Dragon King’s Son-In-Law

Chapter 330 - Cutting off??

Chapter 330: Cutting off??

Translator: Noodletown Translated Editor: Noodletown Translated

“Something? What is it?” Zhen Congming was instantly cautious.

This kid was sometimes very generous but could also be very stingy.

“Loan me a set of dharma treasures to build a defense array formation.” Hao Ren was direct with his request.

“How big?” Zhen Congming asked immediately.

“Big enough to guard a cave abode or a whole valley,” Hao Ren said.

Zhen Congming thought for a while and pulled his school bag from his shoulders before taking out a dark box from his bag.

The elementary school uniforms were dashing black suits. Since he couldn’t take things out of his sleeves, he had put his storage space inside his backpack.

“There are 72 dharma flags made with gold essence and a dharma plate made from deep ocean crystals. The array made with them should keep out Gen-level cultivators,” Zhen Congming said confidently as he put the box into Hao Ren’s hand.

Hao Ren thought for a while. Gen-level cultivators were equivalent to top-tier Core Formation Realm cultivators. Such a defense array was enough in Fifth Heaven.

“Thank you.” Hao Ren put the box in his pocket.

“Humph,” Zhen Congming snorted. If he hadn’t been living in Hao Ren’s home and calling Hao Ren ‘big brother’, he wouldn’t have given anything to Hao Ren.

Speaking of what happened, Hao Ren’s grandma also took in Zhen Congming as a grandson after feeding him for a couple of days. Thus, Hao Ren naturally became his older brother.

“Congming, can we bring the puppy home for a few days?” The girls petted Little White and asked Zhen Congming in a fawning way.

“You can have it for a few days. In exchange, Huiqian, you bring me two boxes of the cookies you brought to school yesterday; Xinyan, lend me your PSP for three more days; Lingxue, buy me some crisp chicken at lunch each day…”

Briskly, Zhen Congming listed the conditions for keeping Little White for a few days.

“Ok! Ok…” The girls surrounded Zhen Congming like planets surrounding the sun.

Hao Ren could imagine that any guys who didn’t like Zhen Congming would be killed by the girls’ eyes, and Zhen Congming didn’t have to make any moves himself!

“We can’t loan it to you now!” Seeing Zhen Congming renting Little White out, Hao Ren rushed over and rescued it from the girls’ hands.

“Uncle! Give Little White back to us!” The little girls raised their heads and yelled at Hao Ren.

“You deal with them!” Hao Ren threw the words at Zhen Congming before running away with Little White in his arms.

Under the anxious glances of the girls, Hao Ren carried Little White to a corner before tossing it into his necklace.

It seemed like Zhen Congming had a good school life. No wonder he didn’t want to go back to the East Ocean Dragon Palace. In fact, even Hao Ren was envious of Zhen Congming’s easy life with pretty girls surrounding him each day.

Back in the East Ocean University, morning classes had just begun. Several minutes late, Hao Ren hurried into the classroom.

“You didn’t come back last night again. Did you go out on a date with Xie Yujia?” Sitting in the back row, Zhou Liren arched his eyebrows at Hao Ren. “As a man in love, your complexion is excellent! Last night, did you…”

“Go away!” Hao Ren bumped him to one side and took his seat.

Unlocking two openings in one night, of course, he got a great complexion. However, in Zhou Liren’s eyes, it had a different meaning, especially when he saw Xie Yujia’s complexion had also been excellent recently.

If Hao Ren could cultivate in Fifth Heaven continuously, the result would be better. However, if he were absent from school for an extended period, he would probably be reported missing to the police.

“Hey! Hey!” Zhou Liren bumped Hao Ren with his elbow. “You are close with Su Han, right? Do you know when she will come back to teach us?”

Zhou Liren’s question was the common concern of all the guys at the school. Since Su Han was absence due to her ‘sickness’, the guys missed the super cold and beautiful teacher.

“How would I know? I haven’t seen her recently!” Hao Ren lied.

Zhou Liren looked disappointed, though he had not expected Hao Ren would know about Su Han’s situation.

Hao Ren sat up and looked toward the front row. Xie Yujia was making notes with her head lowered, revealing the back of her white neck beneath her black hair.

“If I bring Xie Yujia to Fifth Heaven, her cultivation progress will probably increase,” Hao Ren thought to himself.

“Hey! Hey!” Zhou Liren bumped Hao Ren again. “Let’s go to the public bathroom together this evening. Zhao Jiayi will come back today.”

“How are his matches recently?” Hao Ren asked him casually.

“They entered the top 16, and the quarterfinals will begin next week.”

“Oh… That sounds good,” Hao Ren said.

“Damn! They entered the national quarterfinals! How could you sound so casual about it!” Zhou Liren almost yelled. Seeing the teacher on the platform glance their way, he immediately lowered his head.

“Yeah. They are awesome.” Hao Ren nodded.

Zhou Liren collapsed onto the desk, wondering how Hao Ren could sound so casual after learning about the exciting news of Zhao Jiayi’s basketball team entering the national quarterfinals.

He didn’t know that Hao Ren’s vision had far surpassed the school. What Hao Ren was concerned about was the general examination of the Dragon God Shrine in one month and the crisis the East Ocean Dragon Clan was facing.

The strength of one Core Formation Realm cultivator was almost equivalent to that of a troop of 30,000 to 50,000 soldiers, and the insignificant results on the basketball court could no longer draw his attention. However, knowing the results of the matches, he was happy for his good buddy Zhao Jiayi.

After his morning classes ended, Hao Ren ate lunch with Zhou Liren in the café before walking to the back of the library alone and letting Little White out. Little White’s fan girls came over and fed it.

After more than ten hours of cultivation in the Fifth Heaven, Hao Ren’s spirit energy had reached its fullest state while Little White had also reached its pinnacle state.

After Hao Ren led Little White out by the meadow behind the library, no one noticed that the bush had grown half a meter in one day, almost blocking the windows of the library.

At this full state, Hao Ren couldn’t absorb more essence in Fifth Heaven, so he settled down and went to his classes to solidify his unlocked openings in the dragon core while spending some time with his roommates.

The evening came. Since Zhao Jiayi and his basketball team wouldn’t be back until six in the evening, Hao Ren took the time to visit Zhao Yanzi in the East Ocean Dragon Palace.

While Zhao Yanzi was grounded in the East Ocean Dragon Palace, he had been thinking of her for the whole day.

“Greetings! Fuma!” The moment Hao Ren entered the main gate of the dragon palace, Premier Xia, with his hunch back, hurried over to greet him.

“Where’s Zi?” Hao Ren asked him.

“In the small palace in the rear,” Premier Xia said humbly.

“Do you mind show me the way?” Hao Ren asked politely.

“Of course! Of course!” With his back bend, Premier Xia led the way.

According to the rules, no one was allowed to visit the princess when she was grounded so that she could reconsider her mistakes in the small room all by herself.

However, Premier Xia had received secret instructions from Zhao Hongyu; if the Fuma came to visit Zhao Yanzi, he was allowed to see her.

Zhao Hongyu thought it might be a good time for them to get closer. Despite the current situation, she appreciated Hao Ren and didn’t want to act too coldly toward him.

The small palace where Zhao Yanzi was grounded was in the very back, far away from the grand palace. Since they were not allowed to fly in the dragon palace, Hao Ren walked for almost half an hour with Premier Xia before they reached Zhao Yanzi’s ‘small black room’.

Concealed in one corner of the dragon palace, the building was indeed tiny. However, at least it had a garden attached to it.

On the ground outside the room was a wooden box containing dishes. Obviously, Zhao Yanzi was still angry and refused to eat.

“Fuma, I can’t go any further, or I’ll break the rules.” Walking Hao Ren to the entrance of the building, Premier Xia stopped.

During the time Zhao Yanzi was grounded, no one was allowed to get close to her. Even the meals were placed outside the door at certain hours, and if she didn’t eat, the meals would be taken away.

Hao Ren’s visit was, in fact, a breach of the rules.

“It’s ok, Premier Xia. You can get back to work.” Hao Ren smiled at Premier Xia.

“I’d better wait here for you.” Premier Xia stood respectfully at the entrance with his hands placed together before him.

It meant that Hao Ren couldn’t stay in Zhao Yanzi’s room for too long.

Stepping over the meal box, Hao Ren pushed open the door and entered the room.

The room was even smaller than the temporary bedroom she was in last time when she was in the East Ocean Dragon Palace. There was one bed, one chair, one small square table, and a side door leading to the small garden in the back.

There were tall walls around the palace, and soldiers guarded the walls. It was impossible for Zhao Yanzi to escape.

At the sight of Hao Ren, Zhao Yanzi, who had been sitting on the bed, snorted loudly.

“Ugh… I saw that you didn’t bring anything here with you yesterday, so I brought you some tutorial materials.” Hao Ren opened his backpack and took out papers, pens, and some exercise books.

Zhao Yanzi looked at Hao Ren with gritted teeth. She was fuming with anger.

“Don’t pout. While you are grounded, you can take the time to review for your exams.” Hao Ren moved the table between the chair and the bed and opened the exercise book.

When he was little, he was often grounded when he was in trouble. However, he had never been grounded for ten days. Obviously, Hao Zhonghua was not as strict of a father as Zhao Guang.

“While I’m grounded, you can flirt with your little Yujia,” Zhao Yanzi pouted and said sourly.

Sitting across from Zhao Yanzi, Hao Ren felt wronged. In fact, he hadn’t even spoken with Xie Yujia today yet because he had been thinking about Zhao Yanzi who was grounded in the East Ocean Dragon Palace. Besides, he had been engrossed in cultivation and had no time.

However, Hao Ren didn’t want to admit the truth to her. Glancing at her pouting lips, he said on purpose, “Yeah. Since you were not there, I took the opportunity to go out with her.”

“You!” Zhao Yanzi scowled and reached for the books on the table to hit him with it.

But Hao Ren was faster than her, catching her hand immediately.

Zhao Yanzi tried to draw her hand away but failed. Frustrated, she cussed, “Jerk!”

Holding her small soft hand under his, Hao Ren laughed at her agitation. “Well! I came over to visit you as soon as my class ended, and you are still not satisfied!”

Zhao Yanzi glared at him and drew back her hands before looking up fiercely. “When I get out, I’ll teach Xie Yujia a lesson!”

“I was just kidding! She and I…” Hao Ren hurried to explain. After all, Zhao Yanzi was close to the Foundation Establishment Realm, and Xie Yujia was no match for her if they fought.

“Humph! Humph!” Zhao Yanzi snorted loudly.

She looked angry, but she was touched deep inside. From last night until now, only Hao Ren visited her. Even her parents didn’t come to see her.

However, Hao Ren didn’t understand the mind of girls and had no clue if she was happy or angry deep inside.

“We don’t have much time. Let’s begin reviewing.” Glancing at her stiff expression, he reopened the exercise book. “Yesterday, we discussed the real roots of quadratic equations. Today, I got a problem for you…”

Zhao Yanzi rolled her eyes at Hao Ren and thought, “He’s such an idiot. I’ve stayed inside for a whole day, and all he does is tutor me…”

However, seeing Hao Ren’s earnest and patient look, she didn’t want to waste his time and effort; she gathered her thoughts and listened to him attentively.

Standing outside the palace, Premier Xia pricked his ears and heard the confusing words of “x^2+2x+1”. Although he didn’t understand a word of it, he relaxed knowing that the princess was safe.

“The Fuma is a kind and decent man.” With a smile, Premier Xia closed his eyes and rested while standing at the door.

Two hours later, Hao Ren came out of the room looking fatigued.

Immediately, Premier Xia walked over and lifted Hao Ren’s hand.

“Zi’s hungry. Please send her a midnight snack later,” Hao Ren said to Premier Xia when they walked out of the palace.

“I will!” Premier Xia answered immediately.

“I talked to her for a whole day standing out of the room, and the princess was stubborn and wouldn’t eat or drink. However, the Fuma visited her for a while, and Princess Zi admitted to being hungry. Well…” Premier Xia thought to himself while walking Hao Ren to the main gate of the dragon palace.

“And is there anything special happening in the dragon palace?” While they were walking toward the main gate, Hao Ren asked in a seemingly casual way.

“Ah, things in the dragon palace…” As the head manager of the dragon palace for hundreds of years, Premier Xia immediately understood Hao Ren’s question. After some consideration, he continued, “Things are not as good as before.”

He knew exactly what he should and shouldn’t say. However, Premier Xia was grateful to Hao Ren’s sincerity towards him and decided to give him some hints.

“The incident about your destruction of half of the West Ocean Dragon Palace is spreading to each corner of the dragon palace. Some applauded you, and some disapproved of your impulsiveness. Many of them are saying that the fire in the West Ocean Dragon Palace is spreading to the East Ocean Dragon Palace. Hehe, maybe my old ears were playing tricks on me, but I seem to… have heard some of the purple-robed senior elders suggesting stripping your status as the Fuma to end the crisis.”

Premier Xia looked old with his hunch back, and his words were not connected. However, he had delivered the most important information to Hao Ren.

At Hao Ren’s expectant look, Premier Xia yawned and covered his mouth. “I was sleepy. What did I say?”

“Premier Xia, you said nothing,” Hao Ren answered cooperatively.

However, Hao Ren had a general idea of the situation, knowing that the purple-robed elders in the dragon palace were the most powerful and influential elders.

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