Dragonborn Saga

Chapter 423 Monster 3, 4

Double Chapter! Daily + 5k votes Extra!


(Part 1)

There is what is possibly understandable and what is impossibly understandable. People perceive things based on their mental ability to imagine and understand. What they understand, they cope with and accept as possible even if it is out of their own capabilities but what they don't understand, they fear and discriminate against.

In some periods of time, women with the knowledge of herbal medicine and some simple mechanical understanding were discriminated against as witches. They were gathered and put in cages then got executed in public.

The discrimination of the odd is a common occurrence and can be very contagious in a community. Racial discrimination or skin color discrimination and the list goes on.

This is mostly caused because of a lack of understanding. People hate the odd and what goes beyond their perception. The Order and Chaos theory becomes very obvious in this example. Chaos is the natural state of things as everything is simply made of it, the Order is what our minds could comprehend from that Chaos and that feeling of familiarity towards what we know and what we feel possible to understand.

A good example will be like walking in a new country with a different set of customs and traditions. One may find a certain custom very incompatible with whatever he believes in and from there one rejects the Chaos recognizing it as evil.

Sometimes, this Chaos is too much to understand no matter how open-minded one can be. People may shoot Firebolts from their hands, shout Words of Power by their voices, rule with an iron fist. That is somewhat understandable to a certain degree and recognized by the magical theories.

But when someone has the ability to bring down a fort's wall by pulling it with their sheer mere physical power, to defy the possibility of being shackled by high-end magic seals, to cover a whole city with one spell, to control thousands of lives by sheer charisma and mere words, to tell people what to do and what not to do and organize lives as they see fit, to have a superior will that breaks other wills, to dominate by presence and devastate by force. This is a little bit of a stretch from what is realistically possible even in a magical world.

But it possible to happen.

And when it happens, it will lay waste and wreck havoc being something unstoppable and dominant. People will kneel to whoever controls such a power.

But some won't.

Some will see the Chaos no matter how dominating it becomes and discriminate against it no matter its intentions. They will rebel against the Titans and burn the world with them if they could. They would revolt in the name of fighting against what shouldn't have been given to a mere mortal.

To fight the 'Monsters'.

To start the rebellion against what disturbs the Order and the lives of the decent folk.

To slay the Monsters, free the souls and break the shackles.

Those rebels rise from being broken by the Monsters on a young age and grow up to develop a sixth sense towards those who wield the Power of the Monsters. They call them by many names starting from the Beasts and Monsters going on to the Tyrants and Titans. They feel the necessity to rid the world of the Monsters and start a holy war against them sacrificing everything precious and dear just to take down one mortal.

Those Rebels are merely victims to their own fears antagonizing the mighty and putting on a bitter fight against the odds. A Hero Syndrome of a sort where the victims destroy themselves like eggs thrown at a wall.

But even a wall couldn't withstand what they were going up against, it was pulled down by a single monster that was tied to it. The monster forcefully pulled the chains out of their mechanisms and smiled as he took them as his trophy.

"Nice gain, maybe that will compensate for my wasted time." Jon said as he forcefully opened the shackles on his wrists and kept the chains in the Cube.

The scene in front of him was very much clouded by the rubble of the fallen wall.

Jon kept a sharp gaze at the rubble until the dust cloud settled down and silhouettes started to walk out of the broken wall. The Thalmor mages, the Orc shamans, the Argonians and the Dunmer brigands, as well as the enemies Jon was waiting for, Galam and the Labourers of Malacath and Peryite.

The whole lot of them were spitting and coughing out dust. There were also many with broken limbs and some buried under the rubble. The one receiving them was Jon who was a monster in their eyes as soon as they realized how close they are to him not that there isn't a wall. Someone with such an insane ability put a strong mental barrier between them and the ability to fight him.

Some wills were stronger than others and the ones who sucked up their fear were Galam and his two Orc friends. Galam had Isha's weapon with him, the Spear of Bitter Mercy that can pierce through anything and kill anyone. No matter how strong Krilon can get, no one survived the sting of Bitter Mercy and no armor can protect against it. The Labourer of Malacath had Volendrung, a great hammer that a whole nation was named after it and the Labourer of Peryite had the unshakable shield that can absorb any kind damage, Spellbreaker.

The three were ready to go against the Monster and put on a fight against the odds.

"You bastard! You... Your head is mine!" From the sides, the High Elf Thalmor Arch Wizard Fiandor pushed away the rubble and walked to Jon with eyes reddened from anger.

"All teams, ATTACK!" The Elf shouted.

The area was surrounded by trees and swampy forests, once the elf shouted, a number of presences showed themselves. High Elven Mages and Wood Elven Arcane Archers aiming their spells and magic arrows at Jon.

"Oh! Hello." Jon leisurely smiled and waved at them.

"Kill him!"

As the commander on the Thalmor force shouted, the weirdest of the weird happened. The whole force disappeared in a poof.

Jon couldn't hold it back and laughed hard.

"Sorry, I just… hahaha! I couldn't have imagined… haha… they would disappear like that!"

As Jon was holding his sides from the laughter, Faindor the Arch Wizard became baffled. Almost a hundred elite wizards and arcane archers were here and then they were not. This can't be covered if something serious happened to them. Unlike the battalion that was wiped out at Winterhold which was made of footsoldiers, these hundreds were top elites and candidates for future commanders. He prepared them personally to face someone with Jon Dare's caliber.

Faindor looked at the laughing Jon and his eyes demanded an explanation. Jon cleared his throat and raised his hand.

"A few seconds from now, your people will appear again. It is just a small trick no more. Hahaha! Goodness me, you'll love it."

Jon counted with his fingers then pointed all around him.

At that second, the hundred or so Thalmor agent appeared once again just as he said but something was completely wrong. They way they appeared was something akin to a scene of a horror movie, they were there but their bodies appeared through the trees, the ground, the stones, and some appeared on each other.

The scene was akin to a very resentful Daedric Prince holding some puny mortals together and stuffing them in things or in one another.

How did this happen? Simple. Jon has sent Nefertiti to put down these traps. When he burned the Hist tree and heard something from it, he got an insight that the Chaos and the Shadow are of the same nature. He can employ the Shadow Magic to create Chaos attacks and that were the scrolls he handed to Nefertiti. He asked her to go around and plant these spells he made in the shadows of the enemies who are trying to ambush him. Once that was done, whenever a mage casts a spell, that spell will be absorbed by the scroll and he will be transferred momentarily to the Chaos World. There, Nefertiti, the fairy of shadow, will be waiting for them in all her might. She can just do whatever she wants and she chose to stuff them in objects.

That was all there is to it. Jon trapped them in the Chaos World by their own magic and Nefertiti handled the rest.

The one who sees this will surely look at Jon as someone out of the ordinary. A true Monster just as Galam was saying.

The High Elf Arch Wizard was terrified out of his wits. There was no knowledge of any magical archetype that can do such damage unless one was connected to a high Daedric Lord. Knowing that Krilon is the Labourer of Azura, this must have been it. Even an Arch Wizard is not a match to a Daedra.

His legs stiffened but Jon took action. He used 'Electrohand' and grabbed the mage from his head then pulled him closer with haste. Once the mage was in his grasp, Jon punched a 'Thundercookie' at the mage's abdomen sending him on the ground in agonizing pain.

"Damn! Not dead? You must be carrying some treasure on you, bastard. Very well, looks like some of my friends want to have a chat with you. I'll leave you for later." Jon said and took one of the Magic Sealing Chains and put the mage in it.

"No! Mercy! Mercy!"

"... Nope."

Jon tossed the mage on the side after making him faint. He then looked at Galam and the rest.

"Sorry to make you wait, boys." He said and called for Greed.

Greed moved on its own holding each piece of Jon's armor and weapons then jumped on its owner. Just a couple of seconds went by and Jon was in his full gear in such a bizarre and grotesque manner.

"Shall we begin?"


(Part 2)

Galam kicked his fear aside and put his trust in the spear's power. It is a matter of do or die now.

"Krilon, you monster. No matter what you do, I'll kill you." Galam steeled his will and charged at Jon with his Flaming Aura on.

"Haha! That's more like it." Jon was happy to finally get to face the Champion of Boethiah and let go of his Tyrant Aura.

Its existence put a lot of pressure on Galam and he got to see first hand how overbearing can Jon be in a serious fight.

The Ebony Blade discarded all defense and was swung by Jon's full power but the Spear of Bitter Mercy was used to reflect the attack at Jon with its enchantment.

"Troublesome!" Jon smiled and swung his blade from all possible directions.

Galam seemed to have trained on the spear and the enchantment itself boosted the wielder's ability to wield a spear. Jon seemed to be going to have to fight for some time before he could overpower Galam.

Still, from the side, the Labourer of Malacath attacked with Volendrung.

"Die, human!"

"Seriously, dude! Do you hear your voice?" Jon didn't want to make contact with him so he just used a simple force spell to stagger the Orc away.

From the back, the Labourer of Peryite closed on Jon with his shield, Spellbreaker. Jon wanted to push the bastard away but Galam attacked from the front. They tried to corner Jon.


Jon directed the spear to the other side and kicked at the back but Spellbreaker blocked his kick. The Labourer of Peryite tried to spit a green substance at Jon but Jon teleported behind him and waved the sword at his head. The Labourer of Peryite managed to regain his defensive stance and barely stopped Jon's attack but his right ear was chopped away on the account of his neck.

"I see. A Perfect Defense enchantment. It makes you the ultimate shield user the same way with the Spear of Bitter Mercy and the Ebony Blade… but when you try to attack, you will lose the advantage. Interesting!"

Jon now became hell-bent on breaking the perfect defense of Spellbreaker but soon he was attacked by the Spear of Bitter Mercy and Volendrung at the same time.

"Good combination. Make me feel it!" His thirst for a good fight made him try to extend the battle even longer.

Volendrung was smiting every spot he stood on filling the ground with pits and holes, Spellbreaker was blocking every attack and the Spear of Bitter Mercy was a combination of offense and defense.

"Krilon, you monster! Die!" Galam was enraged by Jon's broken attitude and lost to his rage performing a clumsy attack.

Jon smiled as he found an opening the slapped Galam with all his palm sending the elf away.

"So what if I am monsteeeeeer…"

Jon teleported to where Galam will land and slapped once again.

"... that's been here all along."

[A/n: The meme, guys. The meme!]

Galam crashed to the other side towards his Orcs companions. He tried to stagger his way up the Orcs were attacked.

Karly and Miranda showed up out of nowhere and circled around the Labourer of Malacath then shot him with a quiver worth of arrows. The Orc was not pierced in any vitals so he was kept alive but crippled.

Mirren appeared behind the Labourer of Peryite and took him in rounds and rounds with an unimaginable speed forcing the Orc to spin around himself and then collapse like a fool. Mirren then kicked Spellbreaker away and forced the Orc down.

Jon noticed that both Mirren and Miranda were using a Wind Aura which was clearly unusual in both aptitude and racial preference but that wasn't a big deal anyway.

"That is one unusual way to take down someone." Jon spoke to Mirren.

"If he is the perfect defense then the key is not to attack him. I met a lot of his kind. But… that was one unusual way to take down a fort." Mirren replied.

"Oh! That was just me showing off the gains." Jon wasn't humble about it.

On the other hand, Galam was already up and tried to attack Mirren from the back.

"Not my honey boo, you bastard."

Isha appeared out of nowhere and stuck the spear that Jon gave her to the back of Galam's knee and pinned him down to the ground. She then came in front of him and gave him one angry punch that knocked almost dented his ebony helm and sent him to dreamland.

"Honey boo?" Jon asked.

"Stop it." Mirren wanted to hide his face.

Isha recovered the Spear of Bitter Mercy at once and hugged it as if she missed her ever dear.

"Good job, my friends. Job well done indeed." The Old Woman seemed to have finally walked all the way here.

"Old Cat, one bruised Galam and two Orcs delivered as promised." Jon presented.

"Indeed, thank you. You have my gratitude. Is he conscious?" The Old Woman pointed at Galam.

Isha took his helm off to see his red eyes glaring daggers at Jon and the Old Woman.

The Old Woman sighed and approached Galam was pulled up by Isha.

"Boy, you really shouldn't have done that. You should never have betrayed me." She said.

"Rot in Oblivion, you monster freaks!" Galam shouted at her and Jon.

"What's with this guy? Did the Skooma Cat lick him?" Mirren asked.

"Wait! Sheogorath licks people?" Jon asked.

"It is a common saying in Elsweyr but no… the Skooma Cat didn't lick him." The Old Woman replied at Jon and looked at Galam with pity, "Some people are just fated to not have an aptitude with one another. Galam is a kind that doesn't go well with ours, my friend."

"Oh! I don't get it." Jon frowned.

"I'll tell you later but you will meet more of his kind one day. Those who rebel at magnificence as they don't believe that some were born gifted and walk paths other can't." She said.

"Cause you are freaks." Galam struggled in Isha's hands.

"Hehe! That's the whole thing? What a pity!" Jon became turned down.

"So, boy. Don't you have anything to say?" The Old Woman asked Galam.

"..." He refused to look at her.

"You were sheltered in my house and you betrayed me. A common thing between the cultists of Boethiah but you know that the most thing I value, my gold and my silver is Loyalty, Galam. You didn't just betray me, you betrayed Boethiah when you put your hands with the Labourer of Malacath. You know what that means in your Cult to go in cahoots with the enemy of your Prince." She said.

Galam preferred to keep silent.

"What do you see me as, boy?" She asked.

"You want to here once again? You are a Monster. The Gods doesn't judge you so it is up to others but others can't… so it had to be me." Galam said with pain.

"Yes, you are right… but not all monsters are the same and not every one of us is evil." She said.

"HA! You think I will believe that? It makes me sick imagining myself to be like you, doing what you do. How do you live with yourself, monster?" He asked in a frenzy.

"By saving lives and serving the greater good. I am a sin eater, boy. I absorb the misdeeds of others darkening my soul to keep theirs pure. That's what I am capable of. That's why you see me as a monster but as bad as you may think I am or as far as you may think I am willing to go to protect what I hold dear, you can't possibly fathom how deep the will of mine truly goes. Yes, my boy. I am a Monster." She said in an unshakable tone.

"God I love you!" Jon was so absorbed in her speech which made her smile and shake her head.

"Would you please finish our Orc friends here? Let's not make them suffer more." She suggested.


Miranda and Mirren delivered the finishing blows to the two Orcs and tried to salvage their Daedric Artifact but they disappeared into thin air.

"That's?" Mirren asked.

"I don't think the Daedra who are not on our side would let us just take their things?" Jon explained.

The Altmer twins looked disheartened but Jon pointed them at the Thalmor Arch Wizard he captured. The two seemed to have had an old payback with their kinsman as he started screaming when he saw their faces before they gut him like a fish in a bloody execution.

"What should we do with him?" Isha asked.

The Old Woman closed her eyes weighted by the thought of killing someone who was on her side ones then she remembered what he had done to Narsis and remembered his past too.

"A boy comes home one day to find everything that gives meaning to his life… gone. Corps burned, animals slaughtered, bodies broken apart and shattered on the ground. Everyone he ever loved was taken from him… his parents, his sisters. One can only imagine the pit of despair and… the hours of love and happiness stripped away from him, leaving him to the burden of his very existence. He makes a promise to himself in those dark hours to slay those monsters who play people to death and a life of misery is fated on him. Years go by and his suffering becomes… complicated. One day he stops, that boy who is no longer a boy, and he sees the havoc he left in his wake… It is now he who burns, he who slaughters, and he knows in his heart He Must Pay." The Old Woman said then gazed at the man in front of her, "Doesn't he, Galam?"

Silence overtook the mood. Knowing the man in front of them was something but knowing the man to a deeper degree is another.

"He couldn't help it." Jon said.

"Maybe." The Old Woman said, "Maybe he is not that broken yet. May he can make amends to those he hurt… Or maybe not."

The Old Woman waved her hand in a flash slaying Galam in a second. Isha let go of Galam who fell on the muddy ground taking his last breath.

The Old Woman took a deep breath and refreshed her mood.

"The title of the Champion of Boethiah goes to the man who bested him, Jon Dare. You may as well have the 'Ebony Armor'. I received that word from the Temple last night." She said.

"Thank you." Jon replied.

She turned around and walked a few steps then stopped.

"You Labour is over, my friends. Please be my guests until you receive a word from your prophets and there is a small party and some gifts from me to you. Please."

"By all means."

And by that, Jon's Sixth Labour is over.


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