not as active as I used to be." She said.

"First, this is for you, Isha." She handed one to Isha.

The Latter received it then looked at what's inside. There was a red ring with a strong aura to it.

"[The Vampire Ring], One of the more deadly and rare artifacts in Tamriel is the Vampiric Ring. It is said that the Ring has the power to steal its victim's health and grant it to the wearer. The exact nature and origin of the Ring are wholly unknown. The Vampiric Ring is an extremely rare artifact."

"Amazing!" Isha was gratified from the description.

"As for you, Mirren. That's for you."

Mirren took a similar box and also found a beautiful ring with Altmeri design.

"For a High Elf, this is a treasure artifact. [The Ring of Phynaster], it was made hundreds of years ago by a man who needed good defenses to survive his adventurous life. Thanks to the Ring, Phynaster lived for hundreds of years, and since then it has passed from person to person. The Ring improves its wearer's overall resistance to poison, Magicka, and shock."

"The Ring of Phynaster? Aetherius!" Mirren wasn't believing he was carrying such an artifact that belongs to an Altmeri God.

"Miranda, this is for you."

Miranda was handed another box with a ring too. The style was Altmeri just like Mirren's.

"The [Warlock's Ring] of the Arch Mage Syrabane. In Tamriel's ancient history, Syrabane saved all of the continent by judicious use of his Ring, and ever since, it has helped adventurers with less lofty goals. It is best known for its ability to reflect spells cast at its wearer and to improve his or her speed and to restore health."

"..." Miranda felt the same as Mirren.

Arch Mage Syrabane is basically another Altmeri God. Those two just received Aedric Artifacts.

"And finally, my friend Jon."

"So those three got rings." He said.


"Will I get 'one ring to rule them all'?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, how greedy!" She said while shaking her head with a sly smile.


She took a box and opened it herself then gazed at what's inside. She then took what's in it and put it in Jon's hand.

"A coin... for your trouble." She said.

Everyone looked at what was in Jon's hand and...

"A Septim!" (Isha)

"A Gold Septim!" (Mirren)

"An old Gold Septim!" (Miranda)

"..." Jon gazed at the coin with solid expressions.

The three looked between Jon and the Old Woman. She was looking at him with a grin and his face was hard as rock while looking at the coin.

Isha and Miranda felt awkward but Mirren found the perfect opportunity to get back at Jon.

"Wahahaha! We all got rare treasurers and he got a coin. An Old Woman's Coin."

His victorious tone was clear. Jon teased him too many times until it was finally payback.

But then Jon spoke.

"This is not an Old Woman's Coin, this is an Old Man's Coin... The [Old Man's Coin]. Am I right?" He looked at Barenziah.

"Indeed. It belonged to a dear friend of mine given to him by another old friend of mine. He passed it down for me before he leaves to Akavir and told me I'll know just the man to give this to." She said.

"What are you talking about?" Mirren felt that his victory was baseless.

"This is the [Old Man's Coin]. When the Nerevarine was at the end of his Epic, he met an old man called Wulf, this man was an aspect of the Imperial Divine, Talos. He gave him one of his coin and that is it... the Coin of Tiber Septim." Jon explained.

"What does it do?" Mirren asked.


[Old Man's Coin]

- Fortify Luck


Jon smiled as he launched the coin in the air then it landed precisely in his pocket.

"Best of Luck."


"Never mind."

Jon's mood became much better now.

"There one last thing." Barenziah said and took out a bigger box.

"I intended to give these to you rather than the Coin but you can take them too." She said pushing forward the chest to Jon.

He opened it and saw a pair of Nordic Leather Boots in good condition. Once he touched them, be felt strong magic flowing through them and a Word of Power in the center on the enchantment.

"The [Boots of the Apostle], another relic of Tiber Septim and a true mystery. The wearer of the boots is rumored to be able to fly on the clouds, though nobody has ever seen them used or could even use them." She said.

"Easy, they need knowledge of the Thu'um." Jon said as if it is nothing.

Old Barenziah smiled and nodded.

"Now this is it, my friends. I have nothing more to give you." She said.

"Thank you for your hospitality." Isha said and walked out.

"Thank you." Mirren and Miranda said then looked at Jon.

"I'll follow you in a minute." He said and the two walked out.

Old Barenziah looked at him smiling.

"What is it, my friend?"

"..." Jon found it hard to say what he wanted to say.

"You're worried?" She asked.

"The Thalmor will come to ask questions, the Houses of Morrowind will soon realize that I possess the Tools of Kagrenac and come ask for me, bounty hunters and assassins will come to investigate, the Empire will send someone... your enemies will see the opportunity in this." He said

She smiled and walked to the window.

"Have you ever sailed across an ocean, Jon?"

He shook his head but he anticipated one last story from her.

"On a sailboat... surrounded by water with no land in sight? Without even the possibility of sighting land for days to come? To stand at the helm of your destiny?

I want that, one more time.

I want to be in the Imperial Red Ring festival. To feel the surge as ten racehorses go thundering by.

I want another meal in Summerset, at Auridon, at the Palace of Candles. I want another bottle of Altmeri wine, and another, and another.

One more night of music at the High Rock.

I want to stand on the summits of Skyrim, smoke Dunmeri herbs and feel the sun on my face for as long as I can.

I want to walk Alikr desert again, climb the Adamantine Tower, ride the White River, stare at the Khajiiti Moons.

I want to sit in the garden and read one more good book.

Most of all I want to sleep. I want to sleep like I slept when I was the little sheltered Princess of Mournhold.

Give me that, just one time.

That's why I won't let any punk out there to get the best of me, let alone the last of me."



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